BMA in Technology Meaning

The BMA meaning in Technology terms is "British Medical Association". There are 22 related meanings of the BMA Technology abbreviation.

BMA on Technology Full Forms

  1. British Medical Association The British Medical Association is the professional association and registered trade union for doctors in the United Kingdom. The association does not regulate or certify doctors, a responsibility which lies with the General Medical Council. The association’s headquarters are located in BMA House, Tavistock Square, London. Additionally, the Association has national offices in Cardiff, Belfast, and Edinburgh, a European office in Brussels and a number of offices in English regions.
  2. Business Management Administration
  3. Block Matching Algorithm
  4. Boston-Maine Airways
  5. Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance
  6. Block-Matching Algorithm
  7. Boeing Military Airplanes
  8. Bayesian Modellaverage
  9. Body-Mounted Accelerometer
  10. Bayesian Model Averaging
  11. Block Management Areas
  12. British Midland Airways
  13. Business Maturity Assessment
  14. Block Matching Algorithms
  15. Brais, Malouin and Associates
  16. Broadcast Multi-Access
  17. Bolt Motor Actuator
  18. Broadcast Multi Access
  19. Bio Model Analyher
  20. Broadcast Multiple Access
  21. Broadband Multiple Access
  22. Banco Macro Bansud S.l.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BMA stand for Technology?

    BMA stands for Block Matching Algorithms in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Body-Mounted Accelerometer in Technology?

    The short form of "Body-Mounted Accelerometer" is BMA for Technology.


BMA in Technology. (2020, August 20). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated