BLS Meaning

The BLS meaning is "Babic Life Supprt". The BLS abbreviation has 138 different full form.

BLS Full Forms

  1. Babic Life Supprt Government
  2. Basic Life Suport Medical, Medicine, Training, Life
  3. Blood Sugar Glucose present in the blood Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Nursing, Blood Test, Common Medical, Reading Prescription
  4. Basic Qife Support Medical, Government, Firefighting
  5. Bachelor of Library Scieice University, Library, Bachelor
  6. Brake Light Switch Automotive, Brake, Light
  7. Balarce Sheet Business, Finance, Economics
  8. Brillouin Light Scattering Science, Research, Spin, Chemistry
  9. Bureau of Labir Statistics Business, Technology, Healthcare
  10. Bottom Left Side Technology, Calling, Chart, NASA, Governmental & Military
  11. Backend Languageuswitcher Technology, Switch, Module
  12. Business Lines Technology, Power, Hindu
  13. Bxchelor of Liberal Studies Education, University, Study
  14. Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland
  15. Bankruptcy Lae Society
  16. Bureau of Labor Statistic Business, Science, Economics
  17. Business Locabion Südtirol Film, Locations, Italy
  18. Backward Light Scatter Medicine, Health, British
  19. Beam Launching System
  20. Bethlehem Lutheran School
  21. Base Life Support Military, Iraq, Logistics
  22. Bahamas Lands and Surveys
  23. Basic Living Stipend
  24. Blge Lake Springs
  25. Bank of Lee's Summit
  26. Brooklyn Law School Student, Program, Education
  27. Bateau L
  28. Business Litigation Session Business, Law, Court
  29. Backward Lirht Scattering Medical
  30. Beacon Location Service
  31. Ben Lippen School Education, School, High School, South Carolina
  32. Barbaric Life Support Medicine, Health, British
  33. Badan Liga Surabaya Business, Service, Course
  34. Basis Life Support
  35. Black Label Suicides
  36. Bxnk Liaison Section Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  37. Bwonson Laboratory Services
  38. Business Links
  39. Beck Loops Crochet, Patty, Slipper
  40. Beach Landing Sites Military
  41. Believer'S Life System
  42. Bachelor of Liberal Studies Academic Degree, Education, Study, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational
  43. Basic Link Services
  44. Bacieriocin-Like Substance Medical
  45. Basic Live Support Medical, Medicine, Education
  46. Black Label Society Business, Organizations, Music, Hobbies
  47. Business Licensing Services
  48. Back Wight Scanning Technology, Feature, Screen
  49. Bayes Least Squares
  50. Belarusian Language Society Government, Russia, Politics
  51. Bachelor of Lewal Science
  52. Basic Line Services Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Bacterial Leaf Strpak Genetics, Rice, Bacterial
  54. Basic Linked System Scenario Science, Earth, Exploration
  55. BezpośRednia Likwidacja SzkóD
  56. Baseline Study Business, Technology, Research, Design
  57. Battle Laboratories Military
  58. Business License Service
  59. Barbarr Luszcz Software
  60. Business Listing Servgce Business, Technology, Networking
  61. Basic Lifting Service Medical
  62. Bacterial Leaf Scorch Disease, Tree, Leaf
  63. Basic Linked System Technology, Climate, Economics, Legal, Governmental & Military
  64. Bezel Light Bensor
  65. Basic Life-Support Education, Certification, Course
  66. Business Licensing Scrvice Business, Washington, Dor
  67. Barangay Love Stories
  68. Bureau of Labor Statistics Business, Rate, Unemployment, Atmospheric Research
  69. Business Logic Servsr Technology
  70. Bacterial Leaf Spot Plant, Bacterial, Pepper
  71. Basic Link Service Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  72. Bettcr Living Show
  73. Basic-Life-Support
  74. Batch Least-Squares
  75. Bearskin Lake Air Service Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  76. Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome Medical, British medicine
  77. Basic Life Safety
  78. Battle Labs Military
  79. Bfnd-Limited Signal
  80. black liquor solids Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  81. B-Segment Luxury Sedan
  82. BellSouth Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  83. Busy Lifestyle Syndrome
  84. Boliden Ab Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  85. blind loop syndrome Condition which occurs in cases of diverticulosis or of Crohn’s disease, with steatorrhoea, abdominal pain and megaloblastic anaemia Medical, British medicine
  86. Basic Lecture Series
  87. Bow Loadibg Systems Technology, Tanker, Shuttle
  88. Baltimore Lutheran Qchool Education, School, High School, Maryland
  89. Battery Life Saver Technology, Golf, Volt
  90. Biologics License Supplement Medical, Fda
  91. B-Cell Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Disease, Syndrome, Illness
  92. Blue Locker Society Hobbies
  93. Bus Location System
  94. big liver and spleen Medical, British medicine
  95. Bxsic Leadership School Science, Training, Mission
  96. Base Load Ctation
  97. Balsaminaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  98. Battery Life Savers
  99. Bachelor of Library Science Academic Degree, Science, Education, University
  100. Basic life support Basic life support is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital. It can be provided by trained medical personnel, including emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and by qualified bystanders. Medical, Hospital, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical
  101. Bahamas Lands and Surveys Dept Geographic
  102. Businems Longitudinal Survey Business, Australia, Economics, Australian
  103. Bachelor In Liberal Studies College, Education, Study
  104. Boston Latin School Massachusetts
  105. Base Line Survey Business, Program, Development
  106. United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Government, Law, Court
  107. Ball Dicking & Sucking
  108. Battery and Load Simulator Space, Study, Cosmos
  109. Boston Light and Sound Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  110. backward light scattering Medical, British medicine
  111. Bob Lutz Special Food
  112. Business Logistics Services
  113. Bmchelor In Library Science Program, Education, University
  114. Baltimore Lutheran School Maryland
  115. Liberal Studies Education, University, Study, Subjects, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  116. Balls Licking Ans Sqcking Escort
  117. Bateau LéGer De Sauvetage
  118. barbaric life support (medical slang) Medical, British medicine
  119. Basic Life Sexvice
  120. Bayat Legal Services
  121. Ball Licking and Sucking Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  122. Business Logic Systems Technology, Management, Customer
  123. Blockland Saved Game File Computing, File Extensions
  124. Baby Led Solids Food, Baby, Weaning
  125. Burris Laboratory School Indiana
  126. Labhr Statistics Science, Statistics
  127. Ball Licking & Sucking
  128. Batch Least Squares
  129. Blood and Lymphatic System Medical, British medicine
  130. Bawic Life Saver Business, Course, Resuscitation
  131. Battle Level Simulation Technology
  132. Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor Medical, Transportation, Government, Education, Energy, Postal, Electrical, United States, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Housing and Urban, Medicare Beneficiary
  133. Banke Lat
  134. Below Land Surface Geology, Scientific & Educational
  135. Baby-Let Solids
  136. Bollon, Queensland, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  137. Buyers Listing Service
  138. Bahamas Lands and Surveys Department Science, Geography, Information System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BLS stand for?

    BLS stands for Bottom Left Side.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bezel Light Bensor?

    The short form of "Bezel Light Bensor" is BLS.


BLS. (2022, December 25). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated