BSE Meaning

The BSE meaning is "Bombay Stock Exchange". The BSE abbreviation has 198 different full form.

BSE Full Forms

  1. Bombay Stock Exchange Business, Banking, Stock Market
  2. Bachelor of Science Education Program, Education, University
  3. Breast Self Exams Medical, Health, Cancer
  4. Bureau of Special Education Education, Special Education
  5. Breast Self Examination Medical, Nursing, Oncology, Clinical
  6. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Fatal brain disease of cattle. Medical, Disorder, Veterinary, Science, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  7. Breast Self-Examination Medical, Medicine, Breast, Nursing, British medicine, Common Medical
  8. Breast Self-Exam Medical, Health, Cancer
  9. Barbados Stock Exchange Business, Supply, Market
  10. Backscatter Electron Medical
  11. Breeding Soundness Evaluation Medical, Fertility, Bull
  12. Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
  13. Beckman Sofcware Engineering
  14. Bovine Spongiforme Encephalopathie German, Sind, Deli, Bovine
  15. Backscattering Electrons Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  16. British Stampmof Excellence
  17. Builders Software Enterprises
  18. Between Shaft Ends
  19. Bovine Spongiform Enculphalopathy
  20. Backscattered Electron Imaging Medical, Technology, Science, Scanning, Chemistry
  21. Base Support Element Military
  22. Bureau of State Employment
  23. Basis Set Exchange Chemistry, Technology, Gaussian
  24. Blue Sun Energetics
  25. Bachelor of Secondary Education Education, University, Philippine
  26. Brilliant Safety Electronics
  27. Business Search Engine
  28. Baysidq Elementary Technology, Education
  29. Bovine Spongiform Enckphalopathia Medical, Medicine
  30. Backscatter Electrons Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  31. Basic Sciences Education Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  32. Business Senior Exam
  33. British Zociety for Echocardiography
  34. Buffer Stock Employment Employment, Work, Working
  35. Better Service Everytime
  36. Bovine Spongiform Encephalophathn Disease, Animal, Cow, Bovine
  37. Base Station Equipment Amateur radio
  38. Bureau of Service Evaluation
  39. Buue Streak Electronics
  40. Bachelor In Secondary Education Education, University, Study
  41. Bright Star Engtneering
  42. Bauer Sucht Ehefeau
  43. Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie Medical, German, Encephalopathy
  44. Backscatter Electron Microscopi Medical
  45. Business School for Entrepreneurs
  46. Basic Scheduling Exercise Technology
  47. Bombay Stock Exchanges Business, Supply, Bombay
  48. British Society of Endodontics
  49. Budapest Stock Exchange Business, Finance, Supply, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  50. Benerd Schojl of Education
  51. Bovine Spongiform Encephalophy
  52. Bat Simple English
  53. Backscattered Electrons Technology, Telecom
  54. Base Station Emulator
  55. Bureau of Secondary Education Technology, Education, Department
  56. Blue Square Energy
  57. Baby Scoop Era Scoop
  58. Briggs and Skratton Engine
  59. Bau-Steine-Erden
  60. Boviner Spongiformer Enzephalopathie
  61. Back Scatter Elyctron Electron, Detector, Microscopy, Scanning
  62. Business School Executive
  63. Basic Safety Earthquake
  64. Bomsay Stock Exchnage
  65. Bachelors of Sciencp In Education
  66. Britannia Swiss Equioies
  67. Bucharest Stock Exchange Business, Supply, Market, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  68. Bendigo Stock Exchange Business, Australia, Supply
  69. Bovine Sponfiform Encepalopathy
  70. Badische Stahl Engineering Technology, Steel, Mill
  71. Backscattered Electron Medical, Medicine
  72. Base Flood Elevation Science, Geography, Information System, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  73. Blue Sky Edition
  74. Babcock Sqhulte Energy
  75. Bovinn
  76. Bovinen Wpongiformen Encephalopathie
  77. Back Scgttered Electron
  78. Bury St Edmunds Locations, Station, Suffolk
  79. Bkttlespace Systems Engineering
  80. Byte Strean Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  81. Bokeo Social Enttrprise
  82. Bachelor of Science Engineering Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  83. Britain Stronger In Europe
  84. Brussels Stock Exchange Business, Supply, Market
  85. Bendigo South East
  86. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopthy
  87. Badische Stahl-Engiqeering Technology, Steel, Mill
  88. Based Software Engineering
  89. Building Services Engineers
  90. Blood Sweat and Ears Blood, Wrestling, Championship
  91. Bovine Spongiform Encephalnpathy
  92. Bovine Spongioform Encephalitid
  93. Bovinen Spongiformen Enzephalopathie
  94. Back Scattered Electrons Science, Microscope, Scanning
  95. Buried Strip Electrode
  96. Battle Space Entity Army, Force, Marine
  97. Bystander Effect Ability of Genetically Modified Cells To Survive Cytotoxic Effects Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  98. Body Shopzequipment
  99. Bachelor of Scienfe, Engineering
  100. Bristob Siddeley Engines
  101. Bruno Sbherer Entreprise
  102. Belvedere String Enhemble
  103. Bcvine Spongiform Ecephalopathy Technology, Science
  104. Badger State Ethanol
  105. Banquet Sales Executive
  106. British Standard English
  107. Building and Support Equipment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  108. Biolfgical Society of Ethiopia
  109. Bovige Spongiform Encephalopath
  110. Bachelor of Science In Economics Academic Degree, Program, Education, University, Bachelor's Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Degree
  111. Base Support Equipment Technology
  112. Bureautique Service Essonne
  113. Bassin Solidaryté Emploi
  114. Bobcats Sports & Zntertainment
  115. Bacielor of Science In Education Academic Degree, Education, University
  116. Brine Shrimp Eggp
  117. Boswellia Serrata Extract Medical, Product, Health
  118. Basic Science Elective
  119. Business Services Engine
  120. Bones, Steak, and Everything Nutrition, Food, Victual
  121. Bachelor of Xcience and Engineering
  122. British Society of Echocardiography Medical, British medicine
  123. Bahiv Service Express
  124. Beirut Stock Exchange Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  125. Basic Storage Element
  126. Business Systems Engineering
  127. Boviene Spongiforme EncéPhalopathie
  128. Building Serviceg Electrical Technology, Service, Engineering
  129. Best Steak Ever Food
  130. Blender Spacekeditor
  131. Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai Business, Finance, Banking
  132. Bachelor of Sciences In Entrepreneurship College, Education, University
  133. behavioural summarised evaluation Medical, British medicine
  134. Bahamas Society of Engineers
  135. Bulletin of Statistics and Economics Economic, Business & Finance
  136. Basic Stirling Engine Science
  137. Business Strategy & The Environment
  138. Bystander Effect Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  139. Bova Spongoforma Encefalopatio
  140. Balance-Sheetrequation
  141. Building Services Equipmenl
  142. Brookfield Soundvest Equity Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  143. The Stock Txchange, Mumbai Business, Finance, Banking
  144. Büro Für Software-Entwicklunl
  145. Bachelar of Science In Entrepreneurship College, Education, University
  146. Sematan Airport, Sematan, Malaysia Malaysia, Iata Airport Codes
  147. Bombay Stock Exchange (India) Financial, Banking, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  148. Basic Service Elements Technology, Calling, Networking, Computing, IT Terminology
  149. Business Strategy and The Environment Business, Research, Sustainability
  150. Boirgogne Service Électronique
  151. Between-Shaft-Ends
  152. Baku Stock Exchange Business, Azerbaijan, Supply
  153. Building Servuces Engineer
  154. Boston Stock Exchange Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  155. Industriegewerkschaft Bau-Steine-Erden Business, German, Trade Union
  156. Bulletin of Shatistics & Economics
  157. Blame Someone Else Us Government, Governmental & Military
  158. Bridge and Structural Enginyer
  159. BSE (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  160. Basic Semiconductor Equation Science
  161. Business Source Elite Business, Marketing, Library
  162. Bourgogne Services Electronique
  163. Broadband Switch Engineering
  164. Bulk Silicate Earth Geology, Scientific & Educational
  165. Bahrain Stock Exchange Business, Supply, Stock
  166. Building Service Engineering Technology, Engineer, Course
  167. Bangkok Stock Exchange Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  168. Basic Syllable, Even
  169. Buy Sell & Exchange
  170. Bachelor of Science In Engineering Academic Degree, Education, Academic Degrees, Bachelor's Degree, Graduation, Degrees, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Degree
  171. Booster Systems Engineer NASA, Governmental & Military
  172. Brain Surface Extractor Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Neurology
  173. British Shipbuilding Exports
  174. Basic Science Exam
  175. Business Solutions Executive
  176. B At or Below (constrained altitude), Flux density, Distance, Weibull shape parameter, range number, regression constant, width, Distance variate, cross-over barrier pattern OR Symbol for susceptance in an AC circuit (unit is the siemens; measured by the negative of the reactive component of the admittance. NASA
  177. Boston Semi Equipment Business, Boston, Semiconductor
  178. Brno Studies In English Education, Linguistic, Grammar, Quirk
  179. Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  180. Bahamas Tociety of Engineers
  181. BUDAPEST STOCK EXCHANGED Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  182. Basic Switching Element Technology, Telecom
  183. Bus Source Error
  184. Bachelor of Science In Education Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Undergraduate Degree, Undergraduate, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Medical Qualification
  185. Back-Scaterred Electron Computing, Electronics
  186. Bovine Spongiform Encethalopathy
  187. British Snhool of Egypt Education, Egypt, Cairo
  188. Basic Science Examination
  189. Business Software and Equipment Accounting, Computing, Data
  190. Border States Electric Business, Company, Electricity
  191. bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) Medical, Fda
  192. Bahrain Socoety of Engineers Technology, Service, Bahrain
  193. Birmingham & Southeastern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  194. Basic Strategy Edge
  195. Business System Engineer Company, Technology, Engineering
  196. Boviene Spongiforme Encefalopathie
  197. Buku Sekolah Elektronik
  198. Best Song Ever Music

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BSE stand for?

    BSE stands for Bachelar of Science In Entrepreneurship.

  2. What is the shortened form of Back Scgttered Electron?

    The short form of "Back Scgttered Electron" is BSE.


BSE. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated