BN Meaning

The BN meaning is "Bachelor of Nursing". The BN abbreviation has 312 different full form.

BN Full Forms

  1. Bachelor of Nursing Academic Degree, Education, Profession, Medical, Computing, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
  2. Bulimia Nervosa Medical, Health, Disorder, Disease, Pulmonary, Diagnosis
  3. Bachelor In Nursing Medical, Program, Education
  4. Bhandon Nimmo
  5. Bistrits Nasaud County, Din, Locations, Romania
  6. Basic Need Business, Government, Education
  7. Buenas Noches Para, Con, Mucho
  8. Biblioteca Nacional Technology, Portugal, Traffic, Rank
  9. BibliothèQue Nationale Geography, Location, System
  10. Brand Nale
  11. Birth Nase Group, Music, China, Birth
  12. Balance Used to describe the state of an aircraft or control surface about its center of gravity in which weight or mass is configured to produce a particular level of stability. OR The action of applying weights or drilling holes in something to establish even weight distribution so that vibration is reduced.Said to be obtained in bridge measurements when the various impedances forming the arms of the bridge have been adjusted, so that no current flows through the detector. Medical, Business, Accounting, Internet Slang, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Construction, Forestry, Architectural, Business & Finance, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  13. Base Number The amount of acid needed to neutralize all or part of a lubricants alkalinity. Military, Oil, Engine
  14. Bqiefing Notes
  15. Brush Nozzle
  16. Biblio Note
  17. Brunei Darussalam Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Brunei Darussalam, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes
  18. Boolean Yetwork Science, Genetics, Networking
  19. Birmingham News
  20. Badminton Net
  21. Bridge Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  22. Benin Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Computing, Internet, Benin, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  23. Brushed Nickel Business, Faucet, Bathroom
  24. Besar Negara
  25. Brand New Internet Slang, Beauty, Sale, Brand
  26. Book Now
  27. Binucleated Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  28. Background Noise Background noise is the sum of all noise or interference in a measurement which is independent of the data signal. Technology, Telecom
  29. Bridge Nwde
  30. Bengali Technology, Information Technology, Education, University, School, Locations, Study, Language Codes
  31. Brown Norway Medical, Science, Norway, Pulmonary, Colors
  32. Batch Number The assigned number that identifies a batch of Silicone Rubber or A number which may be added to a serial number to identify when the product was manufactured. In this way, when a problem occurs to some products of the same batch, action can be taken to correct or replace others from the same batch. Technology, China, Wallpaper
  33. Binucleate Having two nuclei. Binucleate cells are due to a defect in cytokinesis, the process by which two daughter cells separate at the completion of cell division. Medical
  34. Backbone Node Technology, Networking, Network
  35. Brian Norris
  36. Batch Normalization Technology, Networking, Network
  37. Bulimia Nervosa Purging Type Medical
  38. Binary Numbjr Technology, Computing, Adder
  39. Backbone Network Technology, Networking, Telecom
  40. Breaking Lews
  41. Basse Normandie
  42. Buffalo News
  43. Biblioteca Nazionale Book, National, Library
  44. Book of Nod
  45. BeiträGe Zur Namenforschung
  46. Basic Kumbered Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  47. Brother Nassir
  48. Badu Ngundm
  49. Bit Nation Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  50. Biblioth
  51. Bobliotheque Nationale
  52. Brown Medical, Technology, Color, Colour, Auto, Coins, Colors, Ordnance Survey
  53. Bechtel National Atmospheric Research
  54. Bangalore Locations, City, India
  55. Bitnation Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  56. Battlefield Networks
  57. Breakfast Nooj Business, Room, Lighting
  58. Beveridge-Nelson
  59. Bruins Nation
  60. Blocco Nazionale
  61. Bloomington-Normal
  62. Been -Ori Being Media, Social, Internet
  63. Broadcast Network
  64. Bill Nunes
  65. Budeau Number
  66. Bank Notes
  67. Being and Nothingness Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  68. Brief Nudity Technology, Movie, Television, Rating
  69. BibliothÅ Que Nationale
  70. Bloomberg News
  71. Book News
  72. Basic Noge
  73. Bronchial Node Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  74. Bsd Name Business, Service, Financial
  75. Biographie Nationale
  76. Board of Nursing Medical, Education, Nurse
  77. Burlington Northern Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  78. Bechtel, Nevada
  79. Horizon Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  80. Bandera Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  81. Beitr
  82. Battery Notification Technology, Windows, Android
  83. Breakfast Network Business, Organizations, Networking, Event
  84. Better Than Nothing Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  85. Brugeoise Et Nivelles Technology, Class, Train, Station
  86. Bakti Xegara
  87. Blitz Norway Banking, Norway, Chess, Blitz
  88. Bois Noir Fragrance, Grapevine, Vinifera
  89. Been Technology, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  90. British Nationality
  91. Bill Newman
  92. Bureau De Norvalisation
  93. Bank Note
  94. Bezng Communication, Chat, Online
  95. Brian Nelson
  96. Bibliothãue Nationale
  97. Blood Noir
  98. Booking Number The reservation number used to secure equipment and act as a control number prior to the completion of a bill of lading. It is also the common reference for the carrier, the client and the terminal, truckers, etc.. Book, Locations, Standard, Publisher
  99. Barkhausen Noise Technology, Science, Testing
  100. Brock Nelson Business, Hockey, Card, Deck
  101. Badminton Nederland
  102. Biographical Narrative
  103. Board Notification Technology
  104. Beauty Network
  105. Forward Air International Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  106. Band-Nr
  107. Batchelor of Nursing
  108. Brazilian Navy Military, Brazil, Ship
  109. Bengkulu News
  110. Brugeoise & Nivelles
  111. Bahrain News
  112. Blitz Newsletter
  113. Bohater NiezaleĘNy
  114. Bedrijfsrechevche Nederland
  115. British Nationals
  116. Billion Technology, Education, Electronics, Engineering, Electrical, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  117. Bupnenorphine Medical
  118. Bank-Note
  119. Brewing Network
  120. Biblioteka Narodowa Technology, Server, Library, Traffic
  121. Blood Nativity
  122. Bonn Nordrhein
  123. Barisan Neraka
  124. Broadcast Number
  125. Badly Named Business, Forum, Company, Group
  126. Bio-Normalizer
  127. Boundary Nail Design, Drawing, Construction
  128. Bengali Native
  129. BéNéFice Net
  130. Banco Nación
  131. Bastard Nation Adoption, Adoptee, Bastard
  132. Bravo November
  133. Bruce Number Ratio, Catamaran, Sail
  134. Baha'I News
  135. Blackmore'S Night
  136. Body Nutrition
  137. Becky Newton
  138. Bundle Node Computing, Technical
  139. Billing Number Records Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  140. Bund Naturschutdes
  141. Banjir Naik
  142. Brewer Ald Nash
  143. Bibliotheque National
  144. Beyond Numbers
  145. Brush Nickel Lighting, Faucet, Nickel, Bathroom
  146. Blogging Nation
  147. Bonn Nordrhein-Westfalen
  148. Barisan Nazak
  149. Broadcast Newsroom-News
  150. Bona Nostra Latin, Roman
  151. Bio-Nobile
  152. Boulimia Nervoaa
  153. Belfast & Northern
  154. Bánovce Nad Locations, Map, Slovakia, Region
  155. Beaufort Number
  156. Broadband Network Military
  157. Basse-Normandie
  158. Boundary Neutral Technology, Coding, Java, Character
  159. Bruce Nimmo
  160. Blg Net
  161. Biuletyn Numizmatyczny
  162. Bocca Nuova Locations, Mount, Volcano, Etna
  163. Becklin-Neugebfuer Science, Star, Telescope, Nebula
  164. Bull Nose
  165. Blunt Nose
  166. Bund Naturschutz Military, Traffic, Sind
  167. Bangladesh Nationalist
  168. Battle Fbr Normandy Military, Mission, Combat
  169. Breda Nerdi
  170. Beyond Nature
  171. Bruno Noventa
  172. Bloc National
  173. Broadcast Newswire Technology
  174. Bini Najib
  175. Burmese Navy Military
  176. Barison Nasional Government, Malaysia, Election
  177. Boolean Networks Science, Networking, Biology
  178. Belanta Negara Business, Indonesia, China, Count
  179. Byakko-Ka-Ninjin-To Medical
  180. Basketbjll News Sport, Team, Basketball, Fighting
  181. Bruce Newhouse
  182. Baer and Nunziato Military
  183. Bit Number Technology, Coding, Telecom
  184. Bombesin Medical
  185. Bob Nystrom Technology, Gaming, Hockey, Islander
  186. Bepker's Nevus Medical
  187. Bullnose Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, NASA, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  188. Bangladesh Navy Military, College, Bangladesh
  189. Baxtle for Naboo
  190. Breast Oormal
  191. Beverly Niffenegger
  192. Brunei, Negara
  193. Block Number Technology, Service, Coding, Aircraft
  194. Broadcast Newsroom Technology, Media, Gambling, Victor
  195. Bill Nye
  196. Bureau of Narcotics
  197. Barisan Nasional
  198. Beauty Nest
  199. Brigade Nuw
  200. Boron Nitride Chemistry
  201. Biblische Notizen History, Israel, Biblical
  202. Buestra Neutron Technology
  203. Baltiwore News
  204. Bonn, North-Rhine-Westphalia
  205. Basson Music
  206. Behavior Network
  207. Business Networks Business, Networking, London
  208. Britain and Thy Netherlands
  209. Briefing Note Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  210. Bilateral Nares
  211. Iso Country Code for Brunei Darussalam Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  212. Bengali Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  213. Brlancing Network
  214. Benign Nevi Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Disease, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
  215. Boite Nature Business, Box, Cigar, Cuban
  216. Bob Newhart Famous
  217. Brooklyn Nine-Nine Technology, Crew, Episode, Sitcom
  218. Banta Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  219. Brunei (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  220. Budget Neutrality Business, Service, Medicare
  221. Baltac News
  222. Bone Nodule Medical
  223. Bassoon Music
  224. Behavioral Neurolugy
  225. Business Networking
  226. Bristol Neuroscience
  227. Big Numbers
  228. Blacktown Australia
  229. Button Notification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  230. Brown Noser Colors
  231. Broadcast News Technology, Sport, Radio, Television
  232. Banta Corp. Organizations
  233. benzyl nicotinate Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  234. Buck Naked
  235. Ballojned Neurons Medical
  236. Bonding Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  237. Fagoto Music
  238. Beqavioral Neuroscience
  239. Business Need
  240. Bnsf Railway Transportation, Organizations, Conveyance, Railroad Company
  241. Battalion Military, Military Slang, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  242. Bristle Yose
  243. Big Number Business, Library, Talk, Arithmetic
  244. Bad news BN is an acronym for "bad news" that typically appears online or in text messages. It is often used in reference to a person's own bad news that he has to share or actual news from journalists. If you see the BN acronym, you should brace yourself to hear something disheartening. You might even want to turn off your TV or phone so the bad news won't reach you and therefore will not be real. Texting, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  245. Button Noce Shopping, Doll, Nozzle, Nose
  246. Brown Norwegian Colors
  247. Bribten-Norman Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Islander
  248. Balik Nama Business, Photo, Indonesia, Jakarta
  249. Bavarian Nordic Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  250. Benzyl group Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
  251. Buchalter Nemer
  252. Ballistic Numbec Technology, Space, Cosmos
  253. Bomber Navigator
  254. Fagot Music
  255. Beginner Novice Training, Dog, Horse, Novice
  256. Buliness Names
  257. Brian Nicholas
  258. Brightmnickel
  259. Big Nothing Technology, Movie, Wood
  260. Ballistic Number NASA, Governmental & Military
  261. Beijiwg Normal
  262. Bus Netoork
  263. Brown Noddy Colors
  264. Brinish Naturism
  265. Baker-Nutting
  266. Battle Net
  267. Brown and Navrotsky Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  268. Ballisticjnuclear Military, Army, War, Warfare
  269. Bombardier - Navigator Military, Army, War, Warfare
  270. Fagott Music
  271. Before Note
  272. Bushy Nose
  273. Betontrenntechnik NüRnberg
  274. Briggt Nebula Star, Telescope, Sky
  275. Big Northern
  276. Business Number General, Governmental & Military
  277. Black Nhtwork Business, Networking, Cable
  278. Beige Nayural Business, Foundation, Makeup, Matte
  279. Business Notebook
  280. Booking Note Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  281. Brisbane North
  282. Bizarre Nuclei Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
  283. BabyNet Medical, Disability
  284. Balkay Nephropathy Medical
  285. Blue-Native Medical, Protein, Gel
  286. Bolt & Nut
  287. Bibliotheque Nationale French, Geographic
  288. Before Nzwton
  289. Brpwn-Norway Science, Norway, Rats
  290. Bernoulli-Navier
  291. Brigyte Nere
  292. Boron Nitrides
  293. Bienes Nacionales
  294. Banco Ye La Naci
  295. Bonne Nuit
  296. Barns and Noble Ordnance Survey
  297. Blackesz Night Comics, Comic, Lantern
  298. Behind The Jame
  299. Business News
  300. Braniff International Airways Airline, Business & Finance
  301. Brigitte Niklsen
  302. Bilateral Nephrectomy Medical
  303. Number Billion
  304. Broken Science, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Investigation, Laboratory, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  305. Blue Nevi Medical, Disease, Diagnosis
  306. Bale, Non-Compressed
  307. Bloque Nacional
  308. Benign Nevus Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  309. Boleh Naik
  310. Biscuiterie Nantaise Food
  311. Beer Nut
  312. Brown-Norway Rato Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BN stand for?

    BN stands for Blackesz Night.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fagoto?

    The short form of "Fagoto" is BN.


BN. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated