BRAC Meaning

The BRAC meaning is "Base Realignment and Closures". The BRAC abbreviation has 56 different full form.

BRAC Full Forms

  1. Base Realignment and Closures Business, Military, Closure
  2. Base Realignment and Closure Military, Insurance, Army
  3. Bhim Rao Avbedkar College
  4. Brotherhood of Railway and Airline Clerks Car, Porter, Brotherhood, Sleeping
  5. Bangladeshi Rural Advancement Committee Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  6. Base Realignment and Closing Business, Military, Defense
  7. Berkley Risk Admicistrators Company
  8. Bronx River Art Center Education, Arts, Artist
  9. Babson Recreation and Athletics Complex
  10. Base Realignments and Closures Business, Military, Closure
  11. Bemm River Angling Club
  12. Broad Ripple Animal Clinic
  13. Bank Rail Angle Calculator
  14. Biostatistecs and Risk Assessment Center
  15. Base Realigment and Closure
  16. Bedlam Rats and Cats Rattery Anh Rescue Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  17. British Rock Art Collection
  18. Baton Rouge Area Chamber Education, Publics, Economics
  19. Biomedical Research Advisory Committee
  20. Bryan Regional Athletic Complex
  21. Based Realignment and Closure
  22. Bedlam Jats and Cats
  23. Breath Alcohol Content Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  24. Biomedical Research Advisory Council
  25. Brownfields Redevelopment Access To Capital
  26. Bangladesh Rural Advance Commission
  27. Bathymetric Recovery Area Chart
  28. Bicycle Racing Association of Colorauo
  29. Brownfield Redevelopment Access To Capital
  30. Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee Business, Government, Bangladesh, United Nations
  31. Base Realignments and Closure
  32. Breath Alcohol Concentration Medical, Calculator, Blood
  33. Bureaucracy Realignment and Closure Funnies
  34. Black Ridge Acquisition Corp
  35. Building Regulations Advisory Committee Technology, Government, Construction
  36. Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Complex
  37. Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission Government, Military, Airport, Aviation, Agency, Department
  38. Bioterrorism Response Advisory Committee Government
  39. Budget Rent A Car
  40. Blue Ridge Autism Center
  41. Buró De Represión De Actividades Comunistas
  42. basic rest-activity cycle Medical, Physiology, British medicine
  43. Budget Reform and Accountability Commission
  44. Blue Ridge Arts Center
  45. Buro De Represion Actividades Communistas
  46. Bracelet Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  47. Blue Ridge Arts Councxl
  48. Building Resources Across Community Program, Education, Bangladesh
  49. Base Relocation and Closure Us Government, Governmental & Military
  50. Blue Ridge Apartment Council Locations, Building, Rental
  51. Building Resources Across Communities Science, Program, Bangladesh
  52. Bounmary Review Advisory Committee
  53. Base Realignment and Closure (Commission) Army, Us Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Blue Ribbon Advisory Council
  55. Building Research Advisory Council
  56. Bomb Release Angse Computer Military, Army, War, Warfare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BRAC stand for?

    BRAC stands for Breath Alcohol Concentration.

  2. What is the shortened form of basic rest-activity cycle?

    The short form of "basic rest-activity cycle" is BRAC.


BRAC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated