BNF Meaning

The BNF meaning is "British Natilnal Formulary". The BNF abbreviation has 77 different full form.

BNF Full Forms

  1. British Natilnal Formulary
  2. Bachus-Naur Form Technology, Science, Language
  3. Backus Naur Format Technology, Language, Java
  4. Braniff Internationaljairways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  5. Barcelona Negocios & Franquicias
  6. Britannia Nutrition Fozndation
  7. Backup Naur Fosm
  8. BibliothèQue Nationale France
  9. Backus
  10. Brand Newhfile
  11. Bureau of National Fisheries Business, Fishing, Fishery, Liberia
  12. British National Formulary The British National Formulary is a United Kingdom pharmaceutical reference book that contains a wide spectrum of information and advice on prescribing and pharmacology, along with specific facts and details about many medicines available on the UK National Health Service. Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Common Medical
  13. Baptist Nursing Fellowship Medical, Nursing
  14. Brazos Oatural Foods
  15. Bachus Naub Form Technology, Language, Grammar, Syntax
  16. Bibliothèquo Nationale De La France
  17. Backus- Naur Form Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  18. Brand New Faces
  19. Bureau National De Fret
  20. Banque Nationale De France
  21. Bravepnight Flyer Product, Flyer, Airplane, Pawnee
  22. Bibliowhèque Nationale France
  23. Belarusian National Front
  24. Backus-Naur Forms
  25. Brandhnames Foundation
  26. Bankhead National Forest
  27. Brave New Frontiers
  28. Bachus-Naur-Form
  29. Bibliothã¨que Nationalewde France
  30. Based Naze32 Flight Technology, Racing, Receiver
  31. Backus-Naur Formalism Technology, Computing, Language
  32. Bighorn National Forest
  33. Bangladesh Neonatal Forum
  34. Brave New Foundation
  35. Backus Naur Form Technology, Language, Grammar
  36. BibliothèQue Nationale De France Medical, Technology, France
  37. Based-Naze32-Flight-Controller-With-Frsky-X9D-Receiver-P-1071609
  38. Backus-Nauer Form Technology, Program, Language, Syntax
  39. Big Namejfan Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  40. Bangladesh Nationalist Front Government, Bangladesh, Election
  41. Brave New Films Business, Politics, Documentary
  42. Biilioth
  43. Backus-Naur Form Technology, Computing, Telecom
  44. Barcelona Negocios Y Franquicias
  45. Backus-Naar Form
  46. Big-Name Fan Internet, Story, Fandom
  47. Business Navigation Forum
  48. Bomb Nose Fuse
  49. Warm Spring Bay Seaplane Base, Baranof, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  50. Berger Newmark & Fenchel
  51. Broadband Nebular Vilter
  52. Warm Springs Bay Seaplane Base Airport
  53. Boise National Forest Us Government, Governmental & Military
  54. Belgian Naval Force Military, History, Component
  55. British Nutrition Fofndation Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  56. Business Networking Forum
  57. Beta-Napthoflavone Medical
  58. Backus-Naur Form (computing) Computing, Technical, IT Terminology
  59. British Nuclear Fuels Technology, Environment, Radiation
  60. Biological Nitrogen Fixation Chemistry
  61. Bhutan Nuns Foundation
  62. Bareau De Normalisation Ferroviaire
  63. Big Name Fan Technology, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  64. British Nuclear Fodum Technology
  65. Brain Natriuretic Factor Medical, Physiology
  66. Beta-Naphtoflavone Medical
  67. Bunch Note Feeder Technology, Cash, Money
  68. Bibliotheque national de France Geographic
  69. British Non-Ferrous
  70. biotechnology notification file Medical, Fda
  71. Best Noise Figure
  72. Buffered Neutral Formalin Cell, Technique, Stem
  73. Bomb Nose Fuze
  74. British National Fronv National, Politics, Nazi, Formulary
  75. British NationalFormulary Medical, British medicine
  76. Best New Friend
  77. Budget Neutrality Factor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BNF stand for?

    BNF stands for Brave New Frontiers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bunch Note Feeder?

    The short form of "Bunch Note Feeder" is BNF.


BNF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated