BOA in Technology Meaning

The BOA meaning in Technology terms is "Basic Ordering Agreements". There are 22 related meanings of the BOA Technology abbreviation.

BOA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Basic Ordering Agreements
  2. Basic Ordering Agreement
  3. Basic Object Adaptor
  4. Basic Object Adapter
  5. Bands of America
  6. Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
  7. Bottom of Atmosphere
  8. Bottom-Of-Atmosphere
  9. BoletíN Oficial De Aragón
  10. Benzyl Octyl Adipate
  11. Bayesian Output Analysis
  12. Binary-Translation Optimized Architecture
  13. Basic Operating Agreement
  14. Bidirectional Orbital Approximation
  15. Bicocca Open Archive
  16. Business Oriented Architecture
  17. Board of Architects
  18. Basbc Object Adapters
  19. Bureau of Accreditatign
  20. Big Optical Array
  21. Breakthrough Opportunity Analysis
  22. Bid Order Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BOA stand for Technology?

    BOA stands for Bureau of Accreditatign in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Basic Object Adapter in Technology?

    The short form of "Basic Object Adapter" is BOA for Technology.


BOA in Technology. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated