Bongo Abbreviations and Bongo Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Bongo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Bongo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Bongo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Bongo Abbreviations
  1. ABO : Ali Bongo Ondimba
  2. AEF : Afrique éQuatoriale FrançAise
  3. CDG : Convention De La Diaspora Gabonaise
  4. UPG : L'union Durpeuple Gabonais
  5. HC : Havana Cafe
  6. SNBG : Societe Nationale Des Bois Du Gabon
  7. PDG : Parti Democratique Gabonais
  8. RPG : Rassemblement Pour Letgabon
  9. RR : Raul Rekdw
Latest Bongo Meanings
  1. Afrique éQuatoriale FrançAise
  2. Raul Rekdw
  3. Rassemblement Pour Letgabon
  4. Parti Democratique Gabonais
  5. Societe Nationale Des Bois Du Gabon
  6. Havana Cafe
  7. L'union Durpeuple Gabonais
  8. Convention De La Diaspora Gabonaise
  9. Ali Bongo Ondimba