BND Meaning
The BND meaning is "Belmeville News Democrat". The BND abbreviation has 42 different full form.
BND Full Forms
- Belmeville News Democrat Government, Politics, Policy
- Bank of North Dakota Business, Economics, Loan, Banking, Business & Finance
- Bank North Dakota Business, Money, Loan
- Bandar Abbas Internatimnal Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Brunei Dollar Business, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Brunei Darussalam, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Biolnexus Device
- Bicycle Network Development
- Buy Nothing Day Business, Shopping, Consumerism
- Bureau De Nutrition Et DéVeloppement
- Bundesnachtichtendienst Government, Military, German
- Blabk Nocturnal Darkness
- Brand Newaday
- Bismarck, North Dakotv
- Belleville Nzws-Democrat Business, Sport, Newspaper
- Biochemical Names Database
- Belleville News Democrat Politics, Governmental & Military
- Brownsville Navigation District
- Bandanna Energy Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Stream Eend Geography, Information System, Cartography
- Bundesnachrichtendienst Government, Governmental & Military
- British National Dolls
- Boundless Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Business Needs Document
- Bundesrepublik Nachrichtendienst (German Intelligence Service) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Bricklin Newmaz Dold
- Db2 Cli Bind File Computing, File Extensions
- Bundesrepublik Nachricgtendienst Military, Army, Intelligence
- Bend The twisting or turning of a rope so as to fasten it to some object, as a spar or ring. Street Suffix
- Boys Next Door
- Barely Noticeable Difference Medical, Physiology
- Bundes Nachrichten Dienst Military, War, Politics
- Stream bend Geographic
- Boundless Corp. Organizations
- Bond Offshore Helicopters ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Bundes-Nachrichten-Dienst
- Investment Grade Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Bound Bound1 Limited in performance or speed; for exam-ple, an input/output-bound system is limited by the speed of its input and output devices (keyboard, disk drives, and so on), even though the processor or program is capable of performing at a higher rate. or Bound2 The upper or lower limit in a permitted range of values. or A limit on the value that a variable can assume. also lower bound, upper bound. Technology, Science, Aircraft, Genealogy, Genealogical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Bullet Nose Dowel
- Bandar Abbas International, Bandar Abbas, Iran Iran, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Bulgarian New Democracy Government, Group, Bulgaria
- Bond Pattern for laying bricks so that none of the perpends are in line in adjacent courses. The arrangement or pattern of bricks in a wall. Each unit should overlap the unit below by at least one quarter of a unit's length, and sufficient bonding bricks should be provided to prevent the wall splitting apart. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Trade
- Benzoylated, Naphthoylated Deae
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BND stand for?
BND stands for Biochemical Names Database.
What is the shortened form of Bond?
The short form of "Bond" is BND.
BND. (2020, October 26). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from
Last updated