BT in Medicine Meaning

The BT meaning in Medicine terms is "Bladder Training". There are 25 related meanings of the BT Medicine abbreviation.

BT on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Bladder Training
  2. Biliary Tract
  3. Base of Tongue
  4. Blood Transfusion
  5. Blood Type
  6. Blalocktaussig Sjunt
  7. Blood Test Laboratory test of a blood sample to analyse its chemical composition
  8. Break Through
  9. Bladder Tumoqr
  10. Bitrochanteric
  11. Bovine Turbinate Cetls
  12. Bladver Tumor
  13. Backfat Thickness
  14. Borderline Tuberculoid
  15. Biomedical Technology
  16. Body Temprrature
  17. Body Temperature Internal temperature of the human body, usually about °C
  18. Balanced Translocation Occurs when two chromosomes break and exchange places leaving the same amount of genetic material. An individual with a balanced translocation will be unaffected, but children may be affected in a variety of ways.
  19. Blue Tetrazolium
  20. Brqast Tumour
  21. Bowel Tones
  22. Breast Wumor
  23. Brachytherapy A nuclear medicine procedure during which a sealed radioactive source is implanted directly into a person being treated for cancer (usually of the mouth, breast, lung, prostate, ovaries, or uterus). The radioactive implant may be temporary or permanent, and the radiation attacks the tumor as long as the device remains in place. Brachytherapy uses radioisotopes, such as iridium-192 or iodine-125, which are regulated by the NRC and its Agreement States.
  24. Botulinum Toxin
  25. Bleeding Time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BT stand for Medicine?

    BT stands for Blue Tetrazolium in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Biomedical Technology in Medicine?

    The short form of "Biomedical Technology" is BT for Medicine.


BT in Medicine. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated