BRDG Meaning
The BRDG meaning is "Bath Roller Derby Girls". The BRDG abbreviation has 10 different full form.
BRDG Full Forms
- Bath Roller Derby Girls Unclassified
- Bridging Often used in reference to rough frame opening members. Door bucks used in reference to metal door frame. Window Bucks. Or In general, is a member connected to a joist to brace it from lateral movement. Horizontal Bridging and Diagonal Bridging. Or Small wood or metal members that are inserted in a diagonal position between the floor joists or rafters at mid-span for the purpose of bracing the joists/rafters & spreading the load. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Bridge The crane movement in a direction parallel to the crane runway. Or A network device operating at the first two layers of the OSI model with filtering and forwarding capabilities. Or A collection of adapters and business process in Sterling B2B Integrator that are used to establish communication and send and receive messages between Multi-Enterprise Integrated Gateway and Sterling B2B Integrator. Technology, Science, Geography, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Telecommunications, Information System, Architecture, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Transportation, Geographic, Street Suffix
- Bio-Research & Development Growth
- Bus Route Development Grant
- Bridge Technology, Inc. Organizations
- Bio Research and Development Growth Technology, Science, Missouri
- Bio Research & Development Growth Business, Science, Park
- Bio-Research and Development Growth Business, Park, Plant
- Bituminous Research and Development Group
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BRDG stand for?
BRDG stands for Bridging.
What is the shortened form of Bio-Research and Development Growth?
The short form of "Bio-Research and Development Growth" is BRDG.
BRDG. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from
Last updated