BP in Business & Finance Meaning
The BP meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Brake Pipe". There are 24 related meanings of the BP Business & Finance abbreviation.
BP on Business & Finance Full Forms
- Brake Pipe
- Basis Points
- Basis Point
- British Petroleum
- Bypass Passage at one side of, or around, a regular passage. Or To eliminate a station or an access unit from a ring network by allowing the data to flow in a path around it. Or A circuit that carries telephone signals from a subscriber to another point without the use of local telephone company circuits. or A secondary passage for fluid flow. or Road joining two parts of an older road to avoid a town or village.
- Buffer Previous
- Budgeting & Planning
- Base Plate A steel plate welded to the base of a column which distributes the column loads over an area of foundation large enough to prevent crushing of the concrete and usually secured by anchor bolts.
- Back Porch
- Budget Power
- Bootstrap Protocol Bootstrap Protocol A protocol used primarily on TCP/IP networks to configure diskless workstations. Rfcs 951 and 1542 define this protocol. DHCP is a later boot configuration protocol that uses this protocol. Or The protocol that provides configuration information from a table. or A protocol that allows a client to find both its Internet Protocol (IP) address and the name of a file from a server on the network.
- Build Package
- Constant Factor that is invariable in a variable quantity or value A 'Tidal Constant'
- Block Point
- Bp
- Big Pockets
- Back Pressure The resistance of the molten plastic material to forward flow. In molding, back pressure increases the temperature of the melt, and contributes to better mixing of colors and homogeneity of the material. As back pressure increases, so does cycle time. The resistivity of molten plastic material to forward flow. In extrusion, the resistance of molten polymer to flow forward, caused by a pressure difference between two points along the path of flow.
- Bills Purchased
- Big Player
- Cycle In fatigue, one complete sequence of values of applied load that is repeated periodically. also S-N curve. (S-N curve) or The repetitive unit of a periodic signal. To end a management collection object that is currently in use and to open a new object for storing future collections. This process prevents collection objects from becoming too large. or A set of tables that can be ordered so that each table is a descendent of the one before it, and the first table is a descendent of the last table.
- Air Botswana Corporation
- Bills Payable Bills payable is a promise made by the receiver of a benefit to the giver of a benefit, to pay an amount of money in the future.
- Billing Provider
- Business Plan A written document which sets out a business's plans and objectives, and how it will achieve them, e.g. by marketing, development, production, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BP stand for Business & Finance?
BP stands for Business Plan in Business & Finance terms.
What is the shortened form of Bills Payable in Business & Finance?
The short form of "Bills Payable" is BP for Business & Finance.
BP in Business & Finance. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bp-meaning-in-business-finance/
Last updated