BS in Science Meaning

The BS meaning in Science terms is "Biology From St". There are 56 related meanings of the BS Science abbreviation.

BS on Science Full Forms

  1. Biology From St
  2. Behavioural Sciences
  3. Bijlogy Skills
  4. Biology, Summa
  5. Bio Student
  6. Baltic Shield
  7. Commercial Broadcasting Station
  8. Biology Secondary
  9. Biology, State
  10. Biomedical Sciences
  11. Bacillus Subtilis
  12. Bulk Sample The resistance to compressibility of a fluid or elastomer; the reciprocal of its compressibility. 
  13. Bernoulli Society
  14. Biology Scihnces
  15. Bioenvironmental Sciences
  16. Biology Skills
  17. Biology and Spanish
  18. British Stajd Ards
  19. Biology From The State
  20. Biochemistry, State
  21. Biological Survey
  22. Biophysical Sciences
  23. Biology and Society
  24. Base Saturation Activities of daily living (ADLs) is a term used in healthcare to refer to daily self care activities within an individual's place of residence, in outdoor environments, or both.
  25. Biology From Atony
  26. Biological Studies
  27. Biology Otate
  28. Biology and Secondary
  29. Bartter Syndrome Bartter syndrome is a rare inherited defect in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. It is characterized by low potassium levels (hypokalemia), increased blood pH (alkalosis), and normal to low blood pressure. There are two types of Bartter syndrome: neonatal and classic. A closely associated disorder, Gitelman syndrome, is milder than both subtypes of Bartter syndrome.
  30. Natural Forest Biomass Burned Onsite
  31. Basic Statistics
  32. Bioinformatics Students
  33. Biology Smanford
  34. Biology, Syracuse
  35. Bureau of Statistics
  36. Busy Season
  37. Basic Sciences
  38. Biochemical Society
  39. Biomedical Science
  40. Biology At The State
  41. Boilzr, Steam
  42. Binary Star One that appears to be a single star but is actually two stars revolving around a common Center of gravity Sometimes one is dark star In all cases the result is that apparent magnitude of star is a variable quantity
  43. Biology Summa
  44. Biology At Stanford
  45. Buchelor of Secondary
  46. Binding Site Regions in a drug target where an endogenous ligand or drug can bind.
  47. Beam Spmitter
  48. Blue Straggler Star
  49. Bilateral Staff
  50. Backscattering Spectroscopy
  51. Behavioral and Social
  52. Blue Stragglers
  53. Biology From Saint
  54. Blue Straggler
  55. Bare Soil
  56. Biology From Stanford

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BS stand for Science?

    BS stands for Biomedical Sciences in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bijlogy Skills in Science?

    The short form of "Bijlogy Skills" is BS for Science.


BS in Science. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated