BM Meaning
The BM meaning is "Bnwel Movement". The BM abbreviation has 819 different full form.
BM Full Forms
- Bnwel Movement Medical, Nursing, Obstetrics
- Bachelor of Munic Academic Degree, Education, Bachelor's Degree
- Bone Marnow Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Bachelor of Music Academic Degree, Program, Education, Bachelor's Degree, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- British Museum Science, London, Anthropology, Genealogy, History, Archaeology, Scientific & Educational
- Beastfmachines
- Blonde Moment Forum, Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
- Bone Marrow Aspirates Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Business Mauager Technology, Management, Manager
- Bethlem Myapathy Medical, Dystrophy, Muscular, Collagen
- Betamethasone Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Builders Merchants
- Boogie Man
- Bank Muamalat Business, Management, Manager
- Biological Motion Medical
- British Military
- Bearer Managvr Technology, Management, Networking, Network
- Blog Malaysia
- Bone Marrow-Derived Medical, Cell, Mesenchymal
- Boatswain'S Mate Assistant to a boatswain A petty officer whose duties are to repeat all orders and 'pipes', and to assist the officer of the watch Technology, Military, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Basal Medium An unsupplemented medium which promotes the growth of many types of microorganisms which do not require any special nutrient supplements. Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Best Match
- Bugger Me Forum, Technology, Internet Slang
- Board Meeting Business, Management, Report
- Bone Mineral
- Bank Mandiri Business, Management, Indonesia
- Biochemislry and Molecular
- Brand Master Business, Trading, Supply
- Baam Transportation, Construction, Architectural
- Blog, Malaysia
- Bolsa De Mercadorias Business, Coding, Trading
- Bermuja Locations, Countries, Country
- Bestyman Internet Slang, Wedding, Chord
- Buccal Mucosa Medical
- Beatsjme
- Blue Mountain Locations, River, Chord
- Bone Metastases Medical
- Bangsa Malaysia
- Myanmar The country formerly known as Burma. It is not a major crude oil producer. Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Olympic, Burma, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes
- Bi-Mondhly Business, Software, Magazine
- Branch Manager Business, Management, Stock Market, Banking, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Beachmasteb Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Block Move In word processing, a block is a group of characters that you have marked to perform some action on them. For example, to move a section of text, you must first block it. This is sometimes called a block move. Technology, Gaming, Software, Manual
- Bolinder Munktell Business, Volvo, Tractor
- Bad Manners Gaming, Hearthstone, Chord
- Berthing Master Military, Indonesia, Banking
- Brown Midrib Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Beast Mountain Gaming, Locations, Taipei, Cheat
- Blower Motor Business, Auto, Quality
- Bone Mass Medical
- Bandwidth Manager Technology, Management, Networking, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Bevelling Machines
- Biomedical Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healthcare
- Brain Metastasis Medical
- Bayesian Method Medical
- BirleşMiş Milletler'De
- Bermuda Muscc
- Brownian Motion Brownian motion or pedesis is the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the quick atoms or molecules in the gas or liquid. The term "Brownian motion" can also refer to the mathematical model used to describe such random movements, which is often called a particle theory. Technology, Model, Distribution
- Beast Mastery Guide, Talent, Beast
- Bloody Mary Recipe, Chord, Peach, Food
- Bone Marrows Medical
- Babesia Iicroti Medical
- Between Me Internet Slang, Lyric, Message, Chord
- Building Material
- Brain Macrophages Medical
- Baume & Mercier
- Birleģmiģ Milletaer Turkish, Language, Bug
- Bermuda Monetary
- Bronchial Mucosa Medical
- Beast Master Guide, Pet, Beast, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions
- Blood Monocyte Medical
- Bone Marrow Cells Medical, Heart, Therapy
- Bufiness Management Education, Corps, Privacy
- Bette Midler
- Building Manager Business, Science, Management
- Boyer Moore Technology, Algorithm, String
- Banque Mondiale Business, Banking, Pay
- Birleflmifl Milletler Art, Turkish
- Business Metrics Technology, Management, Manager
- Bio Medical Business, Technology, Medicine
- Bobby Morris
- Beach Master An officer whose duties are to supervise the landing of stores, and the disembarkation of men, on a beach Beacon Erection on land, or in shoal waters, intended as a guide or warning to vessels navigating in sight of it May be fitted with a light, or lights, or may emit a radio signal Always carries some distinctive characteristic so that it may be identified
- Break and Make Business, Music, Lyric
- Black Monkey
- Bottin Mondain
- Branch Onimixed
- Bower Megapack Business, Book, Story
- BulaşıK Makineleri Program, Turkish, Bosch
- Battery Module Business, Power, Minuteman
- Best Magajine Technology, Italy, Issue
- Bain Marie Business, Heat, Equipment, Catering
- Bluff Master
- Bau Mulut Business, Sex, Money, Tips
- Brother Marquis
- BirleşMiş Milletler'In Turkish, Program
- Iso Country Code for Bermuda Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Bank Messenger Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Bolton Museum
- Bench Marking
- Bravery Medal Australia, Military, Australian
- Baccalaureus Medicinae
- Block Manuel
- Brick and Mortor
- Burmau Mobile
- Bristol-Myers
- Balik Mayggagawa Business, Employment, Philippine, Processing
- Butea Monosperma
- Bishop Middleham
- Business Mirror
- Beautinul Midnight
- Branch Laterial Military
- Bryan Murray
- Blackwoog's Magazine
- Basefmonetaria Para, Con, Dinero
- Bachelors of Music Program, Education, University
- Burstein-Moss
- Binding Multiple Technology, Protein, Cell
- Blue At The Mizzen
- Battle Mac Computing, Hardware
- Bewernick MöBeltransporte
- Bayan Muna
- Broad Market
- Bare Metal Technology, Management, Boot
- Borgo Maggiore
- Begin, Menachem
- Breadth Moulded This is the maximum beam, or breadth, of the ship measured inside the inner shell strakes of plating, and usually occurs amidships. Business, Sale, Ship, Tanker
- Beatae Memoriae Latin, Roman
- Bundesverband Mediation Business, Fur, Mediator
- Big Magnet
- Block Ef Memory
- Brevet Major
- Bad Mhat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Ballsmill Business, Manufacturer, Equipment
- Birle Mi Miiletler
- Banded Mail
- Bodger Man
- BoÎTe Mobile
- Bruce Mcgaw
- Blood Money Bonus sometimes paid usually to a keeper of a seaman's boarding house for finding a seaman to fill a vacancy in crew Gaming, Money, Hitman
- Barryamorse
- Bwreifte M
- Brevet De MaÎTrise Formation, Tier, Coiffure
- Business & Management
- Bill Mazeroski
- Boatswain‘S Mate Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Business Men
- Biomass Moisture Business, Product, Measurement
- Body Material
- Be A Beniin Melanoma Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Ballistic Missile NASA, Governmental & Military
- Black Moment
- Barkevious Mingo
- Both Bone Marrow Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Branch On Minus
- Bowel Movement Act of passing faeces out of the body through the anus Medical, Health, Constipation, Obstetrics, Physical Therapy, Pregnancy, Physiology, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Reading Prescription
- Bulat Main Military, Battle, Tank
- Big Mother Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Battery Materials
- Bergram Mackennal Medal, King, Coin
- Bailey Morris
- Bluewater Mission
- Battlespace Management Technology, Military, Control
- Brooks Memorial Education
- Birleşmiş Milztler Vet, Barbuda, Lama
- Full-Rate Traffic Channel Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Bank Melgi
- Bolsa De Madrid Business, Supply, Market, Stock
- Bell Marievta
- Blow Molding A method of fabrication in which a warm plastic parison (hollow tube) is placed between the two halves of a mold (cavity) and, by using air pressure, the parison is forced to assume the shape of the cavity. The air pressure is introduced through the inside of the parison. The air pressure forces the plastic against the surface of the mold that defines the shape of the container. Technology, Product, Machine
- Basal Membrane Medical
- Bermuda Maps
- Brick & Mortar Business, Music, Shopping
- Bureauzm
- Bill Muckalt
- Bristish Museum
- Balik-Mangyagawa Business, Employment, Philippine, Certificate
- Bishop Mcdevitt
- Button Macrb Guide, Cast, Gnome
- Beau Modde
- Benchmark The performance of a predetermined set of securities, for comparison purposes. Such sets may be based on published indexes or may be customized to suit an investment strategy. Science, Research, Study, Aerospace, Knowledge, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Bryan Morris
- Blackrock Mountain Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Base Modulu Technology, Power, Connection
- Bookletpmakers
- Bachelor of Midwifery Academic Degree, Medical, Education, University, Nursing, Bachelor's Degree, Professional Title, Medical Qualification, Postnominal, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Binding Module
- Bluestone Metallic
- Battlefield Maintenance Military
- Beda Mu
- Baxter Memorial Education
- Broadcast Multicast
- Bardon Mill
- Before Microwave
- Bread Mixes
- Bataillon De Marche
- Big Mac Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Block Menu
- Brevets De MaÎTrise
- Bsd Mannered
- Biel-Magglingen
- Ballistic Missiles Missile, Military, Range
- Black Mafia Music, Family, Documentary, Mafia
- Bandas De MÚSica
- Bonus Matchinm
- Bleomycin Bleomycin is a medication used to treat cancer. This includes Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer among others. Typically used with other cancer medications, it can be given intravenously, by injection into a muscle or under the skin. It may also be administered inside the chest to help prevent the recurrence of a fluid around the lung due to cancer; however talc is better for this. Medical, Technology, Medicine, British medicine
- Boy Moment
- Bruce Maccabee
- Blood Meridian
- Baxry Margolin
- Berat Molekul
- Brevet De Ma
- Bushdaster Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Bill Madlock
- Boatswains Mate Military, Rating, Boatswain
- Business Membership
- Biology and Medicine Medical, Technology, Research
- Body Mass Medical, Health, Weight, Physiology
- Bch In Medicioe
- Broken Mirror
- Black Maoic Business, Product, Chord
- Baris Misyonuna
- Bortezomib Maintenance
- Branch Mint
- Botanical Mkgazine
- Bukti Memorial Business, Accounting, Prose, Flowchart
- Big Miracle
- Battery Manufacturing
- Berthing Mechanism Technology
- Bad Monkey
- Beer Manufacturer
- Brooks Macdonald
- Birleşik Milletlhr Turkish
- Fsu Truck-Mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher Intelligence, Defense, Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Bank Manager Business, Management, Banking
- Bollywood Masti
- Bell, Marietth
- Brad Miller Baseball, Miller, Daddy
- Bloody Marvelous
- Basil Medium Medical, Science, Cell
- Berlxkamp-Massey Technology, Coding, Algorithm, Decoding
- Bueası Muştur Len, Man, Ark
- Bill Mnrris
- Bluetooth Manager
- Brisbane Marketing
- Bahearic Masters Technology, Music, House
- Bishop Mark
- Bct The Most
- Beacs Music
- Bermuda Science, Space, Cosmos, Sport, Olympic, Bermuda, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, NOTAM Contractions
- Bryan Mcdonald
- Black Mountain
- Base Mzdel Technology, Broadway, Similarity
- Book To Market Business, Supply, Stock, Equity, French
- Bachelor of Management Education, University, Course
- Bulk Modulus Forming processes, such as extrusion Forging, rolling and drawing, in which the input material is in billet rod or slab fonn and a considerable increase in surface-to-volume ratio in the formed part occurs under the action of largely compressive loading. Compare with sheet forming.
- Binding Medium Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
- Blue Mtns
- Battlefield Management
- Beta Xale Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Bavarian Meat
- Broadcast Messages Technology, Command, Message
- Butyl Uercaptan
- Barbarian Might Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Bombeiro Militar Technology, Para, Dos, Pol
- Before Mayor Organization, Union, Institution
- Breadpmachine
- Bataillon De Mitrailleurs
- Biene Maja
- Block Maxima
- Bridge Management
- Bad Vanner
- Burgerjmachine
- Ballmstic Material
- Black Nachined
- Business Monitor Business, Product, Price
- Banco Mundial Para, Con, Internacional
- Bonus Malus Auto, Assurance, Coefficient
- Beauty Mineral
- Boyle-Mariotte
- Brown Middle
- Blood Meal Medical, Protein, Malaria
- Barrr Mann
- Benpoquinone Mustard Medical
- Brettmmyers
- Backhaul Module
- Bus-Matching
- Bilim Merkezi Turkish, Gen
- Boatswains-Mate Military, Ship, Rating
- Bi-Metal
- Biological Mom Children, Family, Mother
- Bodyguard Minister
- Baş Muharrir Turkish, Gen, Bey
- Brogan Maintenance
- Block Management
- Barisan Muda Indonesia, Jakarta, Surabaya
- Borough Manager
- Behavioral Modeling
- Branch Metuics Technology, Decoder, Viterbi
- Bos Mas Latin, Roman
- Bukit Maluri
- Big Mike
- Basim Matti
- Berthing Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Bhd Moms
- Business Member Business, Australia, Directory
- BirleÞMiÞ Milletler Program, Planning
- BăNcii Mondiale Din, Care, Moldova, Mondiale
- Band Merch
- Bolliger & Mabillard Park, Ride, Coaster
- Beli Manastir Business, Portal, Croatia
- Brad Marchand Business, Hockey, Card
- Blood Moss
- Barış Misyonu'nun
- Berkat Motor Honda, Yamaha, Pulsar, Motor
- Bundle Monster Plate, Nail, Monster, Stamping
- Bill Moygan
- Bobby Mitchell
- Baitul Maal
- Butterfly Mcqumen
- Beatae Memorkae
- Bombesin Medical
- Brussels Metropolitan
- Black Morass Gaming, Guide, Warcraft, Morass
- Base Miss
- Book-To-Market
- Brandcmanager Business, Management, Marketing
- Bachelor of Marketing Technology, Management, University
- Bula Mail
- Bibary Multiplying
- Blue Mountains Australia, Locations, Trip
- Battery Mount
- Best Matchmng Technology, Algorithm, Match, Okapi
- Briones Montoto
- Bavaria Motel
- Broadcast Message Business, Berry, Blackberry
- Button Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Barbarian Mercenary Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Bombardamento Marittimo
- Before Mall Organization, Union, Institution
- Breadboabd Model
- Basic Mathematics
- Block Iatching Technology, Vision, Algorithm, Stereo
- Brides Maid
- Badger Mindng
- Burfau of Mines Technology, Science, Group
- Bridge Module Technology, Product, Power
- Ballet Manila Organizations, Philippine, Dance
- Buttew& Montana
- Bistable Multivibrator
- Business Models Technology, Customer, Innovation
- Banco Mercantil Organizations
- Beauty Makeup
- Boyevaya Mashina
- Brown Mahogany
- Basilar Membrane Medical, Hearing, Cochlea, Physiology
- Bektley Manor
- Bret Michaels
- Background Bone Marrow Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Burston-Marsteller
- Biological Molecular Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Bhayanak Maut Music, Metal, Album
- Birim Maliyeti Turkish, Bay
- Body-Mounted Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Bazaar Mklay
- Book Mark
- Brock Masters
- Barge Master Technology, Crane, Motion
- Boron Measurement Technology
- Behavioral Medicine
- Brinch Metric Technology, Decoder, Viterbi
- Bona Meus Latin, Roman
- Built Inmmicrowave
- Big Mek
- Bilgisayar Mikrofoz
- Brian Mcdonald
- Bad Message Communication, Chat, Online
- Birle Mi Mildetler
- BüYüKelçIsi Madeleine Internet, Ola, Turkish
- Band Memorabilia
- Boletim Mensal
- Belgian Malidois Dog, Shepherd, Puppy, Belgian
- Bracket Matching Technology, Gaming, Python, Expression
- Bruch'S Membrane Medical, British medicine
- Blood Moon
- Baryonin Matter
- Beriba Minggu Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Metro
- Bundesverbandes Mediation Coaching, Mediation, Mediator, Supervision
- Bill Moran
- Bobbs Merrill
- Business Machine
- Bob Mackie
- Beayt Mode
- Brush Master Professional, Brush, Makeup
- Black Moon A term used to describe an extra new that occurs in a season. It usually refers to the third new moon in a season with four new moons. The term is sometimes used to describe a second new moon in a single month.
- Basement Membranes Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Bouger Meister Gaming, Coding, Cheat
- Brand Management Business, Manager, Vanguard
- Bachelors of Medicine
- Bulent Murtezaoglu
- Binary Multiply
- Blue Moon A term used to describe an extra full that occurs in a season. It usually refers to the third full moon in a season with four full moons. Note that a blue moon does not actually appear blue in color. Business, Chord, Lemon, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Battery Monitoring Technology, Power, Monitor
- Best Mates
- Bring Money
- Baiu Medrash
- Bmw Bayerische Motoren Werke (Bavarian Motor Works), Bavarian Motor Works, Bomwali, Bio-Medical Waste, Boy Meets World. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Vehicle Makes
- Bautz-Morgan Science, Group, Galaxy, Astronomy
- Broadcast Manager Technology
- Buttoz Masher Gaming, Challenge, Smash, Masher
- Bank Mutiara
- Boltzmann Machines Technology, Networking, Learning, Machine
- Beer Money
- Brazilman Mercantile
- Bachelor of Medicine Science, Education, Surgery, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Medical, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Academic Degree, Bachelor's Degree
- Block Mark
- Brick Master
- Bade Migaan Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Bridge Modem
- Balkankka Mafia
- But Require Bons Marrow Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Bis Morgen
- Business Modelling Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Banco De M
- Beauty Make Beauty, Brush, Cosmetic, Makeup
- Boyer-Moore Technology, Algorithm, String, Software, Computing
- Budi Mulia Business, Indonesia, Guru, Alumni
- Blaky Mason
- Basic Movement
- Benchmark Model
- Back-Medium
- Burst Monibor
- Biological Mother Children, Family, Child, Mother
- Bhagwan Marine
- Bodisa Notor
- Bayesian Mapping
- Booklet Making
- Brochner-Mortensen
- Bare Mountain
- Born-Mayer
- Beginning Mark
- Branch Mayke
- Bending Moment The result of vertical forces acting on a ship as a result of local differences between weight and buoyancy. The total of these forces should be zero, otherwise change of draft will occur. Technology, Force, Beam, Engineering, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Built-In Microwave
- Big Meat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Bvog Do Moura Technology, Para, Dos, Pol
- Brian Macdonald
- Bid Meinberg
- Birlesmis Milletler Turkish
- Band Master Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Boise Meridian
- Belcheromemorial Education
- Brachymorphic Medical
- Bruce Morse
- Blood Monocytes Medical
- Barqky Mesh Gaming, Furniture, Light, Mesh
- Beretta Modification
- Bxean Murray
- Business-Model Technology, Design, Innovation
- Bill Moorw
- Bobbs-Merrill
- Business Micros
- Biomend Medical
- Bobby Murcer Baseball, Card, Checklist
- Bear Mountain
- Brush Management
- Black Monster
- Boogey Man
- Bganded Men
- Bachelor Medicinae Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Bulaşık Makgne Program, Turkish, Bosch
- Blue Mist Technology, Laboratory, Finishing
- Battery Monitor A feature that monitors the voltage on a battery and indicates when the battery is low. It is usually implemented using a comparator to compare the battery voltage to a specified level. May also include functions such as charging, remaining capacity estimation, safety monitoring, unique ID, temperature measurement, and nonvolatile (NV) parametric storage. Business, Instrument, Clipper
- Best Male
- Brine Maker
- Baird Mountains
- Bluff Me
- Baustoff Metall
- Bristol Mercury
- Monitor The term "monitor" is often used synonymously with "computer screen" or "display." The monitor displays the computer's user interface and open programs, allowing the user to interact with the computer, typically using the keyboard and mouse. Older computer monitors were built using cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which made them rather heavy and caused them to take up a lot of desk space. Medical, Science, Medicine, Aviation, Space, Veterinary, Telecom, Ship, NASA, Telecommunications, Hull Code, Aeronautics, Surface Combatant, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Motorhomes
- Bank Muscat Business, Company, Market
- Boltzmann Machine Technology, Networking, Learning
- Bench Marks Technology, Geodesy, Benchmark
- Brazilian Male
- Bachelor In Multimedia
- Bllck Map
- Brick Mason
- Bureau of Medicine Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
- Bridge Master
- Balkav Motor
- Butler Matrix Technology, Antenna, Beam
- Bishop Museum
- Business Model Business, Service, Innovation
- Banco De MoçAmbique Technology, Para, Mozambique
- Bexutiful Music-Easy
- Birmingham Organization, Locations, City, Union, Institution
- Bottling Master
- Budget Month
- Blyde Mail Gaming, Military, Guide
- Base Money Business, Economics, Instrumental
- Bach Ma
- Burst Modem Technology, Telecom
- Bin Mohammed
- Battle Mage
- Bezer Ministries
- Bobot Molekul
- Bayerische Meisterschaft
- Broad Money Financial, Business & Finance
- Bare Minerals
- Boring Mill Business, Machine, Vertical
- Beginner'S Meeting
- Breakdown Maintenance A policy of plant repair only after it has failed. Technology, Management, Equipment
- Bench Mark Line cut in stone of a permanent erection to indicate a datum level or a distance from datum British practice uses a line and an indicating small arrow; USA uses a 3i-in disc of copper alloy Genealogy, Genealogical, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Budi Rulya Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
- Big Matters
- Bloc Moteur
- Brewer-Fast
- Bad Medicine
- Ball Milled
- Birlemiş Milletler Turkish, Program
- Band Major Music, Guitar, Metal
- Body Mechanics
- Bedajar Membaca Business, Gaming, Android, Play
- Brachialis Muscle Short, strong muscle originating at lower end of humerus (q.v.) and inserting into ulna (q.v.). Operates at mechanical disadvantage, powerful flexor of forearm, employed when lifting.
- Bruce Miller
- Blood Monitoring Medical, Medicine, Oncology, Blood Test
- Barry Murphy
- Bjreifte Mörder
- Brevets De Ma
- Business Managers Business, Management, Service
- Bill Eiller
- Boba Marines Gaming, Khi, Tho
- Banach Manur
- Blade Master Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Booster Model
- Broker Manager Business, Management, Building, Estate
- BüNdner Monatsblatt
- Barking Mad
- Behaviour Modelling
- Big Mountain Baby, Love, Mountain, Chord, Regional
- Blond Eode Internet Slang
- Boston and Maine Railroad Corporation Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Brian Mlcann Baseball, Card, Cann
- Basic Musician Music
- Beneficial Microorganisms Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Brucki Mur
- Battle Management Military, Army, War, Warfare, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Basal Plasma Membrane Medical
- Bermuda Marathon
- Badan Musyawarah
- Bflls Maintenance
- Banco De Mo
- Bob Metcalfe
- Blood Marrow Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bimolecular Mechanism
- Beijing Modern
- Belanja Modal Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Brandon Manumaleuna
- Barry Mann, American song writer Famous
- Board Member Business, Technology, Service, Business & Finance, International business
- Billy Mclaughlin
- Board Moderator
- The Blessed Mother Religion
- Birthday Message
- By Mail Business, Service, Registration
- Business (branch) Manager NASA
- Beam, Maximum Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Base Fanager
- Bernhard Mechanical
- Burlington Mall
- Body Mounted Business, Technology, Mount
- Briefing Message
- Bus Mid
- Basal Metabolism Medical, Physiology
- Bedah Mulut Medical, Indonesia, Jakarta, Dental
- Burning Man Art, Man, Rock, Police, Governmental & Military
- Board Meature Technology, Construction, Lumber
- Berliner Morgenpost
- Back Marking
- Bad Meat Food
- Battle Manual
- Bambarr Mali
- Birelli Motoroli Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Boo Mansion
- Broken Mixed Music, Mix, Break
- BéTon Maigre
- Behavior Model Technology, Foundation, Modelling
- Blond Woment Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- BOSTON & MAINE Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Brian May-Based
- Better Music Music
- Bump mapping Bump mapping In 3D computer game rendering and other digital animation applications, a graphic technique in which a texture is added to the surface of an image to increase the perceived detail of the object. Bump mapping gives each pixel a texture, which is calculated by the com-puter’s video card to respond to changes in surroundings, allowing a more realistic interpretation of objects. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Brady Michael
- BüYüKelçIsi Matthew
- Bruck An Der Mur
- Bacterial Meningitis Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Business Major
- Banco De Madrid Business, Para, Madrid, Banking, Business & Finance
- Bob Mcadoo Card, Basketball, Curry
- BuccoMesial Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Bord Monitor
- Bill Martin
- Behavior Monitoring
- Beautiful Music
- Brand Merchandike
- Bullecin Manager
- Brian McKnight, singer and song writer Famous
- Billy Xays
- Board Members Business, Company, Gaming
- Biblquiz Menu Religion
- Birthday Meeting
- Buy Merchandise
- Bombeiros Militar
- Bowel Movement Or Breast Milk Medical, Governmental & Military
- Brushless Motor
- Air Sicilia Airline, Business & Finance
- Base Maintenance
- Bernard Media Media, Movie, Music, Pub
- Burlington Magazine Art, History, Museum
- Body Modification Body, Jewelry, Tattoo
- Briefing Memo
- Bus Master A type of a plug-in board or controller with the ability to read and write to devices on the computer bus. Or The pressure level that is required to burst a tube. Or Group of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a computer. Examples of PC buses include ISA,EISA and PCI. Or A device or subsystem that controls data transfers between itself and a subordinate. also DMA slave. Technology, Driving, Driver
- Buccal Mass Medical, Physiology
- Beavor Meadows Network, Railway, System
- BulanıK MantıK
- Blues Medium Jazz, Track, Blues, Backing
- Berlekamp Massey Technology, Coding, Algorithm, Sequence
- Back Marker Forum, Military, Race
- Bad Movie Film censorship
- Battle Management Bushmaster Military
- Baltic Marine
- Maximum Burst size Computing, Telecom
- Books of The Month
- Bâtard Montracoet
- Behavioral Model Technology, Health, Modeling, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Blonde Moments
- biopsy marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
- Brian Martiu
- Black Metal (music genre) Music
- Base Metal A base metal is a common and inexpensive metal, as opposed to a precious metal such as gold or silver. A long-time goal of alchemists was the transmutation of a base metal into a precious metal. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Bus Monitor Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Bruck-MüRzzuschlag Locations, Plate, Austria, District
- BéNéLux MéTallurgie
- Breast Milk Milk produced by a woman who has recently had a baby Medical, Medicine, Health, Nursing, Getting Pregnant, British, Breast, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, British medicine
- Bactech Mining
- Business Magazine
- Banc Mgndial
- Bob Mayer
- Bratang and Menanggal Regional
- Border Midland
- Bialy Metal
- Behaviour Modification
- Brand Mwdia
- Billy McCain, Mississippi Community Action Association Famous
- Board Measurement Technology, Power, Measurement, Pressure
- Blinking Miracles Religion
- Birmingham Museums
- Bermuda (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Brushed Metal
- Base Macvine
- Bermuda Xusical
- Billy Marbin Baseball, Music, Card
- Body Measurements Body, Weight, Statistics
- Bridge Monitoring
- Bulged Mutated Medical, Human genome
- Biomedical Materials
- Bukit Mertajam
- Blessing Marching
- Benchmarding Business, Technology
- Billy Martin Famous
- Battle Manager Military
- Ballot Meastre Government, Us, Oregon
- Bdale's Mailer Software, Computing
- Book Marks
- Byzantina Metabfzantina
- Blog Master Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Benchmarking The process of reverse engineering a competitor’s product to assess how your product compares to their design and technology. Benchmarking gives insight into new designs, materials and technologies as well as new engineering ideas that can be used to improve a product design. Cars are either benchmarked cooperatively by two companies looking for mutual gain, or are benchmarked by purchasing a product to analyze and gain insights on technological advantages. Management, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Unclassified
- Brian Maddok
- Brigade MéCaniséE
- Bachelor of Music (degree) Academic Degree, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Bus Mastering In computing, bus mastering is a feature supported by many bus architectures that enables a device connected to the bus to initiate transactions. It is also referred to as first-party DMA, in contrast with third-party DMA where a system DMA controller also known as peripheral processor, I/O processor, or channel) actually does the transfer. Military
- BruchВS Membrane Medical, Patient, Sale, Tablet
- Byte Machine
- Breast Meat Medical
- Backup Manager Technology, Management, Linux
- The British Museum Museums
- Battle Mix
- Bosiness Machines
- Biometrics Module Technology
- Banca Mora
- Bob May
- Bahasa Malaysia Regional
- Borfer Manager
- Bhagavantam'S Method
- Behavior Modification Medical, Medicine, Health, Training, Intervention
- Bay Marchand Area Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Board Manager
- Black Market Products
- BirleşMiş Miletler Turkish, Libya
- British Museum, London Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Bruno Miguel
- Bayu Indonesia Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Indonesia, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Based On Oone Marrow Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Bermuda Microsystems
- Billyrmann
- Body Massage Medical, Physiology
- Bob Moran
- Black Male Medical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Bukit Merah School, Locations, Singapore, Kampong, Regional
- Blake Memorial Education
- Birleşmiş Molleteler Turkish, Washington
- Bench Mkrk Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Blue Mage
- Bill Maher (comedian) Famous
- Battle Magician
- Button Masher Computing, Hardware
- Birth Monzh
- Byte Memory
- Bloggerhmain
- Bench Maintenance Logistics, NASA, Maintenance, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Basement Membrane The basement membrane is a thin sheet of fibers that underlies the epithelium which lines the cavities and surfaces of organs including skin, or the endothelium which lines the interior surface of blood vessels. The name is somewhat misleading in that the basement membrane is not actually a membrane rather, it is a matrix beneath any epithelium. Medical, Cell, Lamina, Physiology
- Burnley Mbmorial Education
- Bolinder-Munktell Business, Volvo, Tractor
- Brigade Motor Jakarta, Metro, Motor
- Bending Moment (structural engineering) Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Business Modeling Technology, Star, Model
- Breakpoint On Memory
- Breast Massage
- Back Mutation Medical, Human genome
- Bridesmaid
- Battle Mistress
- Bio Metamor
- Bancm Mondiala
- British Midland Regional
- Bricks and Mortar Business, Technology, Computing, Internet, General, Governmental & Military
- Boot Manager A boot loader, also called a boot manager, is a small program that places the operating system of a computer into memory. When a computer is powered-up or restarted, the basic input/output system performs some initial tests, and then transfers control to the master boot record where the boot loader resides. Most new computers are shipped with boot loaders for some version of Microsoft Windows or the Mac OS.
- Progressive Bone Marrow Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Behaviour Management
- Building Materials Construction
- Box Machine Products
- Birleşmiş Milletlerdnn Turkish
- Baryonic Mat Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Brunei-Muara Coding, Locations, Brunei
- Business Manager NASA, Governmental & Military
- Baseband Modem
- Bepmuda Media
- Billy and Marda
- Bob Montgomery
- Bone Marrow Soft tissue in cancellous bone Medical, Nursing, Bone, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Biologicheskie Membrany Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Cas
- BirleşMiş Millletler Turkish, Pakistan
- Belukar Muda
- Brandon Maash
- Blue Mackerel
- Baron Myerson Famous
- Battle Magic
- Bob Marley Lyric, Guitar, Chord
- Bina Marga Technology, Book, Indonesia, Jakarta
- X-Window BitMap Bitmap graphics (1bit text) Computing, File Extensions
- Birth Muj
- Byte Me Technology, Internet Slang, Coding
- Boiler and Machinery Insurance, Business & Finance
- Base Memory
- Bsrnie Morzuch
- Burning Meoro
- Bohr Magneton Medical, Education, Moment
- Brigade M
- Bus Monitoring Technology
- Benchmark (geodetic and topographical surveying) Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Business and Management
- Bowles-Mackevzie
- Back Middle
- Best Man
- Battlement Mesa
- Banca Mkndiale Business, Din, Moldova
- Brian Michael Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Brick and Mortar Business, Book, Internet Slang, Brick, Chord, Computing, Internet
- Boost Machine
- Bürgerlichi Mitte
- Bar Mat
- Behavior Management Business, Education, Behaviour
- Big Music Music, Guitar, Fat, Lady
- bench mark (as in map reading) Architecture, Engineering, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- Blue Mento Music
- BirleşMiş Milletlerin Turkish, Program
- Bohr Magnetron Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Brugia Malayi Medical
- Bite Me Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Basebagl Mogul
- Bermuda Maritime
- Badbreed Member Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Bills of Materiac Technology
- Bob Miller Business, Book, Chord
- Bacillus Macquariensis Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Bio-Utility Mechanoid Medical, Surgeon, Amateur
- Belajar Mandiri
- Belle MèRe
- Bqandon Marshall
- Blueberry Muffin
- Brian Moore Famous
- Board of Management Business, Group, Market
- Billy Mitchell
- Bending Magnet Bending magnet are to change the direction of the beam. They are placed at a number of locations on the ring to guide the beam along the reference path. Ideally, each bending magnet would produces a uniform, vertical magnetic field through the beam pipe. This field is also called the dipole field. Computing, Electronics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Birbh Mom Adoption, Birth, Family, Mother
- Bytp Macro
- Beam (a) A beam placed perpendicular to joists and to which joists are nailed in framing for a chimney, stairway, or other opening. (b) A wood lintel. (c) The horizontal structural member over an opening (for example over a door or window). A structural member, usually horizontal, whose main function is to carry loads transverse to its longitudinal axis. Aviation, Shipping, Construction, Architectural, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Base Gaterial
- Bernie Madoff Business, Money, Scheme, Suicide
- Burnham Memorial Education
- Body Movements Medical
- Brigada Militar Para, Pol, Opera
- Bus Module
- Blood Mage Medical, Physiology
- Burst Mode High-speed data acquisition mode in which data points are measured as quickly as possible then held for subsequent conversion. Helps reduce skew. Or A temporary high-speed data-transfer mode that can transfer data at significantly higher rates than would normally be achieved with nonburst technology. or Burst mode is used in photography in which continues high speed photo shooting is done. Technology, Science, Master
- Bound Magnon
- Bermuda Map
- Back Matter
- Bottom margin Media
- Battle Master Forum, Technology, Gaming
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BM stand for?
BM stands for Brettmmyers.
What is the shortened form of Boyle-Mariotte?
The short form of "Boyle-Mariotte" is BM.
BM. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from
Last updated