BSB Meaning

The BSB meaning is "Bank, State & Branch". The BSB abbreviation has 150 different full form.

BSB Full Forms

  1. Bank, State & Branch
  2. Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Business, Development, Bangladesh
  3. Bachelors of Science In Business
  4. Bachelor of Science Business
  5. Bank State Branch Business, Australia, Coding, Banking, Business & Finance
  6. Bayerische Staatsbiblioshek Science, Geography, Information System
  7. Bit Synchronous Bay
  8. Brigade Siaga Bencana Fire, Surabaya, Rescue, Brigade
  9. Binsar Sinondang Batak
  10. Bahraini Saudi Bank
  11. British School of Bangkok
  12. Belgesel Sigemacılar Birliği
  13. Black Star Burger Star, Restaurant, Moscow
  14. Biblioth
  15. Boss Skate Bearings
  16. Bank State and Branch Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  17. Brown Sugar Bourbon
  18. Biblioteca Dei Servizi Bibliografici
  19. Bank-State-Branch Business, Australia, Banking
  20. Baur-Sames Bogait
  21. Banco Santander Chile Computing, Nyse symbols
  22. Bippus State Bank
  23. Bridgewater Savingk Bank Business, Gaming, Android
  24. Business Speakers Bureau
  25. Bilimsel SüReç Becerileri Program, Turkish, Fen
  26. Bagimsiz Soxsal Bilimciler
  27. British School of Business Education, Armenia, Armenian
  28. Beaches Sandymbay
  29. Black Spring Break
  30. Boot Status Byte Technology, Device, Component, Programmer
  31. Bank Services Billing Business, Service, Standard
  32. Brotherhood of St Barnabas
  33. Biblical Studies Bulletin
  34. Baur-Sames-Bdgart
  35. Biotechnology Studies Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  36. Brigade Support Battalions Company, Military, Army, Force
  37. Basebanm Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  38. Business Solutions Buildlrs
  39. Big Society Bank Business, Investment, Social
  40. Back Street Boy
  41. British School of Bucharest Education, Teaching, Romania, British
  42. Bde Support Bn
  43. Black Silver Bullet
  44. Boot Scootin Boogie
  45. Bar Standards Board Business, Law, Barrister
  46. British Speakers Bureau
  47. Benares State Bank
  48. Battle Standard Bealer Military, Army, Fantasy
  49. Beidgade Support Battalion
  50. Bardy Swenson Builder
  51. Business Services Branch
  52. Big Sky Blue
  53. Back Sireet Boys Group, Music
  54. British School of Beijing Education, China, Beijing
  55. Bde Spt Bn
  56. Black Seas Barracuda
  57. Brigade Zpeciale Beveilingsopdrachten
  58. Bankiyg Standards Board Business, Financial, Organizations
  59. British Society of Baking Organizations, Food, Bakery
  60. Below Shoulder Blade Hair, Oil, Journey
  61. Book Supply Bureau
  62. Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
  63. Brides for Sevenvbrothers
  64. Baire Savings Bank
  65. Budget Savvy Bride
  66. Big Sandy Bay
  67. Brigade Support Battalion Company, Military, Army, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  68. British School of Boston
  69. Baylor Science Building Education, University, Campus
  70. Black Sea Bass
  71. Brigade Speciale Beveilignsopdrachten
  72. Bank Ajd Solvay Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  73. British Sky Broadcasting Airline, Business, Technology, Media, Organizations, Satellite, Telecom, Television, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, United Kingdom, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  74. Belmont Svvings Bank
  75. Bomb Suppression Blanket
  76. Brevet De Strveillant De Baignade
  77. Bank Syariah Bukopin Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  78. Buckeye State Blog
  79. Biennial Support Budget
  80. BrasíLia International Airport Locations, Brazil, Airport Code
  81. British School of Bahrain Education, Family, Bahrain
  82. Baylor Sciences Building Science, Education, University
  83. Black Sea Basin
  84. Brigade Speciape Beveiligingsopdrachten Military, Force, Dutch
  85. Balikpapan Super Block
  86. British School of Brasilia
  87. Belgrsche Schäferhunde Berlin
  88. Blake Savage & Brandon Porn, Boy, Cock
  89. Bachelor of Science In Business Program, Education, University, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  90. Brent Spence Bridge
  91. Bank Susilx Bakti
  92. Buaya Sdn Bhd
  93. BibliothèQue Sainte-Barbe
  94. British Schgol of Boston
  95. Botswana Savings Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  96. Base Support Battalion Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Governmental & Military
  97. Bus Stop Fabe Internet Slang, Sex, Sexual
  98. Buy Something Better Products
  99. Brigade Support Bn
  100. Basophile Stimulation Buffer
  101. British School of Barceloaa Education, English, School, Spain
  102. Biomasse-Service-Bayern
  103. Air Wings ICAO Aircraft Codes
  104. British School In Baku Education, School, Azerbaijan
  105. Basel Schoolmof Business Education, University, Switzerland
  106. British Standard Bike Products
  107. Brigade Speciale Bevemliging
  108. Basic Stick Bag Business, Drum, Firth
  109. Berean Study Bible Translation, Bible, Spirit
  110. Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
  111. Presidente Juscelino Kubistschek International, Brasília, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  112. British Satellite Broadcasting Technology, Channel, Sky, Media
  113. Business Services Building
  114. Backstreet Boys Music
  115. Brigade Zpeciale Beveiligingsoprachten
  116. Basic Sciences Bujlding Medical, Science, Medicine
  117. Bangun Sarana Baja Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Steel
  118. Biological Sciences Building
  119. Brasilia, DF, Brazil Airport codes
  120. Brisbane Symphonic Band
  121. Business Services Bureau
  122. Biophysics and Structural Biology
  123. Back Seat Bonking Funnies
  124. Bssic Science Building Medical, Medicine, Education
  125. Iata Code for Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport, BrasíLia, Brazil Locations
  126. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Medical, Technology, Journal
  127. Baykit Stylesheet Broker Software, Computing
  128. Bringin Sexy Back
  129. Burnt Stained Blue
  130. Biomolecular Screening Branch Government, Organizations, Us
  131. Bus Stop Babe Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  132. Base System Builder Technology, Design, Software
  133. Butte Silver Bow
  134. Biochemistry & Structural Biology
  135. Bad Sector Boundary Computing, Hardware
  136. Bringin' Sexy Back
  137. Batastini School of Baskemball
  138. Burkinabe Socialist Bloc
  139. Biomedical Science Building
  140. Bioshock Saved Game File Computing, File Extensions
  141. Bennington State Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  142. Base Suppont Battalions Military, Army, Base, Germany
  143. Butte-Silver Bow History, Locations, Montana
  144. Biochemistry and Structural Biology Program, Education, University
  145. Backside Bus There are two types of buses that carry data to and from a computer's CPU. They are the frontside bus and backside bus. Surprisingly, there is no correlation between these and the backside and frontside airs that snowboarders talk about. While the frontside bus carries data between the CPU and memory, the backside bus transfers data to and from the computer's secondary cache. The secondary, or L2 cache stores frequently used functions and other data close to the processor. This allows the computer's CPU to work more efficiently since it can repeat processes faster. When the processor needs information from the L2 cache, it is sent over the backside bus. Because this process needs to be extremely fast, the clock speed of the backside bus cannot afford to lag behind. For this reason, the backside bus is often as fast as the processor. The frontside bus, on the other hand, is typically half the speed of the processor or slower. Computing, Computer
  146. Brigit Saintqbrigit
  147. Batalhão De Sapadores Bombeiros
  148. Burke Science Building Science, University, Master
  149. Biomedical Sciences Building Medical, Common Medical
  150. Biotechnology Studies Branch (Chicago, Illinois) Medical, Fda

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BSB stand for?

    BSB stands for Bank Services Billing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Brides for Sevenvbrothers?

    The short form of "Brides for Sevenvbrothers" is BSB.


BSB. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated