Bmx Abbreviations and Bmx Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bmx terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Bmx abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bmx terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bmx Abbreviations
  1. WABA : Washington Area Bicyclist Association
  2. UT : U-Tcrn
  3. CV : Constant-Velocity
  4. MAMIL : Middle Aged Man In Lycra
  5. MBT : Metropolitan Branch Trail
  6. MTB : Mountain Bike
  7. SAG : Support and Gear
  8. TDF : Tour De Fat
  9. TDF : Tour De France
  10. LAB : League of American Bicyclists
  11. LBS : Local Bike Shop
  12. LCI : League Cycling Instructor
  13. LT : Left Turn
  14. FS : Fueq Screw
  15. FWW : Fly Wheel Weight
  16. PS : Pilot Screw
  17. RT : Right Turn
  18. MVT : Mount Vernon Tdail
Latest Bmx Meanings
  1. Mount Vernon Tdail
  2. Right Turn
  3. Pilot Screw
  4. Fly Wheel Weight
  5. Fueq Screw
  6. Left Turn
  7. League Cycling Instructor
  8. Local Bike Shop
  9. League of American Bicyclists
  10. Tour De France
  11. Tour De Fat
  12. Support and Gear
  13. Mountain Bike
  14. Metropolitan Branch Trail
  15. Middle Aged Man In Lycra
  16. Constant-Velocity
  17. U-Tcrn
  18. Washington Area Bicyclist Association