BTD6 in Bloons Meaning

The BTD6 meaning in Bloons terms is "Bloons TD 6". There are 1 related meanings of the BTD6 Bloons abbreviation.

BTD6 on Bloons Full Forms

  1. Bloons TD 6 Ninja Kiwi developed and released Bloons TD 6, the newest iteration and current flagship product in the Bloons Tower Defense series. The game was first launched for Android and iOS on June 13, 2018, and then for Windows and Macintosh on Steam. Bloons TD 6's goal, like that of other tower defense games, notably those in the BTD series, is to prevent enemy balloons, known as "Bloons," from traversing a track and taking lives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTD6 stand for Bloons?

    BTD6 stands for Bloons TD 6 in Bloons terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bloons TD 6 in Bloons?

    The short form of "Bloons TD 6" is BTD6 for Bloons.


BTD6 in Bloons. (2022, January 20). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated