BLRS Meaning

The BLRS meaning is "Bateau L". The BLRS abbreviation has 12 different full form.

BLRS Full Forms

  1. Bateau L
  2. Bill Losey Retirement Solutions
  3. Billings Land Reclamation Symposium
  4. Bateau LéGer De Reconnaissance Et Sauvetage
  5. Bank Loan Ratings
  6. Broad Line Regions
  7. British Limb Reconstruction Society Medical, Surgery, Orthopaedic
  8. British Land Reclamation Society Technology, Science, Environment
  9. Bilateral Lateral Rectus Resections Medical
  10. Business and Labor Resource Service
  11. Bureau of Local Roads & Streets
  12. Bureau of Local Roads and Streets

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLRS stand for?

    BLRS stands for Bilateral Lateral Rectus Resections.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bateau LéGer De Reconnaissance Et Sauvetage?

    The short form of "Bateau LéGer De Reconnaissance Et Sauvetage" is BLRS.


BLRS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated