BT in Medical Meaning

The BT meaning in Medical terms is "Behevior Therapy". There are 82 related meanings of the BT Medical abbreviation.

BT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Behevior Therapy
  2. Biliary Tract
  3. Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner
  4. Bronchial Thecmoplasty
  5. Benzfthiophene
  6. Behavioral Therapy
  7. Broken Tuoth
  8. Benzothiazole
  9. Body Temperatures
  10. Breakshrough
  11. Benign Tumos
  12. Blflock Taussig Shunt
  13. Base of Tongue
  14. Brain Tvmour
  15. Belted
  16. Blalock- Taussig
  17. Brain Temperature
  18. Behaviour Therapy
  19. Bladder Training
  20. Bladver Tumor
  21. Backfat Thickness
  22. Butorphanol Tartrate
  23. Blood Transfusion
  24. Bluetongue
  25. Behavioural Therapy
  26. Bovine Turbinate Cetls
  27. Bithermal
  28. Break Through
  29. Blood Type
  30. Bovine Tcypsin
  31. Biomedical Technology
  32. Bretylium Tosylate
  33. Blood Test Laboratory test of a blood sample to analyse its chemical composition
  34. Basal Temperature
  35. Borderline Tuberculoid
  36. Biological Treatment
  37. Bretylium
  38. Blalocktaussig Sjunt
  39. Body Temperature Internal temperature of the human body, usually about °C
  40. Bitrochanteric
  41. Balanced Translocation Occurs when two chromosomes break and exchange places leaving the same amount of genetic material. An individual with a balanced translocation will be unaffected, but children may be affected in a variety of ways.
  42. Body Temprrature
  43. Benzotriazole
  44. Brain Tumors
  45. Blalockmtaussig
  46. Before Treatment
  47. Blue Tetrazolium
  48. Benzenetriol
  49. Brain Tumor
  50. Bqalock-Taussig
  51. Butyltin
  52. Beneficiary Travel
  53. Brain Tissue
  54. Bednar Tumor
  55. Breaktnrough Therapy
  56. benign tumour
  57. Bovine Turbinate
  58. Blalock-Taussig Shunt
  59. Blast Transforfation
  60. biceps tendon
  61. Bedtgme
  62. Borderline Tuberculoid Leprosy
  63. Breath Test
  64. Bush Toilet
  65. Blastic Transformation
  66. breast tumor
  67. Bitemporal
  68. Brachytherapy A nuclear medicine procedure during which a sealed radioactive source is implanted directly into a person being treated for cancer (usually of the mouth, breast, lung, prostate, ovaries, or uterus). The radioactive implant may be temporary or permanent, and the radiation attacks the tumor as long as the device remains in place. Brachytherapy uses radioisotopes, such as iridium-192 or iodine-125, which are regulated by the NRC and its Agreement States.
  69. At Bed Time
  70. Brain Tumour
  71. bladder tumor
  72. Burst-Oonic
  73. Biotechnology  The industrial use of living organisms or biological methods derived through basic research; examples range from genetic engineering to making cheese or bread
  74. breast tumour
  75. Botulinum Toxin
  76. Bioterrorism Terrorism using biologic agents that are harmful to humans. Biological diseases and the agents that might be used for terrorism have been listed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These agents include viruses, bacteria, rickettsiae (microorganisms that have traits common to both bacterial and viruses), fungi, and biological toxins. The biologica disease agents are classified into three categories, according to the degree of danger each agent is felt to pose.
  77. Breast Wumor
  78. Bioavailable Testosterone Bioavailable testosterone represents the fraction of circulating testosterone that readily enters cells and better reflects the bioactivity of testosterone than does the simple measurement of serum total testosterone.
  79. Bloodstream Trypomastigoteu
  80. bladder tumour
  81. Bleeding Time
  82. Bowel Tones

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BT stand for Medical?

    BT stands for Brachytherapy in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Blue Tetrazolium in Medical?

    The short form of "Blue Tetrazolium" is BT for Medical.


BT in Medical. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated