Brigham Abbreviations and Brigham Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Brigham terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Brigham abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Brigham terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Brigham Abbreviations
  1. AMIGO : Advanced Multimodality Image-Guided Operating
  2. AMIGO : Advanced Multimodality Image Guided Operating
  3. BYU : Bringham Young University
  4. BYU : BöLgesel Yerli UçAk
  5. FLSR : Foreign Language Student Residence
  6. JKB : Jesse Knight Kuilding
  7. JSB : Joseph Smith Building
  8. PAM : Performing Arts Management
  9. RSC : Religious Studies Center
Latest Brigham Meanings
  1. Religious Studies Center
  2. Performing Arts Management
  3. Joseph Smith Building
  4. Jesse Knight Kuilding
  5. Foreign Language Student Residence
  6. BöLgesel Yerli UçAk
  7. Bringham Young University
  8. Advanced Multimodality Image Guided Operating
  9. Advanced Multimodality Image-Guided Operating