BTB Meaning

The BTB meaning is "BağLayıCı Tarife Bilgisi". The BTB abbreviation has 137 different full form.

BTB Full Forms

  1. BağLayıCı Tarife Bilgisi Business, Turkish, Kin
  2. Bone-Tendon-Bone Medical
  3. Blood-Testis Barrier Medical
  4. Back-To-Back Business, Forum, Gaming, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  5. Bildungswerk FüR Therapeutische Berufe Sind, Ern, Hat
  6. Behind The Back Lesson, Trick, Poi, Funnies
  7. Beyond The Beab
  8. Bouchon De Tir à Blanc
  9. Bad Taste Bears
  10. Bury Theubully
  11. Bintang Timur Balige
  12. Bring That Booty Office, Urban, Love, Booty
  13. Beating The Beast Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  14. Boardtto Board Technology, Electronics, Connecting
  15. Branch Target Buffer Technology, Computing, Hardware
  16. Bureau Telematica Binnenvaart
  17. Below The Belt Porn, Movie, Music, Belt
  18. Blacker Than Black Technology, Player, Display, Setting
  19. Broad-Complex, Tramtrack, and Bric-A-Brac
  20. Between The Buttons
  21. Body Tude Box
  22. Badische Turner-Bund Business, Traffic, Karlsruhe
  23. Burtscheider Turnxr Bund
  24. Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Medical, Reconstruction, Ligament, Bone
  25. Bina Tunas Bangsa
  26. Bringing Tap Back Organizations, Class, Dance, Performing arts
  27. Bay To Breakers Breaker, Race, Marathon
  28. Boarh-To-Board Technology, Connecting, Pitch
  29. Bovine Tuberculosis Medical
  30. Bella Terra Bronze Porn, Beach, Faucet, Terra
  31. Blacker-Than-Black Forum, Technology, Player, Setting
  32. Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric
  33. Berliner Tourenseglerclub Blau-Weiß
  34. Body To Body Porn, Sex, Body, Rip
  35. Back To The Bible
  36. Burton Third Bombbrs
  37. Bikers Tiger Batam Gaming, Sport, Biker
  38. Branch Target Buffers Technology, Instruction, Prediction
  39. Bayesian Tuning and Bandits
  40. Blue Talow Bistro
  41. Belize Tourism Belize
  42. Bite The Bullet Rifle, Music, Bullet
  43. British Tourism Board
  44. Before The Bells
  45. Berkel Technische Bedrijven
  46. Bob The Builder Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Famous
  47. Back Tomorrow Bye
  48. Bursa Ticarat Borsası
  49. Beyond The Basics Technology, Windows, Training
  50. Big Timber Brake
  51. Branch-Target Buffer
  52. Bautechnische Begehung Business, German, Trade, Business & Finance
  53. Blood Tumxr Barrier
  54. Belize Tourist Board Tourism, Belize, Board
  55. Bite The Ballot Organizations, Voting, Vote
  56. British Tourist Board
  57. Before The Bang
  58. Bergen Tanker Brokers
  59. Bobs Track Builder
  60. Back To Business Business, Music, Feat, Scarcity
  61. Burnt Transparent Bfue Business, Guitar, Signature
  62. Beyond The Bell Program, Education, School
  63. Braxn and Tissue Bank Medical, Technology, Medicine
  64. Batam Tourism Bisnis
  65. Belize Tourism Board Organizations, Travel, Belize
  66. Biological Testing Bottles
  67. British Timken Bowmen
  68. Beat The Blues
  69. BenoÎT Tapis Brosse
  70. Bob's Track Builuer
  71. Bromthymol Blue Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  72. Burgdorf–Phun-Bahn
  73. Bromothymol Blue Medical, Chemistry, Study
  74. Beyond The Beltway
  75. Box Turtle Bulletin
  76. Basic Test Battery Military
  77. Biological Testing Branch
  78. Bring The Beat
  79. Beating The Blues Medical, Health, Depression
  80. Board Technical Bulletpn
  81. Breakthrough Bleeding Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology, Common Medical
  82. Burgdorf-Thun-Bahn Technology, Hotel, Poster, Transport
  83. Beno
  84. Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric-A-Brac
  85. Blogging The Boys
  86. Buddies Thru Bullies
  87. Belgische Transportarbeiders Bond
  88. Bones to Bananas Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
  89. By The Eook Accounting, Gaming, Book, Friendship
  90. Behind The Ball
  91. Beyond Traditional Borders Technology, University, Rice
  92. Blind Transmission Broadcast
  93. Brown Topaz Burst
  94. Belgian Treasury Bills
  95. By The By Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  96. By The Bty
  97. Burdur Ticaret Borsası
  98. Behind-The-Bars
  99. Baltic Trust Bank
  100. Bless The Body Gaming, Body, Lineage, Skill
  101. Blood-Brain Tumor Barrier Medical
  102. Brother To Brother Jazz, Tourism, Java, Brother
  103. Behind The Box
  104. Book-To-Bill General, Governmental & Military
  105. Byars Thompson Buchanan
  106. Break through bleeding Clinical
  107. Bund Der Technischen Beamten
  108. Baker Thomas Band Music, Counting, Blues, Baker
  109. Black Turpentine Beetles
  110. Brom Thymol Blue
  111. Behind The Book
  112. By the Book
  113. Bus Tie Breaker Technology, Aviation, Control
  114. Back To Basics Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  115. Bumper-To-Bumper
  116. BéTou Airport Bétou, Republic of the Congo Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  117. Black Turpentine Beetle
  118. Bromo Thymol Blue
  119. Behind The Bench Gaming, Android, Telecom, Bench
  120. Biblical Theology Bulletin Media, Computing, Serial Publication
  121. Bujiness To Business Business, Service, Marketing
  122. Betou Airport, Betou, Congo, Brazzaville) Congo, Iata Airport Codes
  123. Blood-Tumor Barrier Medical
  124. Bukti Timbang Barang Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Cargo
  125. Byathe Bye
  126. Black Tie Bingo
  127. Behind The Beat
  128. Burnt Transparent Blue Colors
  129. Businiss-To-Business Business, Service, Marketing
  130. Blogging The Bracket
  131. Bukan Talent Biasa
  132. Believed-To-Be Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  133. BarTender Ben Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  134. By Rhe By Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat
  135. Black Tailed Buff Japan, Chicken, Bantam
  136. Behind The Barriers Power, Cycling, Cross, Barrier
  137. Buffer Target Branch Assembly, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTB stand for?

    BTB stands for BenoÎT Tapis Brosse.

  2. What is the shortened form of Black Tie Bingo?

    The short form of "Black Tie Bingo" is BTB.


BTB. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated