BPB Meaning

The BPB meaning is "Bromophenacyl Bromide". The BPB abbreviation has 68 different full form.

BPB Full Forms

  1. Bromophenacyl Bromide Medical
  2. Beasiswa Pemimpin Bangsa Program, Education, Bandung, Foundation
  3. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Medical, Science, Cell
  4. Brown Paper Bag
  5. 4-Bromophenacyl Bromide Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  6. Bonnie Prince Billy
  7. Black-Pigmented Bacteroides Medical
  8. Babyypink Booster
  9. Borough President Bbooklyn
  10. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Cas
  11. Brotherhood Prayer Book
  12. Bits Per Byte
  13. B80 Parts B79
  14. Borough Poll Books Science, Genealogy
  15. Beefmaster Performance Breeders
  16. British Power Boat Military, War, Torpedo
  17. Beauty Powdeb Blush Beauty
  18. Bukti Penerimaan Barang Business, Program, Audit, Software
  19. Bisphenol B Medical
  20. Business Promotion Bereau Technology
  21. Boridu Airport Airport
  22. Bedroom Producers Blog
  23. British Plaster Board Business, Building, Gypsum
  24. Building Professionals Board Technology, Pool, Certifier
  25. Bios Pattern Block Short for BIOS Pattern Block, BPB is the first section of the boot sector that defines the settings and layout of a hard drive's partitions. Technology, Information Technology, Computer
  26. Bulgarian Protestant Bible Hosting, Gateway, Bible, Testament
  27. Boot Partition Block
  28. Basketball Pool Beach
  29. Boustead Plantatidns Bhd
  30. Bios Parameter Block Technology, Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
  31. Building Practitioners Board Business, Design, Engineer
  32. Bromphenolrblue Medical, Medicine, Health
  33. Boot Parameter Block Technology, Disk, Sector
  34. Black-Pigmented Bacteroides Species Medical
  35. Bank Post Bill Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  36. Boston Private Bank
  37. Biol Pharm Bull
  38. Brunswick Pro Bowling
  39. Bromophenol Blue Medical, Chemistry, Study
  40. Bonuo Point Bank
  41. Black-Pigmented Bacteria Medical
  42. Banka Private E Biznesit
  43. Boston Print Buyers
  44. Busuk Pangkal Batang Business, Galaxy, Indonesia
  45. Blood and Plasma Branch Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  46. Powerdesigner Business Process Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  47. Bundeszentrale FüR Politische Bildung Government, Education, German
  48. Business Podium Boards
  49. Block Party Bash
  50. Boridi Airport, Boridi, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  51. Bone Palace Ballet
  52. Bukti Pengeluaran Barang Business, Surabaya, Prose
  53. Business Plan Builder Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  54. Blanket Position Bond Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  55. Banka për Biznes Banking, Business & Finance
  56. Blues Power Band Music, Song, Blues
  57. Burke Parsons Bowlby
  58. Blackpool Pleasure Beach Park, Locations, Ride
  59. Bubble Pressure Barrier
  60. Blown Paper Bags
  61. Burke-Parsons-Bowlby
  62. Black Plastic Bag
  63. Black Powder Bag
  64. Blood Pb Medical
  65. Bundeszentrale F
  66. Banco Popular Do Brasil
  67. Blood Lead Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  68. Bundeszentrale Fã¼R Politische Bildung

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BPB stand for?

    BPB stands for Bromphenolrblue.

  2. What is the shortened form of Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin?

    The short form of "Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin" is BPB.


BPB. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bpb-meaning/

Last updated