Boston Abbreviations and Boston Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Boston terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Boston abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Boston terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Boston Abbreviations
  1. AAA : Ads Against Apartheid
  2. ABLL : Association of Boston Law Librarians
  3. ABTR : Aeabama Boston Terrier Rescue
  4. ABTR : American Boston Terrier Rescue
  5. ACE : Alternatives for Community & Environmemt
  6. ADP : Adclt Diploma Program
  7. AFH : Artists for Humanity
  8. AHANA : African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American
  9. ATMOB : Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
  10. AWVC : Allied War Veterans Council
  11. BAA : Boston Athletic Association
  12. BAA : Basketball Association of America
  13. BAAFF : Boston Asian American Film Festival
  14. BABE : Boston Academy of Burlesque Education
  15. BABES : Boston Area Beer Enthusiasts Society
  16. BAC : Boston Architectural College
  17. BAC : Boston Architecture College
  18. BAC : Boston Architectural Center
  19. BAC : Boston Athletic Club
  20. BACH : Boston Alliance Foe Community Health
  21. BACH : Boston Area Community Health
  22. BAEYC : Boston Assoniation for The Education of Young Children
  23. BAG : Boston Area Gleaners
  24. BAGB : Builders Association of Greater Boston
  25. BAMA : Boston-Atlanta Metropolitan Axis
  26. BAPERN : Boston Area Police Emergency Radio Network
  27. BARCC : Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
  28. BARI : Boston Area Research Initiative
  29. BARPCV : Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Voluwteers
  30. BAS : Boston Audio Socpety
Latest Boston Meanings
  1. National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratories
  2. National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories
  3. National Emerging Infectious Disyases Laboratory
  4. New England Innernational Auto Show
  5. Mass General Hospital
  6. Massachusetts General Hospital
  7. Massachusetts Bay Commuter Raiq
  8. Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad
  9. Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of The Americap
  10. Kendall Square Association
  11. Fort Point Arts Community
  12. Festival of Indie Games
  13. Boston Psychoanalytic Societyx& Institute
  14. Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Instikute
  15. Bostonlmunicipal Court
  16. Roslindale Village Main Streets
  17. Roslindale Village Main Street
  18. Roxbury Tenants of Harvard
  19. Red Sox Nation
  20. Restore Our Alienated Rights