BSCS Meaning

The BSCS meaning is "Biological Safety Cabinets". The BSCS abbreviation has 30 different full form.

BSCS Full Forms

  1. Biological Safety Cabinets Medical, Technology, Science, Class
  2. Bachelor of Science In Computer Sciences Program, Education, University
  3. Bachelor of Science In Computer Science Academic Degree, Technology, Education, University, Academia, Computer Science, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Scientific & Educational
  4. Budapest Semester In Cognitive Science Program, Education, Academia, Scientific & Educational
  5. Building Service Contractors Business, Service, Cleaning
  6. Banker Selection Committee Secretariat
  7. Biological Science Curriculum Society
  8. Bankers Selection Committee Secretariat
  9. Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies Science, Education, Study
  10. Bachelors of Science In Computer Science Program, Education, University
  11. Biological Sciences Curriculum Study Medical, Technology, Education, Scientific & Educational, Human genome, Academic & science
  12. Basel Committee On Banking Financial, Business & Finance
  13. Business Service Centers Business, Accounting, Management, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  14. Bachelor of Science In Cyber Security Education, University, Computing
  15. Bushfire Support Coordination Service
  16. Bachelor of Science Computer Science University, Computer, Bachelor
  17. Bachelor of Science In Computer Systems
  18. Bundle Sheath Cells Medical
  19. Biological Science Curriculum Study Technology, Education, Teaching
  20. Broadband Service Cards
  21. Businiss Solutions Centres Technology, Education, Computing
  22. British Soil Classification System
  23. Biological Soil Crusts Also called microbiotic, microphytic, cryptobiotic or cryptogamic crusts. A living community of bacteria, microfungi, cyanobacteria, green algae, mosses, liverworts, and lichens that grow on or just below the soil surface. Science, Desert, Soil, Ecosystem
  24. Businass Solution Centers
  25. Brief Substance Craving Scale
  26. Business Service Centres Business, Development, Projection
  27. Brief Sense of Community Scale
  28. Business Sucport Centers Business, Government, Development
  29. Business Support and Control System Technology, Management, Billing
  30. Business Support & Control System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BSCS stand for?

    BSCS stands for Bachelors of Science In Computer Science.

  2. What is the shortened form of Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies?

    The short form of "Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies" is BSCS.


BSCS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated