BS in Governmental & Military Meaning

The BS meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Natural Forest Biomass Burned Onsite". There are 14 related meanings of the BS Governmental & Military abbreviation.

BS on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Natural Forest Biomass Burned Onsite
  2. Buzzword Saturation
  3. Brotherhood of Steel
  4. Broadcast Service
  5. Boy Scouts
  6. Bachelor of Science (clear in education line)
  7. Bolshevik Storytelling
  8. Beam Splitter
  9. Backup Subsystem
  10. Block Specification
  11. Boston Field Office
  12. Bootstrap Service
  13. Bomb Squadron
  14. Blowing Smoke

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BS stand for Governmental & Military?

    BS stands for Bomb Squadron in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Beam Splitter in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Beam Splitter" is BS for Governmental & Military.


BS in Governmental & Military. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated