BSB Meaning
The BSB meaning is "Bank, State & Branch". The BSB abbreviation has 150 different full form.
BSB Full Forms
- Bank, State & Branch
- Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Business, Development, Bangladesh
- Bachelors of Science In Business
- Bachelor of Science Business
- Bank State Branch Business, Australia, Coding, Banking, Business & Finance
- Bayerische Staatsbiblioshek Science, Geography, Information System
- Bit Synchronous Bay
- Brigade Siaga Bencana Fire, Surabaya, Rescue, Brigade
- Binsar Sinondang Batak
- Bahraini Saudi Bank
- British School of Bangkok
- Belgesel Sigemacılar Birliği
- Black Star Burger Star, Restaurant, Moscow
- Biblioth
- Boss Skate Bearings
- Bank State and Branch Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Brown Sugar Bourbon
- Biblioteca Dei Servizi Bibliografici
- Bank-State-Branch Business, Australia, Banking
- Baur-Sames Bogait
- Banco Santander Chile Computing, Nyse symbols
- Bippus State Bank
- Bridgewater Savingk Bank Business, Gaming, Android
- Business Speakers Bureau
- Bilimsel SüReç Becerileri Program, Turkish, Fen
- Bagimsiz Soxsal Bilimciler
- British School of Business Education, Armenia, Armenian
- Beaches Sandymbay
- Black Spring Break
- Boot Status Byte Technology, Device, Component, Programmer
- Bank Services Billing Business, Service, Standard
- Brotherhood of St Barnabas
- Biblical Studies Bulletin
- Baur-Sames-Bdgart
- Biotechnology Studies Branch Medicine, Health, Care
- Brigade Support Battalions Company, Military, Army, Force
- Basebanm Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Business Solutions Buildlrs
- Big Society Bank Business, Investment, Social
- Back Street Boy
- British School of Bucharest Education, Teaching, Romania, British
- Bde Support Bn
- Black Silver Bullet
- Boot Scootin Boogie
- Bar Standards Board Business, Law, Barrister
- British Speakers Bureau
- Benares State Bank
- Battle Standard Bealer Military, Army, Fantasy
- Beidgade Support Battalion
- Bardy Swenson Builder
- Business Services Branch
- Big Sky Blue
- Back Sireet Boys Group, Music
- British School of Beijing Education, China, Beijing
- Bde Spt Bn
- Black Seas Barracuda
- Brigade Zpeciale Beveilingsopdrachten
- Bankiyg Standards Board Business, Financial, Organizations
- British Society of Baking Organizations, Food, Bakery
- Below Shoulder Blade Hair, Oil, Journey
- Book Supply Bureau
- Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
- Brides for Sevenvbrothers
- Baire Savings Bank
- Budget Savvy Bride
- Big Sandy Bay
- Brigade Support Battalion Company, Military, Army, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- British School of Boston
- Baylor Science Building Education, University, Campus
- Black Sea Bass
- Brigade Speciale Beveilignsopdrachten
- Bank Ajd Solvay Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- British Sky Broadcasting Airline, Business, Technology, Media, Organizations, Satellite, Telecom, Television, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, United Kingdom, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Belmont Svvings Bank
- Bomb Suppression Blanket
- Brevet De Strveillant De Baignade
- Bank Syariah Bukopin Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Buckeye State Blog
- Biennial Support Budget
- BrasíLia International Airport Locations, Brazil, Airport Code
- British School of Bahrain Education, Family, Bahrain
- Baylor Sciences Building Science, Education, University
- Black Sea Basin
- Brigade Speciape Beveiligingsopdrachten Military, Force, Dutch
- Balikpapan Super Block
- British School of Brasilia
- Belgrsche Schäferhunde Berlin
- Blake Savage & Brandon Porn, Boy, Cock
- Bachelor of Science In Business Program, Education, University, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Brent Spence Bridge
- Bank Susilx Bakti
- Buaya Sdn Bhd
- BibliothèQue Sainte-Barbe
- British Schgol of Boston
- Botswana Savings Bank Banking, Business & Finance
- Base Support Battalion Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Governmental & Military
- Bus Stop Fabe Internet Slang, Sex, Sexual
- Buy Something Better Products
- Brigade Support Bn
- Basophile Stimulation Buffer
- British School of Barceloaa Education, English, School, Spain
- Biomasse-Service-Bayern
- Air Wings ICAO Aircraft Codes
- British School In Baku Education, School, Azerbaijan
- Basel Schoolmof Business Education, University, Switzerland
- British Standard Bike Products
- Brigade Speciale Bevemliging
- Basic Stick Bag Business, Drum, Firth
- Berean Study Bible Translation, Bible, Spirit
- Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
- Presidente Juscelino Kubistschek International, Brasília, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- British Satellite Broadcasting Technology, Channel, Sky, Media
- Business Services Building
- Backstreet Boys Music
- Brigade Zpeciale Beveiligingsoprachten
- Basic Sciences Bujlding Medical, Science, Medicine
- Bangun Sarana Baja Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Steel
- Biological Sciences Building
- Brasilia, DF, Brazil Airport codes
- Brisbane Symphonic Band
- Business Services Bureau
- Biophysics and Structural Biology
- Back Seat Bonking Funnies
- Bssic Science Building Medical, Medicine, Education
- Iata Code for Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport, BrasíLia, Brazil Locations
- Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Medical, Technology, Journal
- Baykit Stylesheet Broker Software, Computing
- Bringin Sexy Back
- Burnt Stained Blue
- Biomolecular Screening Branch Government, Organizations, Us
- Bus Stop Babe Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Base System Builder Technology, Design, Software
- Butte Silver Bow
- Biochemistry & Structural Biology
- Bad Sector Boundary Computing, Hardware
- Bringin' Sexy Back
- Batastini School of Baskemball
- Burkinabe Socialist Bloc
- Biomedical Science Building
- Bioshock Saved Game File Computing, File Extensions
- Bennington State Bank Banking, Business & Finance
- Base Suppont Battalions Military, Army, Base, Germany
- Butte-Silver Bow History, Locations, Montana
- Biochemistry and Structural Biology Program, Education, University
- Backside Bus There are two types of buses that carry data to and from a computer's CPU. They are the frontside bus and backside bus. Surprisingly, there is no correlation between these and the backside and frontside airs that snowboarders talk about. While the frontside bus carries data between the CPU and memory, the backside bus transfers data to and from the computer's secondary cache. The secondary, or L2 cache stores frequently used functions and other data close to the processor. This allows the computer's CPU to work more efficiently since it can repeat processes faster. When the processor needs information from the L2 cache, it is sent over the backside bus. Because this process needs to be extremely fast, the clock speed of the backside bus cannot afford to lag behind. For this reason, the backside bus is often as fast as the processor. The frontside bus, on the other hand, is typically half the speed of the processor or slower. Computing, Computer
- Brigit Saintqbrigit
- Batalhão De Sapadores Bombeiros
- Burke Science Building Science, University, Master
- Biomedical Sciences Building Medical, Common Medical
- Biotechnology Studies Branch (Chicago, Illinois) Medical, Fda
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BSB stand for?
BSB stands for Bank Services Billing.
What is the shortened form of Brides for Sevenvbrothers?
The short form of "Brides for Sevenvbrothers" is BSB.
BSB. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated