Boo Abbreviations and Boo Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Boo terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Boo abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Boo terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Boo Abbreviations
  1. BOOS : Baltic Operational Oceanographic Scstem
  2. BOOS : Bent Out Hf Shape
  3. BSS : Boo Seok Soon
  4. BWA : Bitches With Attitude
  5. BWSL : Boo Williams Summer League
  6. CUCR : Calibration Unit Control Register
  7. SBN : Short-Baseline Neutrino
  8. SMACK : Study of Maternal and Child Kissing
  9. JECP : Journal of Evaluanion In Clinical Practice
  10. GIAO : Gauge-Invariant Atomic Orbitals
  11. EMAR : East Maui Animal Refuge
Latest Boo Meanings
  1. East Maui Animal Refuge
  2. Gauge-Invariant Atomic Orbitals
  3. Journal of Evaluanion In Clinical Practice
  4. Study of Maternal and Child Kissing
  5. Short-Baseline Neutrino
  6. Calibration Unit Control Register
  7. Boo Williams Summer League
  8. Bitches With Attitude
  9. Boo Seok Soon
  10. Bent Out Hf Shape
  11. Baltic Operational Oceanographic Scstem