BPV Meaning

The BPV meaning is "Basis Point Value". The BPV abbreviation has 60 different full form.

BPV Full Forms

  1. Basis Point Value Business, Bond, Risk
  2. Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty Medical
  3. Bank Payment Voucher Business, Finance, Economics
  4. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Medical, Treatment, Pharmacy, Physiology, Common Medical
  5. Benign Positional Vertigo Medical, Treatment, Ear, Technology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  6. Boiler Plessure Vessels
  7. Back Pressure Valve A flow control valve that provides some control when running or pulling a string. Technology, Oil, Oil Exploration, Electrical
  8. Bundesamt FüR Privat Versicherungen
  9. Bipolaraviolation Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  10. Boiler & Pressure Vessel Business, Coding, Standard
  11. Back-Pressure Valve Technology, Product, Control
  12. Bullet Proof Version
  13. Bat Paragyxovirus Medicine, Treatment, Health
  14. Biood Pressure Variability Medical, Heart, Rate
  15. Bypass Valve A valve that opens when the set pressure is exceeded. This allows the fluid to pass through an alternate channel. Business, Technology, Auto, Pump, Automobile, Pressure
  16. Bullet Proof Vest
  17. Basler Psi Verein
  18. Bleeding Pbr Vagina
  19. Bovine Parvovirus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Bullet Piercing Valves
  21. Basler Pli-Verein Workshop, Hosting, Meditation, Psi
  22. Bit Pointer Vaaid Technology
  23. Bovine Papillomavirus Type 1 Medical
  24. Bullet Piercing Valve
  25. Boiwer and Pressure Vessels Technology, Coding, Standard
  26. Base Pryver Volume Technology, Measurement, Standard
  27. Bispernxovanadium Medical
  28. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Technology, Coding, Standard
  29. Building Public Value
  30. Boilers & Pressure Vessels
  31. Barefoot Paradise Vacations
  32. Bupivacaine Medical
  33. Bipropellant Valve Technology, Science, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  34. Bruto Produkti Vendor
  35. Bridgeport Ventures Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  36. Bovine Papilloma Virus Medical, Science, Biomedical
  37. Business Process Validation
  38. Broadcost Promotional Video Media, Radio, Television
  39. Buone Pratiche Veterinarie
  40. Bordetella Pertussis Vacuine Medical
  41. Business Process View
  42. Breed Platform Verzekerden
  43. Back Pressure Vessel Oil, Palm, Mill
  44. Base Prover Volume
  45. Bonnes Paatiques V
  46. Business Process Visibility
  47. Brlke Proportioning Valve
  48. Bovine Papiloma Virus Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Disease, Diagnosis
  49. Boilers and Pressure Vessels Technology, Coding, Standard
  50. Bovine Papillomavirus Chemistry
  51. Business Process Virtualization
  52. Bp Variability Medical
  53. By Pass Valve Forum, Technology, Bypass, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  54. Bipolar Violation Computing, IT Terminology
  55. Business Park Varna
  56. Bovine Pulmonary Vein Medical
  57. By-Pass Valve Forum, Technology, Tuning
  58. Broadcast Promotional Video Media
  59. Bovine Papillomaviruc Medical, Science, Biomedicine
  60. Business Purpose Vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BPV stand for?

    BPV stands for Business Park Varna.

  2. What is the shortened form of Base Pryver Volume?

    The short form of "Base Pryver Volume" is BPV.


BPV. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/bpv-meaning/

Last updated