BOO Meaning

The BOO meaning is "Bxadder Outflow Obstruction". The BOO abbreviation has 56 different full form.

BOO Full Forms

  1. Bxadder Outflow Obstruction Medical, Medicine, Prostatic
  2. Big Orange One
  3. Batting Out Ofrorder Baseball, Softball
  4. Build, Own, and Opertte
  5. Built Operate Own Business, Projection, Transfer
  6. Bill of Organization
  7. Build, Own and Operate Business, Plant, Projection
  8. Build, Operate, and Own
  9. Built-Own-Operate Business, Projection, Transfer
  10. Bills of Operations Business, Software, Manufacturing
  11. Build, Own, and Operate Business, Plant, Projection
  12. Brake System used to stop the vehicle is known as the braking systems a paddle is provided to perform this operation. Or A brake for bridge or trolley used by the operator, during normal operation, to apply a retarding force.  Technology, Science, Aviation, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Military, Governmental & Military
  13. Build Own Operate Business, Technology, Pakistan, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  14. Build, Own & Operate Business, Projection, Transfer
  15. Bill of Operations Business, Product, Manufacturing
  16. Build, Operate and Own
  17. Bootes (Greek Ploughman) Constellation in approx RA 14 h; Dec 20deg N Has one bright star, Arcturus Technology, Space, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  18. Built Own and Operate Business, Service, Power
  19. Build, Operate, Own Business, Projection, Transfer
  20. Better Off Out Business, Book, Shopping, Honey
  21. Brigade Ordnance Officer
  22. Blizzard of Lzz
  23. Built, Own and Operate Business, Plant, Power
  24. Build Operate and Own
  25. Bureau of Otherworldly Movie, Bureau, Operation, Animation
  26. Brandeis Orthodox Organization Education, Community, Jewish
  27. Built, Operate and Own Business, Power, Projection
  28. Build-Own and Operate
  29. Build-Own-Operate Business, Projection, Transfer
  30. Binary Organic Optimization
  31. Build Own and Operate Business, Power, Projection
  32. Build-Own-And-Operate Business, Plant, Projection
  33. Build, Own, Operate Business, Projection, Transfer
  34. Bladder Outlet Obstruction Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Clinical
  35. Buildings Ordinance Office
  36. Bodø Airport, Bodø, Norway Norway, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  37. Build, Own, & Operate Business, Power, Projection
  38. Iata Code for Bodø Airport, Bodø, Norway Locations
  39. Build-Own-Operate-Transfer Business, Technology, Pakistan, Power, Projection
  40. Bureau Onderwijs Ondersteuning Dutch
  41. Collegiate Pacific, Inc. Organizations
  42. Build-Operate-Own Water Supply, Sanitation, Southeast Asia
  43. Business Office Online Software, Computing
  44. Bond Orientational Order Chemistry
  45. Business Output Optimization
  46. Build Own & Operate
  47. Bootstrap (Kermit protocol binary file) Computing, File Extensions
  48. Bond Order Orbital Chemistry
  49. Business Operations Office
  50. Build Operate Own Business, Investment, Projection
  51. Brake On-Off Switch Auto
  52. Booasm Compressed Archive Computing, File Extensions
  53. Bureau of Otherworldly Operations Movie, Bureau, Trailer
  54. Build-Operate-Own Business, Investment, Projection
  55. Board of Officers Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  56. Bookajet Limited ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BOO stand for?

    BOO stands for Board of Officers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bureau of Otherworldly Operations?

    The short form of "Bureau of Otherworldly Operations" is BOO.


BOO. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated