BTD Meaning

The BTD meaning is "Bored To Death". The BTD abbreviation has 70 different full form.

BTD Full Forms

  1. Bored To Death Technology, Internet Slang, Movie
  2. Business and Tradesmen In Dublin
  3. Binary-To-Decimal Technology, Logic, Indicator, Operand
  4. Bacteria Toner Defense
  5. Brazos Transit District
  6. Begging Tr Differ
  7. Bridge To The Doctorate
  8. Burrito Time Design
  9. Biliary Tract Disease Medical, Technology, Medicine
  10. Back To Down
  11. Branch On Time of Day Assembly, Business & Finance
  12. Black Tie Dinner
  13. Before Therdawn Lyric, Japan, Dawn, Japanese
  14. Bridging The Divide
  15. Burning The Day
  16. Bilgi Toplumu Dairesi Technology, Turkish, Planning, Internet
  17. Back To Dismo
  18. Boston Transportation Department Boston, Locations, City
  19. Bit Transmission Delay
  20. Beat The Dozk
  21. Bridge The Divide Technology, Gaming, Tower
  22. Bureau of Telecommunications Development
  23. Bilateral Trade Database
  24. Bachelor of Textile Design Education, University, Admission
  25. Born To Die Music, Paradise, Album
  26. Bistable Thermal Donor Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  27. Banque Togolaise Ie Developpement
  28. Bridge To Decision Medical, Device, Heart, Ventricular
  29. Bulletin Technical Directive Military
  30. Bijzonder Tellende Diensten Technology
  31. Bachelor In Textile Design Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  32. Bistable Thermal Donors Science, Computing, Electronics
  33. Ballons Tower Defence
  34. Bridge-To-Decision
  35. Ben Tire Distributors
  36. Building Trades Department
  37. Bozok TıP Dergisi
  38. Binary To Decimal Technology, Instruction, Operation, Converter
  39. Balkan Trust for Democracy Organizations, Projection, Europe
  40. Breuer Technical Development
  41. Belgium Testing Days Technology, Conference, Belgium
  42. Building Trades Database
  43. Biotinidase deficiency Biotinidase deficiency is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder in which biotin is not released from proteins in the diet during digestion or from normal protein turnover in the cell. This situation results in biotin deficiency. Medical
  44. Bloons Tower Defense Gaming, Military, Play
  45. Byte The Dust
  46. Black Tie Dynasty
  47. Brunette Downs, Northern Territory, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  48. Butadiene Butadiene is the first member for the olefin chemical family with two double bonds, consisting of four carbons joined by alternate single and double bonds. The largest use for butadiene is in the production of synthetic rubbers, with the majority produced as a by-product from steam crackers. ORA gas which is chemically combined with styrene to create a resin used in latex binders, flexibility to the subsequent moldings. Medical, Business, Cargo Shipping
  49. Blood Type Diet Medical, Health, Food
  50. Buy The Dip
  51. Balloons Tower Defence Hobbies
  52. Blogging Top Design
  53. Business-in-a-box Document Computing, File Extensions
  54. Buttonhead Medical
  55. Brave Tequila Drinking Funnies
  56. Block Term Decomposition
  57. Brightness Temperature Difference Science, Scientific & Educational
  58. Busy Tone Detection
  59. Bureau Technique Pour Le DéVeloppement
  60. Bleed The Dream
  61. Basic Thermodynamics Physics, Scientific & Educational
  62. Book Tax Differences
  63. Business Travel Department Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
  64. Bomb Testing Device
  65. Black Tree Designs
  66. Bong Transmitted Disease Medical, Physiology
  67. Bonham Trade Days
  68. Business Technology Department
  69. Behind The Desk
  70. Black Tree Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTD stand for?

    BTD stands for Bleed The Dream.

  2. What is the shortened form of Belgium Testing Days?

    The short form of "Belgium Testing Days" is BTD.


BTD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated