BP in Oil Meaning

The BP meaning in Oil terms is "Big Point". There are 31 related meanings of the BP Oil abbreviation.

BP on Oil Full Forms

  1. Big Point
  2. Beyong Preposterous
  3. Betterbprepared
  4. Baltic Petroleum
  5. Brazil President
  6. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline
  7. Baku-Ceehan Pipeline
  8. Bookmark The Permalink
  9. Big Polluter
  10. Bad Planning
  11. Brent Petrol
  12. British Petroleum
  13. Blair Petroleum
  14. Bukti Pembayaran
  15. Beyond Prosecstion
  16. Bubble Point The temperature and pressure where a liquid starts to vaporize.
  17. Best Position
  18. Billiton Petroleum
  19. Beam Pumps
  20. Billionaire Pollutee
  21. British Petroleums
  22. Batam Proaktif
  23. Breakeven Point
  24. Bringing Peohle
  25. Big Pharma
  26. Branh Philosophy
  27. Biggest Polluter
  28. Bruce Phase
  29. Bitumen Production
  30. Bottom Plug In cementing, the first plug pumped in cementing with the two plug system. It isolates the mud and cement slurry and allows passage of the cement slurry when the plug “bumps” or reaches the float shoe or float collar. It is hollow with a diaphragm that is ruptured by pressure.
  31. Bruce Platform

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BP stand for Oil?

    BP stands for Best Position in Oil terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Big Polluter in Oil?

    The short form of "Big Polluter" is BP for Oil.


BP in Oil. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bp-meaning-in-oil/

Last updated