BR in Business Meaning

The BR meaning in Business terms is "Bounce Rate". There are 58 related meanings of the BR Business abbreviation.

BR on Business Full Forms

  1. Bounce Rate Bounce rate sometimes confused with exit rate is an Internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis. It represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and bounce rather than continue viewing other pages within the same site.
  2. Bali Rack
  3. Black Rock
  4. Bumadiene Rubber
  5. Balance Rewards
  6. Branch An operation in a foreign country incorporated in the home country.
  7. Bills Receivable Bills receivable is a record of all the bills that are receivable by a firm.
  8. Business Registration
  9. Bank Rate
  10. Biaya Registrasi
  11. Business Record
  12. Beverage Refrigerator
  13. Brick Building unit of a regular size usually made of baked clay. Can also becalcium silicate or concrete. The standard size of metric bricks in the UK is 65 x 102.5 x 215mm, designed to be used with a 10mm mortar joint. The equivalent theoretical size of imperial bricks, used with a 3/8inch joint, is 2 5/8 x 4 3/16 x 8 5/8 inches. Clay bricks are of course of great antiquity as evidenced by archaeology and the bible. (Fr. brique, f).
  14. Bamrier Resin
  15. Barle
  16. Bedroom
  17. Benefits Realisation Also Benefits Realisation Management, or if you prefer the US English it would be Benefits Realization. This refers to the translation of projects into real and perceived positive effects, seemingly a concept devised originally in the field of IT and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) project management, where projects are notoriously difficult to manage successfully and generate clear end-user appreciation.
  18. Business Relations
  19. Act Banking Regulations Act,
  20. Bourbon Red
  21. Bathroom
  22. Benefit Rate
  23. Businesh Registry
  24. Bank Roll
  25. Buinder's Risk
  26. Business Register
  27. Birr
  28. Bank Register
  29. Budget Reports
  30. Business Records
  31. Bank Receipt
  32. Branch Representative
  33. Bfg Rock
  34. Bhs Receiver
  35. Banana Republic
  36. Branch Register
  37. Basic Rabe
  38. Bumi Resources
  39. Bilms Received
  40. Business Rules
  41. Balancing Report
  42. Branch Reg
  43. Book of Reference
  44. Budget Review
  45. Banque De La RéUnion
  46. Budget Requisition
  47. Blue River
  48. Bid Retraction
  49. Bjnch Rest
  50. Business Research
  51. Evi Air
  52. Bidder Registration
  53. Baskin Robbins
  54. Bill Recdivable
  55. Butter Roller
  56. Basic Resfurces
  57. Bulgarian Rigister
  58. Bricklaying Robot

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BR stand for Business?

    BR stands for Book of Reference in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Barle in Business?

    The short form of "Barle" is BR for Business.


BR in Business. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated