BRT in Governmental & Military Meaning

The BRT meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Bus Rapid Transit". There are 5 related meanings of the BRT Governmental & Military abbreviation.

BRT on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Bus Rapid Transit
  2. Bright
  3. Business Risk Technology
  4. Brightness Although the terms "brightness" and "luminance" are often used interchangeably, they are different. Luminance is the light intensity; brightness is how it is perceived by the human eye. Or brightness the perceived luminance or ap-parent intensity of light. This is often differ-ent from the actual (physical) luminance, as demonstrated by brightness constancy, Mach band, and simultaneous contrast.
  5. Be Right There

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BRT stand for Governmental & Military?

    BRT stands for Be Right There in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Business Risk Technology in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Business Risk Technology" is BRT for Governmental & Military.


BRT in Governmental & Military. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated