BR in Technology Meaning

The BR meaning in Technology terms is "Boot Record". There are 95 related meanings of the BR Technology abbreviation.

BR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Boot Record
  2. British Rail
  3. Bayerischer Rundfunk
  4. Breech Presentation
  5. Boilel Relay
  6. Basic Rate Access
  7. Breton
  8. Baud Rate The baud rate of a data communications system is the number of symbols per second transferred. A symbol may have more than two states, so it may represent more than one binary bit (a binary bit always represents exactly two states). Therefore the baud rate may not equal the bit rate, especially in the case of recent modems, which can have (for example) up to nine bits per symbol.
  9. Brick Building unit of a regular size usually made of baked clay. Can also becalcium silicate or concrete. The standard size of metric bricks in the UK is 65 x 102.5 x 215mm, designed to be used with a 10mm mortar joint. The equivalent theoretical size of imperial bricks, used with a 3/8inch joint, is 2 5/8 x 4 3/16 x 8 5/8 inches. Clay bricks are of course of great antiquity as evidenced by archaeology and the bible. (Fr. brique, f).
  10. Black Rose
  11. Bills Receivable Bills receivable is a record of all the bills that are receivable by a firm.
  12. Bre Report
  13. Battle Report
  14. Best Response
  15. Button Right
  16. Breeder Reactor A nuclear reactor that produces more fissionable nuclear fuel than it consumes.
  17. Best Reply
  18. Bromine Symbol:"Br" Atomic Number:"35" Atomic Mass: 79.90amu. Bromine is a member of the halogen group. Bromine is the only non-metallic element that is a liquid at room temperature. While it is poisonous you will still find this reddish-brown element used in flame-retardants, water purification systems, and dyes.
  19. Branch Ratio
  20. Broadband Router
  21. Begin Row
  22. Border Routers
  23. Basic Requirements
  24. Brojdband Radio
  25. Bayesian Regularization
  26. By Report
  27. Border Ryuter
  28. Bisic Regulation
  29. Backup and Restore
  30. British
  31. Batch Reactors
  32. Bhs Receiver
  33. Binary Relevance
  34. Bahn Rhein-Ruhr
  35. Boost Reliability
  36. Business Rules
  37. Bridge Replacement
  38. Blu Ray
  39. Brown
  40. Business Rule
  41. Breeding Ratio
  42. Biceps Reflex
  43. Bezier Relative
  44. Bug Report
  45. Backward Reporting
  46. Blast Radius
  47. Break 1 Interruption of a program caused by the user pressing the Break key or its equivalent. Interruption of a communications transmission that occurs when the receiving station interrupts and takes over control of the line or when the transmitting station prematurely halts transmissio In the Java programming language, a key-word used to resume program execution at the next state-ment following the current statement.
  48. Basic Rabe
  49. Byte Register
  50. Branch Register
  51. Bridge The crane movement in a direction parallel to the crane runway. Or A network device operating at the first two layers of the OSI model with filtering and forwarding capabilities. Or A collection of adapters and business process in Sterling B2B Integrator that are used to establish communication and send and receive messages between Multi-Enterprise Integrated Gateway and Sterling B2B Integrator.
  52. Bernecker Rainer
  53. Bronco Restosod
  54. Backup Routixg
  55. Blrcelona Regional
  56. Byte Rlte
  57. Bound Range
  58. Blu-Ray
  59. Busta Rhymes
  60. Backup Routbr
  61. Byte and Run
  62. Balanced Regulator
  63. Bradford Industrial Rail Incorporated
  64. Bedroom
  65. Beautiful Revolution
  66. Bushrepeater
  67. Binary Kesult
  68. Business Reengineering
  69. Balanced Radiator
  70. Bootstrap Routine
  71. Bridge Return
  72. Bus Request
  73. Radiocommunication Bureau
  74. Bulk Resistancb
  75. Bass Ratio
  76. Business Request
  77. Billing Repork
  78. Radiocommunicationu Bureau
  79. Building Research
  80. Bad Registrr
  81. Basic Resfurces
  82. Business Requirements
  83. Mist A hydrometeor consisting of an aggregate of microscopic and more-or-less hygroscopic water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. It reduces visibility to a lesser extent than fog. The relative humidity of mist is often less than 95 percent.
  84. Baotery Regenerator
  85. Business Requirement
  86. Cremona Brown
  87. Binding Requesh
  88. Buchanan Renewables
  89. Batch Reactor The batch reactor is the generic term for a type of vessel widely used in the process industries. Its name is something of a misnomer since vessels of this type are used for a variety of process operations such as solids dissolution, product mixing, chemical reactions, batch distillation, crystallization, liquid/liquid extraction and polymerization.
  90. Bend Radius Bend radius, which is measured to the inside curvature, is the minimum radius one can bend a pipe, tube, sheet, cable or hose without kinking it, damaging it, or shortening its life. The smaller the bend radius, the greater is the material flexibility . The diagram below illustrates a cable with a seven-centimeter bend radius.
  91. Bridgewire Resistance
  92. Binding, Record
  93. Bilişseldradyo
  94. Bridge Routers
  95. Trans Brown

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BR stand for Technology?

    BR stands for Bug Report in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Backup Routbr in Technology?

    The short form of "Backup Routbr" is BR for Technology.


BR in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated