BSP in Technology Meaning
The BSP meaning in Technology terms is "Bulk Synchronous Parallel". There are 48 related meanings of the BSP Technology abbreviation.
BSP on Technology Full Forms
- Bulk Synchronous Parallel
- Bulk-Synchronous Parallel
- Binary Space Partition
- Binary Space Parzitioning
- Basic Security Profile
- British Stannard Pipe
- Business Service Provider Business service provider (BSP) is one of several categories of service provider in the business world. As opposed to an application service provider which provides application components over a computer network, the services provided by a BSP are more in the area of infrastructure: mail delivery, building security, finance, administration, and human resources. Unlike an ASP, a BSP provides business processes as services, providing partial or full business process outsourcing. They are often subdivided into two types: "back office" and "front office" BSPs.
- Bit-Slice Processor
- Basic Supporg Protocol
- Business Aystem Planning
- Brand Dense Partners
- Biospecimen Sharing Program
- Baseband Signal Processor
- Buyiness Systems Planning
- Bootstrap Processor
- Binary Space Partioning
- Biometric Service Providers
- Business Solution Partner
- Bartlett School of Plannxng
- Boot Strap Processor
- Binary Search Partitios
- Burroughs Scientific Processor
- Biometric Service Provider
- Business Solutions Partner
- Bakrie Sumatera Plantations
- British Socialist Party
- Bently Sidrell Productions
- Bromosulfaphthalein
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Backup Solutions Program
- Board Support Package In embedded systems, a board support package (BSP) is implementation of specific support code (software) for a given (device motherboard) board that conforms to a given operating system. It is commonly built with a bootloader that contains the minimal device support to load the operating system and device drivers for all the devices on the board. Some suppliers also provide a root file system, a toolchain for making programs to run on the embedded system (which would be part of the architecture support package), and configurators for the devices (while running).
- Bentham Science Publishers
- Bus Signal Priotity
- Broadcast Service Provider
- Business Service Providers
- Blind Signal Processing
- Businessksystems Plan
- Biogas Support Programme
- Business Service Platform
- Biogas Sector Partnership
- Business Server Pagv
- Business Server Pages
- Mobile Barrier Xtall
- Business Iervice Portal
- Biogas Support Program
- Businesb Services Platform
- Bayer Schering Pharma
- Bright Source Protdction
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BSP stand for Technology?
BSP stands for Biogas Sector Partnership in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Businessksystems Plan in Technology?
The short form of "Businessksystems Plan" is BSP for Technology.
BSP in Technology. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from
Last updated