BRDG Meaning

The BRDG meaning is "Bath Roller Derby Girls". The BRDG abbreviation has 10 different full form.

BRDG Full Forms

  1. Bath Roller Derby Girls Unclassified
  2. Bridging Often used in reference to rough frame opening members. Door bucks used in reference to metal door frame. Window Bucks. Or In general, is a member connected to a joist to brace it from lateral movement. Horizontal Bridging and Diagonal Bridging. Or Small wood or metal members that are inserted in a diagonal position between the floor joists or rafters at mid-span for the purpose of bracing the joists/rafters & spreading the load. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Bridge The crane movement in a direction parallel to the crane runway. Or A network device operating at the first two layers of the OSI model with filtering and forwarding capabilities. Or A collection of adapters and business process in Sterling B2B Integrator that are used to establish communication and send and receive messages between Multi-Enterprise Integrated Gateway and Sterling B2B Integrator. Technology, Science, Geography, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Telecommunications, Information System, Architecture, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Transportation, Geographic, Street Suffix
  4. Bio-Research & Development Growth
  5. Bus Route Development Grant
  6. Bridge Technology, Inc. Organizations
  7. Bio Research and Development Growth Technology, Science, Missouri
  8. Bio Research & Development Growth Business, Science, Park
  9. Bio-Research and Development Growth Business, Park, Plant
  10. Bituminous Research and Development Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BRDG stand for?

    BRDG stands for Bridging.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bio-Research and Development Growth?

    The short form of "Bio-Research and Development Growth" is BRDG.


BRDG. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated