BR in Business & Finance Meaning

The BR meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Best Regards". There are 17 related meanings of the BR Business & Finance abbreviation.

BR on Business & Finance Full Forms

  1. Best Regards
  2. Brick Building unit of a regular size usually made of baked clay. Can also becalcium silicate or concrete. The standard size of metric bricks in the UK is 65 x 102.5 x 215mm, designed to be used with a 10mm mortar joint. The equivalent theoretical size of imperial bricks, used with a 3/8inch joint, is 2 5/8 x 4 3/16 x 8 5/8 inches. Clay bricks are of course of great antiquity as evidenced by archaeology and the bible. (Fr. brique, f).
  3. Branch An operation in a foreign country incorporated in the home country.
  4. Bankruptcy The legal process that a person or firm goes through if they are unable to pay their debts. The process seeks an orderly sharing of the losses by creditors and a chance to start fresh, usually after some delay, for the debtor. No such process exists for national governments or countries, exacerbating the problems of debt crisis and financial crisis.
  5. Bedroom
  6. Bathroom
  7. Before Return
  8. Builder's Risk
  9. Belarusian ruble
  10. Bills Received
  11. Before Read
  12. Big Rock Brewery Income Trust
  13. Eva Airways Corporation
  14. Bourns
  15. Buffalo and Pittsburgh
  16. Brush A conductive block used to make sliding contact with an armature. Or Brush A tool used in paint programs to sketch or fill in areas of a drawing with the color and pattern currently in use. Paint programs that offer a variety of brush shapes can produce brushstrokes of varying width and, in some cases, shadowing or calligraphic effects. or brush a conductor, usually carbon or a carbon–copper mixture, that makes sliding electrical contact to the rotor of an electri-cal machine.
  17. British Railways

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BR stand for Business & Finance?

    BR stands for Eva Airways Corporation in Business & Finance terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Buffalo and Pittsburgh in Business & Finance?

    The short form of "Buffalo and Pittsburgh" is BR for Business & Finance.


BR in Business & Finance. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated