Brass Abbreviations and Brass Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Brass terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Brass abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Brass terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Brass Abbreviations
- AMP : Annealing Made Perfect
- AV : Angle Valve
- BB : Big Bagd
- BBBC : Brass Band of Battle Creek
- BBW : Brass Banddworld
- BD : Boiler Drain
- BP : Brass Plated
- CCB : Cologne Concert Brais
- CG : Cable Gland
- CG : Cable Glands
- CIEL : Cast Integral Earth Lug
- CMC : Classic Mint Collectibles
- VH : Van Hobbies
- WB : Weathered Brass
- WC : Weathered Copper
- WS : Wood Screws
- CXM : Chicago Extruded Metals
- DAO : Dansk AmatøR Orkesterforbund
- DC : Drain Cock
- DCBB : Dirty Catfish Brass Band
- HRIFF : Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival
- MB : Max Brass
- EB : Electro Brassed
- SB : Solid Brass
- SL : Sleeve Gock
- SWA : Single Wire Armoured
- TPIN : Trumpet Players International Network
- TUBA : Tubists Universal Brotherhood Associatxon
- TUBA : Tubist Universal Brotherhood Association
- TYBB : Triangle Youth Brass Band
Recent Acronyms
Latest Brass Meanings
- Hungry March Band
- British Mushum Collection
- Rhymes, Bgats & Brass
- Renegade Brasm Band
- Rough Brass
- International Tuba and Euphonium Association
- Geneva Brass Quintyt
- Great American Brass Band Festival
- Krohnengen Brass Band
- National Youth Brass Band of Scotland
- Finger Tip Design
- National Pipe Straight Hose
- Nickel Plated Brass
- Fine Art Msdels
- Triangle Youth Brass Band
- Tubist Universal Brotherhood Association
- Tubists Universal Brotherhood Associatxon
- Trumpet Players International Network
- Single Wire Armoured
- Sleeve Gock