BNC Meaning

The BNC meaning is "Bayonet Neill-Concelman Connector". The BNC abbreviation has 142 different full form.

BNC Full Forms

  1. Bayonet Neill-Concelman Connector Technology, Cable, Connection, Computing, Electronics
  2. Ballet Nacional De Cuba Con, Ballet, Cuba, Habana
  3. Bayonet Neill Concelman Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Telecom, Linux
  4. Bayonet Neill-Concelman Technology, Computer, Connecting
  5. Bhagini Nivedita College Education, University, Course
  6. Bayonet Nut Connector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  7. Bayonet Neil-Concelman Technology, Cable, Connecting
  8. Berlinger Nautic Club
  9. Bragman Nyman Cafarelli Business, Publics, Relation
  10. Bathymetric Navigation Chart
  11. BibliothèQue Nationale Du Canada
  12. Balsa Nosm Cone
  13. British Navy Monnector
  14. Bayonet Nhill Councelman
  15. Biblioth
  16. Berkeley Nanotechnology Club
  17. Bio Nano Centre
  18. Barotse National Council Government, Nation, Zambia
  19. Business Network Consulting Technology, Networking, Computing
  20. Bfc Construction Corp. Organizations
  21. Bayonet-Neill-Concelnan Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  22. Berkeley Nuclear Connector
  23. Boykott National Committee Organizations, Israel, Palestinian
  24. Basutoland National Council
  25. Biblioteca Nacional De Chile
  26. Bollack, Netter, Et Cie
  27. British Navel Connector Technology, Networking, Computing
  28. Bayonet-Neill-Concelman Connector Technology, Cable, Connection
  29. Benin National Congress
  30. Bio-Nano Centre
  31. Barnes & Noble College Business, Textbook, Bookstore
  32. Business Network Chicago Business, Networking, Chicago
  33. Bayonet-Neill-Conselman
  34. Berkley Nucleonics Corporationration Technology
  35. Bovine Nasal Cartilage Medical
  36. Basic Network Connector Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  37. Business Networking Club Business, Group, Network
  38. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
  39. British National Corpus Technology, English, Language, Legal, Governmental & Military
  40. British Naval Cfnnectors Technology, Cable, Connecting
  41. Bayonet Neill Concellman
  42. Bayonet Nut Qoupler Military
  43. Bio-Nano-Chip
  44. Banco Nacional De Cuba Business, Banking, Cuba, Cuban
  45. Britsh National Connector
  46. Berkeley Nucleonics Corporationration Technology
  47. Boulder Nomdic Club
  48. Base Neutralizing Capacity
  49. Busineks Network Company
  50. Bi-National Center
  51. British National Connector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  52. British Naval Connector Technology, Cable, Telecom, Computing, IT Terminology
  53. Bayonet Neill Councelman
  54. Branch If Not Carry
  55. Bayonet Net Coupler Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  56. Binucleated Cells Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  57. Banco Naqional De Credito Para, Con, Venezuela
  58. British Nut Connector
  59. Berkley Nucleonics Corporation Technology
  60. Boston Nature Center Boston, Locations, Camp
  61. Base Nacional Comum
  62. Business Network Computer Technology, Design, Networking
  63. Bi National Commission
  64. Beni Airport Beni, Democratic Republic of the Congo Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  65. Britisch Naval Connector
  66. Bayonet Neill Concelmann
  67. Branch If No Carry Technology, Calling, Instruction
  68. Binucleate Cell Medical
  69. Balucrte Ng Cavite
  70. British National Curriculum Education, School, Kenya
  71. Bayonet Negll
  72. Berkeley Nucleonics Corp Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  73. Boron Nitride Coating Physics, Scientific & Educational
  74. Barrel Nut Connector Technology, Computing, Cable, Computer
  75. Business Network Communications Technology, Networking, Berne
  76. Bi-National Commission Government, Africa, Nigeria
  77. Bayonet Nut Coupling Technology
  78. Bread Not Circuses Organization, Union, Institution
  79. Bayonet Neil Concelman Technology, Cable, Connecting
  80. Bernama News Channel
  81. Brain Not Connected
  82. Bayesian Network Classifier Technology, Military, Networking
  83. BibliothèQue Nationale Du Cambodge
  84. Baltimore Neighborhood Collaborative
  85. British National Committee Technology
  86. Bayonet Niell-Concelman Technology, Networking, Network, Connecting
  87. Bayonet-Neil-Concelman Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Cable, Connecting
  88. Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation Technology, Generator, Pulse
  89. Boron Neutron Capture Medical, Science, Biomedical
  90. Barrel Network Connector
  91. Businesu Networking Center
  92. Brazilanordeste Combat
  93. Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  94. Business News for Clnstruction Technology, Android, Projection
  95. Brain Sodium Channel Medical, Neurology
  96. Bethel Native Corporation
  97. Brandeis National Ckmmittee Development, Organizations, Universities
  98. Bayone-Neill-Concelman / British Naval Connector Business, Technology, Computer, Internet
  99. Sundabce Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  100. Braje New Coin Business, Market, Bitcoin
  101. Banco Santander S.A. (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  102. Business News Channel
  103. bladder neck contracture Medical, Common Medical
  104. Bethany Nazarene College
  105. Branch On No Carry
  106. Bayone Neill Concelman Technology, Networking, Cable, Network
  107. Id Backbone Network Confection Identifier Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  108. Beverly National Corp
  109. Brasil Norte Comunicação
  110. Big Nobby Connector
  111. Beni Airport, Beni, Congo, Kinshasa) Congo, Iata Airport Codes
  112. Best New Chefs Food, Wine, Restaurant, Chef
  113. Branch Networq Computers
  114. Bayone-Neill-Concelman Technology, Networking, Cable
  115. BéNéFice Non Commercial
  116. Beverly National Corporation Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  117. Brase Nose College Education
  118. Bayonet-Neil-Concelman Connector Technology, Cable, Camera
  119. Bently Nevada Corporatioh Technology, Signal, Assembly, Nevada
  120. Bankruptcy Notification Center General, Governmental & Military
  121. Berufsverband Niedergelassener Chirurgen
  122. Baynet N-Type Compact
  123. BéNéFices Non Commerciaux Auto, Entrepreneurship, Fice
  124. Better Newspapers Competition
  125. Brasenose College
  126. Bayonet-Coupling Navy Connector Technology, Telecom
  127. Benign Neoplasmycervix Medical
  128. Boardman Number Custodian Occupation & positions
  129. Berong Nickel Corporation
  130. Bayesian Network Classifiers
  131. Béeéfice Non Commercial
  132. Better Newspaper Contest
  133. Bank of North Carolina Organizations, Banking, Business & Finance, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  134. Brand New Church
  135. Bayonet-Coupling Nut Connector Technology, Telecom
  136. Babonet Norm Connector
  137. Bethel National Choir Music
  138. Byron Neqson Championship
  139. Better Newspapers Contest Organizations, Association, Press
  140. Brand New Car
  141. Bayonet, Neill and Concelman Science
  142. Baden Nutzfahrzeuge Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BNC stand for?

    BNC stands for Berkeley Nucleonics Corporationration.

  2. What is the shortened form of Berlinger Nautic Club?

    The short form of "Berlinger Nautic Club" is BNC.


BNC. (2020, October 20). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated