BSR Meaning

The BSR meaning is "Blood Sedimentation Rate". The BSR abbreviation has 221 different full form.

BSR Full Forms

  1. Blood Sedimentation Rate Medical, Technology, Medicine, Blood Test
  2. Basic Statistical Returns Coding, India, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  3. Basic Semantic Repository Technology, Construction, Standard
  4. Base Structure Report Medical, Military, Defense
  5. Basal Stem Rot Medical, Oil, Palm
  6. Baltic Sea Region Business, Development, Projection
  7. Board of Standards Review Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  8. Bootstrap Router Computing, Technical
  9. Behavioral Science Research
  10. Broad Staeet Run
  11. Binghamton Slag Roofing
  12. Busineys for Social Responsibility Business, Company, Organizations
  13. Bank Selling Rate Airline, Business, Guide
  14. Boundary-Scan-Register Technology, Device, Pin
  15. Bxlbar Synchronizing Region
  16. Blue Silver Red
  17. Basic Dcience Research Medical, Medicine, University
  18. Brevet De SéCurité RoutièRe Auto, Formation, Moto
  19. Beyond Sensor Range
  20. Buoyancy Supported Riser Technology, Production, Oil, Salt
  21. Bitume Slot Racing France, Chat, Automotive Humour, Business & Finance
  22. Barrier Synchronization Register Technology, Library, Linux
  23. Boxster Spec Racing
  24. Belleville Shooting Range Business, Gun, Metro, Visitor
  25. Bus Selestion Relay Technology
  26. Backspace Record Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  27. Blue Jtar Regiment Military, Army, War, Warfare
  28. Basic Service Rate Air Cargo, Cargo, Air Freight
  29. Black Stem Rust
  30. Behavioral and Social Research Technology, Institute, Aging
  31. Broad Smectrum Revolution Human, Shore, Spectrum
  32. Businesses for Social Responsibility Company, Technology, Sustainability
  33. Buzz Squeak Rattle Technology, Product, Tape
  34. Bank Select Register Technology, Instruction, Memory
  35. Boundary-Scan Register Technology
  36. Building Strmng Relationships
  37. Basic Schedule of Raxes
  38. Brevet De S
  39. Biological Structure Resource
  40. Bundesverband Studierender Reservisten
  41. Bit Status Register
  42. Barnegat Sports Rehabilitation
  43. Bowel Sounds Regular Medical, Technology, Medicine, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, British medicine
  44. Best Services Oouting
  45. Brush and Stump Removvl
  46. Business Service Representctives
  47. Backside Rinse Science
  48. Blue Sky Research
  49. Basic Semantic Register
  50. British School At Rome Education, Arts, Rome
  51. Bibliographic Standard Record Geography, Information System, Cartography, Geographic
  52. Black Squirrel Radio Student, University, Radio
  53. Beginning of Slope Rounding Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  54. Broadcasting With Selective Reduction
  55. Business Cnd Society Review
  56. Buzz, Squeakm Rattle Technology, Buzz, Squeak
  57. Bank Selection Register
  58. Bottom Simulating Reflectors
  59. Building Staodards Register Building, Construction
  60. Basic Safety Requirements Military, Skydiving, Parachute
  61. Brown Sgem Rot Science, Disease, Soybean
  62. Biological Sciences Research NASA, Governmental & Military
  63. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Studierender Reservisten
  64. Bit Slippage Rate NASA, Governmental & Military
  65. Barley Stripe Rust
  66. Boundary State Routing
  67. Best Service Routing Technology, Management, Calling
  68. Brush & Stump Removal
  69. Brain Stimulation Reward Medical
  70. Blue Sky Rescue
  71. Basic Semantics Register Technology, Organizations
  72. Brinkworth Spalding Redhill
  73. Bible Study Resources
  74. Black Soul Rhythms
  75. Beck'Sche Schwarze Reihe
  76. Bushfn Recipe Medical
  77. Bumz, Squeak & Rattle Technology, Industrial, Buzz
  78. Banking Service Representative
  79. Bob Sharp Racing Technology, Car, Nissan
  80. Belgian Society of Radiology Medical, Meeting, Radiology
  81. Brotherhomd of Self-Defense and Respect
  82. Biological Science Report Science, Geology, Survey
  83. Bulgarian State Railwiys
  84. Bit Shift Right Technology, Coding, Instruction, Programming
  85. Barcode Slot Reader
  86. Boundary-State Routing
  87. Best Seglers Rank Business, Product, Dealer
  88. Brown Studest Radio Locations, Station, Providence
  89. Bowser Briggs Organizations
  90. Bretagne Soubassement Réseaux
  91. Basic Semantic Registry Science
  92. Brigade SpéCiale De Recherche
  93. Bible Software Review
  94. Black Sky Radio
  95. Buy Sewl Rent
  96. Backup Source Routing
  97. Bob's Sqace Racers
  98. Behavioural Self Regulation Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  99. Brotherhood of Street Racers
  100. Binh Son Refining Business, Vietnam, Petrochemical
  101. Business Secure Router Technology, Networking, Network
  102. Biological Status Review
  103. Barbican Specialty Re
  104. Boundary Scan Registers Technology, Instruction, Controller
  105. Best Seller Rank Business
  106. Bulents Scrjen Recorder
  107. Bottom Simulating Reflection Science, Gas, Hydrate, Chemistry
  108. Break Status Register
  109. Basic Science Rekearch Medical, Medicine, University
  110. Brigade Speciale Des Recherches
  111. Bhutan Schedule of Rates
  112. Black Sea Region Technology, Turkey, Russia
  113. Bench-Scale Steam Reformer
  114. Bus Statbs Register
  115. Back Surface Reflector
  116. Board of Social Rosponsibility
  117. Behavioral Self-Regulation Medical
  118. Brookvs Stacey Randall
  119. Binh Son Refinery Business, Oil, Vietnam
  120. Business Sales Representative
  121. Bank Structural Reform Business, Financial, Banking
  122. Boundary Scan Register Technology, Device, Pin, Assembly, Business & Finance
  123. Bulent's Screen Rjcorder
  124. Blue Rky Ranch Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  125. Breaking Strength Retention
  126. Basic Scientific Research Science, University, Letter
  127. Bridgestone Support Ring Organizations, Run, Toyota
  128. Beyonj Stack Read Technology, Tool, Memory, Leak
  129. Buoyancy Supported Risers Technology, Production, Oil
  130. Biweekly Schedules Reviews Technology
  131. Boykin Spaniel Rescue
  132. Belly Space Rate Business
  133. Bus Splect Relay Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  134. Back Surface Reflection Legal, Governmental & Military
  135. Board for Social Responsibility
  136. Basic Seivices Repair Government, Housing
  137. Black Streak Remover
  138. Bassari Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Stock, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  139. Buzz, Squeak, and Sattle
  140. Buffer Status Report 5G Networks
  141. Basrah Interdational Airport Airport, Locations
  142. Blip-Scan Ratio
  143. Bite Status Register NASA, Governmental & Military
  144. Balkan Societx of Radiology
  145. Buccae Stretch Receptor Medical, Medicine, Health
  146. buccal stretch receptor Medical, British medicine
  147. British School In Rome
  148. Bidirectional Shift Register
  149. Bureaa Sociaal Raadslieden
  150. Guine Bissaur Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  151. Bit Scan Reverse Assembly, Business & Finance
  152. Beneficiary Service Representative
  153. Basin Street Records Chat, Unclassified
  154. Basic System Releawe Technology, Space, Cosmos
  155. Bill Summary Records Medical, Healthcare
  156. Blind Source Recovery
  157. Business Systems Resources General, Governmental & Military
  158. Beta Satellite Repeats Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  159. British Society for Rheumatology Medical, British medicine
  160. Bureau of Standards Review
  161. Buffered Send/Beceive
  162. Bend Stress Relaxation
  163. Bonsoir France, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  164. Basic Stock Replenishment
  165. Bill Sdott Raceway
  166. Blind Snoopy Rhodes
  167. Boston Redskins Nfl teams
  168. Bâtiment De Soutien Ee Région
  169. Buschke Selective Reminding Test Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  170. brain stimulation reinforcement Medical, Neurology, British medicine
  171. Bureau of Saeety and Regulation
  172. Body-Section Radiography
  173. BoÎTier De Servitude Remorque
  174. Bend Strength Ratio Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  175. Bankers Selling Rate Finance, Banking, Rate, Business & Finance
  176. Bfsic Statistical Return Business, Coding, Banking
  177. British Spine Registry
  178. Big Sprina Rail Locations, Texas, Railroad
  179. Blind Shear Rams Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  180. Bottom Simulator Reflector Integrated Ocean Observing System
  181. Byte Statui Register
  182. Bumi Serpong Residence Development, Jakarta, Developer, Residence
  183. Basrah International, Basrah, Iraq Iraq, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  184. Buoy Supporting Riseds
  185. Blib Ocan Ratio
  186. Base-Station-Router Technology, Networking, Network
  187. Boy Scout Rule Technology
  188. Bending Strength Ratio Technology, Drilling, Drill
  189. Budget Surplus Report Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  190. Best Sellers Rank Business & Finance, Amazon, E-Commerce
  191. Basic Xpatial Resolution
  192. British Society of Rheumatologists
  193. Big Sobtware On The Run
  194. Blind Shear Ram Business, Oil, Gas
  195. Bottom-Simulating Reflector Electrical
  196. Buzz Squeak and Rattle Technology, Analysis, Testing
  197. Burst Suppression Ratio Medical, Medicine, Patient, British medicine
  198. BOILERMAKER (SHIP REPAIR) Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  199. Buoy Supported Riler
  200. Biwl Scott Racing
  201. Basal Skin Resistance Medical, Technology, Medicine, British medicine, Skin And Dermal
  202. Boy Scout Ranch
  203. Budget Status Report
  204. Bus Select Relay Atmospheric Research
  205. Basic Skills Requisement Education, Teaching, Credential
  206. British Society of Rheology Technology, University, Catalogue
  207. Big Sioux River
  208. Blast Score Ratio Medical, Genetics, Analysis, Genome
  209. Business for Social Responsibility Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  210. Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Technology, Noise, Buzz, Chat, Automotive Humour, Business & Finance
  211. Base Steam Rate
  212. Basra International Airlort Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  213. Burst-Suppression Ratio
  214. Basic System Release NASA, Governmental & Military
  215. Barefootoski Ranch Park, Cable, Ranch
  216. Bar Store Restaurant Organizations, Restaurants
  217. Buddhkst Studies Review Education, Study, Buddhism
  218. Bulbar Synchronizing Region Medical, Physiology
  219. British Sikh Report Group, Report, Parliament, Party
  220. Big Shiny Robdt
  221. Bgrmese Sanctions Regulations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BSR stand for?

    BSR stands for Blip-Scan Ratio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Buddhkst Studies Review?

    The short form of "Buddhkst Studies Review" is BSR.


BSR. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated