BSV Meaning

The BSV meaning is "Black Sign Variation". The BSV abbreviation has 65 different full form.

BSV Full Forms

  1. Black Sign Variation America, Language, American, Sign
  2. Basic Skills Volunteers
  3. British School of Valencia Education, Spain, Brit
  4. Business Skills Videos
  5. Blind Sports Victoria
  6. BüRger-SchüTzen-Verein
  7. Boursz Solidarite Vacances
  8. Blue Springs Villas
  9. Basic Bsave Graphics Technology, Computer, Electronics
  10. Bright Star Ventures
  11. Business Skills Victoria
  12. Blindage SéCurité Vaugirard
  13. Bernard Schattenfreunde Verzeichnis
  14. Boot Sector Virus A boot sector virus is a computer virus that infects a storage device's master boot record MBR. It is not mandatory that a boot sector virus successfully boot the victim's PC to infect it. As a result, even non-bootable media can trigger the spread of boot sector viruses. These viruses copy their infected code either to the floppy disk's boot sector or to the hard disk's partition table. During start-up, the virus gets loaded to the computer's memory. As soon as the virus is saved to the memory, it infects the non-infected disks used by the system. Technology, Security, Computing, Governmental & Military
  15. Bluespec System Verilog
  16. Badminton Sport Verein
  17. Boylston Schul-Verein
  18. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision
  19. Business Service View
  20. Bayerischer Softair Verein
  21. Boone Scenic Valley
  22. Blood Sweat Vector
  23. Badger State Vettes
  24. Box-Sport-Vereinigung
  25. Bitcoin Satoshi'S Vision
  26. Bushy Stunt Virus
  27. Bulletin De Santé Du VéGéTal Agriculture, Culture, Technique
  28. Blood Stone Villians
  29. Back Schwartz Vaughan
  30. Bowling-Swort-Verein
  31. Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt
  32. Burner Staging Valve Technology, Aviation
  33. Blood Stone Villains Locations, Gang, Street
  34. Backfire Suppressor Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  35. Bovine Syncytial Girus Medical, Science, Biomedicine
  36. Basketball Shooting Visor
  37. Burger Segler Vereinigung
  38. Blood Skull Valley
  39. Bachelor Des Sciences De La Vision
  40. Bovine Spumavirus Medical
  41. Binocular Single Vision Medical, Optometry
  42. Bond Slave Version Business, Supply, Vanguard
  43. BüSumer Segler-Verein
  44. Banana Streak Virus Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  45. Bonded Slit Valve
  46. BüRger SchüTzen Verein
  47. Besakoa, Besakoa, Madagascar Madagascar, Iata Airport Codes
  48. Boldklubben S
  49. Bürgee Schützen Vereins
  50. Bosset, Papua New Guinea Airport codes
  51. Boldklubben SøLlerøD-VedbÆK
  52. Boone and Scenic Valley
  53. Bürger-Schützen-Oerein
  54. Best Site Visited Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Body Sway Velocity Medical
  56. Beach Support Vehicle Military, Governmental & Military
  57. Boone & Scenic Valley
  58. BüRger-SchüTzen-Vereins
  59. Bar Separated Values Unclassified
  60. Bodensee-Schulsport-Verein
  61. Boiler Stop Valve Business & Finance, Power Plant
  62. Bon Secours Virginia
  63. Business Skills Video
  64. Br.smaller Cos. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  65. Bodegas San Valero

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BSV stand for?

    BSV stands for Beach Support Vehicle.

  2. What is the shortened form of BüSumer Segler-Verein?

    The short form of "BüSumer Segler-Verein" is BSV.


BSV. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated