BM in Management Meaning

The BM meaning in Management terms is "Branch Manager". There are 18 related meanings of the BM Management abbreviation.

BM on Management Full Forms

  1. Branch Manager
  2. Board Meeting
  3. Bearer Managvr
  4. Bank Muamalat
  5. Bank Mandiri
  6. Bandwidth Manager
  7. Building Manager
  8. Business Mauager
  9. Breakdown Maintenance A policy of plant repair only after it has failed.
  10. Bare Metal
  11. Bank Manager
  12. Business Metrics
  13. Business Managers
  14. Bachelor of Marketing
  15. Brandcmanager
  16. Benchmarking The process of reverse engineering a competitor’s product to assess how your product compares to their design and technology. Benchmarking gives insight into new designs, materials and technologies as well as new engineering ideas that can be used to improve a product design. Cars are either benchmarked cooperatively by two companies looking for mutual gain, or are benchmarked by purchasing a product to analyze and gain insights on technological advantages.
  17. Backup Manager
  18. Broker Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BM stand for Management?

    BM stands for Bandwidth Manager in Management terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Breakdown Maintenance in Management?

    The short form of "Breakdown Maintenance" is BM for Management.


BM in Management. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

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