BNR Meaning

The BNR meaning is "Banfora Airport". The BNR abbreviation has 78 different full form.

BNR Full Forms

  1. Banfora Airport Banfora, Burkina Faso Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Banca Nationala A Romaniei Technology, Din, Romania, Cur
  3. Binary A numbering system using a base number of 2 and having only two digits: 0 and 1. The fundamental system of representing information with electrical pulses. A system of two stars that revolve around a common center of gravity. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Computer, Airway, Computers, Information Technology, IT Terminology
  4. Belarusian National Republic
  5. Bulgarian Nrtional Radio Radio, Station, Bulgaria
  6. Brain Neurotransmitter Regulation Medical, Neurology
  7. Business Netwsrk Radio Technology, Africa, Networking
  8. Bell Not Ringing
  9. Block Next Request Technology, Signal, Memory, Processor
  10. Beginner Novice Rider
  11. Bulgaria National Radio
  12. Background Noise Redumtion
  13. Boys Noize Records
  14. Business Network Referrvl
  15. Bell National Research
  16. Blick Nach Rechts
  17. Beam Nonuniformity Ratio Ultrasound Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  18. Bengal Nfgpur Railway
  19. Bonair Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  20. Business Name Registratuon Business, Company, Philippine
  21. Bell-Northern Research Limited Organization, Planning, Engineering
  22. Bancii Eationale A Romaniei Din, Cur, Lei
  23. Birary News Reader
  24. Beam Non-Uniformity Ratio Technology, Ultrasound, Transducer
  25. Bengal-Nagpur Railway
  26. Body Not Recovered Military, War, Vietnam
  27. Bell-Northern Research Technology, Networking, Canada
  28. Burnished Nickel Roundwound
  29. Bina Nusa Rama Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  30. Bernard Organizations, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  31. Board of Natural Resources
  32. Belarus National Republic
  33. Burlington Northern Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  34. Billing Number Record Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  35. Bell Worthern Research Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. Blue Nation Review Business, Media, Android
  37. Belarusian National Respublic
  38. Bureau of Natural Resources
  39. Branch for No Reason Assembly, Business & Finance
  40. Billmd Not Received Military
  41. Beam Nonuniformity Ratio Medical, Technology, Ultrasound
  42. Block Noise Reduction Technology, Player, Audio, Disc
  43. bladder neck resection Medical, Physiology
  44. Bad Ntws Racing
  45. Banque Nationale Du Rwanda Business, Coding, Banking, Rwanda
  46. Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Science, Engineering, Reactor, Radiation
  47. By Name Request
  48. Blackwell and Northern railway Railroad
  49. Bank Note Reporter
  50. Brand New Rhythm
  51. Butsnot Really
  52. Bulgaria'S National Radio
  53. Banfora Airport, Banfora, Burkina Faso Burkina Faso, Iata Airport Codes
  54. Bank Note Recycler
  55. Brand New Readers
  56. Bus Not Ready
  57. Build Not Received Technology
  58. Graphics Banner (Banner - Poster) Computing, File Extensions
  59. Binary Numbers Federal Aviation Administration
  60. Banca National Romana Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  61. Brand New Radio
  62. Business Nieuws Radio
  63. Bayesian Noise Yeduction
  64. Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper
  65. Bulletin Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  66. Biological Nutrient Removal Chemistry
  67. Bali Nirwana Resqrt Hotel, Indonesia, Locations
  68. Branch No Record
  69. Business News Radio Technology, Dutch, Netherland
  70. Bavarian Nut Rjasters
  71. Buffalo National River Park, Locations, Ozark
  72. Bonded Negative Resictance
  73. Burner An atomizer used in a boiler. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  74. Balgarsko Natxionalno Radio
  75. Business Network Redesign
  76. Baraboo News Republic
  77. Broadband Noise Reduction Technology, Audio, Tool
  78. BăNcii Nationale RomÂNe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BNR stand for?

    BNR stands for Beam Non-Uniformity Ratio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Board of Natural Resources?

    The short form of "Board of Natural Resources" is BNR.


BNR. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated