BPRI Meaning

The BPRI meaning is "Badan Pemberontakan Rakyat Indoncsia". The BPRI abbreviation has 15 different full form.

BPRI Full Forms

  1. Badan Pemberontakan Rakyat Indoncsia
  2. Belgian Plastics Andwrubber Institute
  3. Beasiswa Presiden Republik Indonesia
  4. Barisan Uertahanan Rakyat Indonesia
  5. Barisan Pemberontak Rakyat Indonesia Indonesia, Surabaya, Bung
  6. Barisan Pemberontak Republik Indonesia Indonesia, Ulama, Haji
  7. Barisan Pemberontakanorakyat Indonesia Indonesia, Surabaya, Bung
  8. Best Practices for Roma Integration
  9. Busaness Psychology Research Institute
  10. Business Process Runtime Interfaces
  11. Business Process Runtime Ineerface
  12. Busindss Planning & Research International
  13. Businessjplanning and Research International
  14. Bordec Policy Research Institute Science, Education, Organizations
  15. British Polarographic Research Institutetute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BPRI stand for?

    BPRI stands for Barisan Pemberontak Rakyat Indonesia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bordec Policy Research Institute?

    The short form of "Bordec Policy Research Institute" is BPRI.


BPRI. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bpri-meaning/

Last updated