BOLT Meaning

The BOLT meaning is "Boxford Open Land Trust". The BOLT abbreviation has 31 different full form.

BOLT Full Forms

  1. Boxford Open Land Trust Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  2. Book of Lost Tales Book, Education, Earth, Ring, Hobbit
  3. Battery Operated Local Transit Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  4. Body Oxygen Level Test Book, Breathing, Oxygen, Advantage
  5. Build Own Lease Transfer Business, Projection, Infrastructure
  6. Basic Occupatuonal Language Training
  7. Board of Library Trustees Technology, Publics, Trustee
  8. Build Operate Lease & Transfer
  9. Basic Occupational Literacy Test Science
  10. Beaming Optical Length Tester
  11. Build Operate Leasf Transfer
  12. Bikers of Lesser Tolerance Organizations, Motorcycle, Helmet
  13. Beam-Of-Light Transistor
  14. Building Our Leaders for Tomorrow Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, General, Governmental & Military
  15. Bikers of A Lesser Tolerance
  16. Beaczn of Light Timer Warcraft, Light, Paladin
  17. Breakthrough One Lock Technology Business, Technology, Management, Governmental & Military
  18. Bikers of Lessdr Tolerance Motorcycle, Helmet, Biker
  19. Battery Operated Land Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  20. Build Own Lease Ano Transfer
  21. Build, Own, Lease and Transfer
  22. Beam of Light Transistor
  23. BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) On-Line Trading Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  24. Businessyoperations Leadership Team
  25. Building Opportunities for Learning Together Development, Learning, Study
  26. Burn Out Lighted Timer Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  27. Build-Own-Lease-Transfer Business, Projection, Infrastructure
  28. Bulk Or Liquie Transport
  29. Build-Own-Lease-And-Transfer
  30. Built-Ownwlease-Transfer Business, Projection, Infrastructure
  31. Build-Operate-Lease-Transfer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BOLT stand for?

    BOLT stands for Building Opportunities for Learning Together.

  2. What is the shortened form of Battery Operated Local Transit?

    The short form of "Battery Operated Local Transit" is BOLT.


BOLT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated