BR in Business & Finance Meaning
The BR meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Best Regards". There are 17 related meanings of the BR Business & Finance abbreviation.
BR on Business & Finance Full Forms
- Best Regards
- Brick Building unit of a regular size usually made of baked clay. Can also becalcium silicate or concrete. The standard size of metric bricks in the UK is 65 x 102.5 x 215mm, designed to be used with a 10mm mortar joint. The equivalent theoretical size of imperial bricks, used with a 3/8inch joint, is 2 5/8 x 4 3/16 x 8 5/8 inches. Clay bricks are of course of great antiquity as evidenced by archaeology and the bible. (Fr. brique, f).
- Branch An operation in a foreign country incorporated in the home country.
- Bankruptcy The legal process that a person or firm goes through if they are unable to pay their debts. The process seeks an orderly sharing of the losses by creditors and a chance to start fresh, usually after some delay, for the debtor. No such process exists for national governments or countries, exacerbating the problems of debt crisis and financial crisis.
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Before Return
- Builder's Risk
- Belarusian ruble
- Bills Received
- Before Read
- Big Rock Brewery Income Trust
- Eva Airways Corporation
- Bourns
- Buffalo and Pittsburgh
- Brush A conductive block used to make sliding contact with an armature. Or Brush A tool used in paint programs to sketch or fill in areas of a drawing with the color and pattern currently in use. Paint programs that offer a variety of brush shapes can produce brushstrokes of varying width and, in some cases, shadowing or calligraphic effects. or brush a conductor, usually carbon or a carbon–copper mixture, that makes sliding electrical contact to the rotor of an electri-cal machine.
- British Railways
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BR stand for Business & Finance?
BR stands for Eva Airways Corporation in Business & Finance terms.
What is the shortened form of Buffalo and Pittsburgh in Business & Finance?
The short form of "Buffalo and Pittsburgh" is BR for Business & Finance.
BR in Business & Finance. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated