BM in Medical Meaning

The BM meaning in Medical terms is "Bnwel Movement". There are 71 related meanings of the BM Medical abbreviation.

BM on Medical Full Forms

  1. Bnwel Movement
  2. Bone Marnow
  3. Bone Marrow-Derived
  4. Betamethasone
  5. Brain Macrophages
  6. Bayesian Method
  7. Bone Metastases
  8. Babesia Iicroti
  9. Bone Mass
  10. Buccal Mucosa
  11. Bone Marrows
  12. Brown Midrib
  13. Blood Monocyte
  14. Bone Marrow Cells
  15. Bronchial Mucosa
  16. Biological Motion
  17. Basal Medium An unsupplemented medium which promotes the growth of many types of microorganisms which do not require any special nutrient supplements.
  18. Bone Marrow Aspirates
  19. Biomedical
  20. Brain Metastasis
  21. Bethlem Myapathy
  22. Bachelor of Midwifery
  23. Blood Monocytes
  24. Basil Medium
  25. Bruch'S Membrane
  26. Bowel Movement Act of passing faeces out of the body through the anus
  27. Blood Monitoring
  28. Bombesin
  29. Basilar Membrane
  30. Be A Beniin Melanoma
  31. Monitor The term "monitor" is often used synonymously with "computer screen" or "display." The monitor displays the computer's user interface and open programs, allowing the user to interact with the computer, typically using the keyboard and mouse. Older computer monitors were built using cathode ray tubes (CRTs), which made them rather heavy and caused them to take up a lot of desk space.
  32. Bachelor of Medicine
  33. Blood Meal
  34. Basement Membranes
  35. But Require Bons Marrow
  36. Biomend
  37. Brachymorphic
  38. Bureau of Medicine
  39. Biology and Medicine
  40. Both Bone Marrow
  41. Bleomycin Bleomycin is a medication used to treat cancer. This includes Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer among others. Typically used with other cancer medications, it can be given intravenously, by injection into a muscle or under the skin. It may also be administered inside the chest to help prevent the recurrence of a fluid around the lung due to cancer; however talc is better for this.
  42. Benpoquinone Mustard
  43. Background Bone Marrow
  44. Body Mass
  45. Basal Membrane
  46. Bio-Utility Mechanoid
  47. Black Male
  48. Bedah Mulut
  49. Progressive Bone Marrow
  50. Bohr Magneton
  51. Bone Marrow Soft tissue in cancellous bone
  52. Breast Milk Milk produced by a woman who has recently had a baby
  53. Bowel Movement Or Breast Milk
  54. Body Movements
  55. Bacillus Macquariensis
  56. Breast Meat
  57. Blood Mage
  58. Basement Membrane The basement membrane is a thin sheet of fibers that underlies the epithelium which lines the cavities and surfaces of organs including skin, or the endothelium which lines the interior surface of blood vessels. The name is somewhat misleading in that the basement membrane is not actually a membrane rather, it is a matrix beneath any epithelium.
  59. Body Massage
  60. Blood Marrow
  61. Bacterial Meningitis
  62. Basal Metabolism
  63. Based On Oone Marrow
  64. BuccoMesial
  65. Back Mutation
  66. Buccal Mass
  67. Basal Plasma Membrane
  68. Brugia Malayi
  69. Bulged Mutated
  70. BruchВS Membrane
  71. Behavior Modification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BM stand for Medical?

    BM stands for Bruch'S Membrane in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Buccal Mass in Medical?

    The short form of "Buccal Mass" is BM for Medical.


BM in Medical. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated