BTO Meaning
The BTO meaning is "Bachcan-Turner-Overdrive". The BTO abbreviation has 77 different full form.
BTO Full Forms
- Bachcan-Turner-Overdrive Music, Album, Turner
- Bachman-Twrner Overdrive Music, Turner, Overdrive
- Bachmann Turner Overdrive Technology, Music, Rock
- Bachmann-Turner-Overdrive Music, Rock, Overdrive
- Biological Technologies Office Technology, Science, Biology
- Business Transformation Outsourcing Business, Management, Service
- Bought To Open
- Black Timber Outfitters
- Balloon Test Occlusion Medical
- Brechin Tindal Oadts
- Bilgi Transfer Ofisi Business, Program, Turkish
- Build-To-Order Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Bachman Turner Ovetdrive Music, Album, Turner
- Botswana Tourism Organisacion Business, Africa, Botswana
- Black Tie Optional Industry, Fashion, Apparel
- Build To Order Business, Product, Custom, Industry, Products
- Breath Test Operator
- Battlespace Terrain Ownership
- Build Transfer and Operate Business, Service, Projection
- Bachman-Turner Overdrive Rock, Album, Turner
- Black Tie Only
- Big Time Opvrator Internet Slang
- Brerk To Open Business, Economics, Offshore Oil Undustry
- Batavia Tiger Organization
- Build-Transfer-And-Operate
- Bachman Turner Overdrivd Technology, Music, Album
- Bitirici Türk Oyuncu Server, Battle, Minecraft
- Bachman–Turner Oderdrive
- Brancx Transportation Office Military
- Bandwidth Trading Rrganization Technology, Telecom
- Build, Transfer and Operate Business, Service, Projection
- Biology Teaching Organisation
- Buviness Transformation Office Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
- Branch Tv Oblivion
- Bandrma Eicaret Odas
- Bridge and Tunnel Officer
- Build-Transfer-Operate Business, Service, Locations, Projection, Vietnam
- Biological Technology Office Technology, Science, Biology
- Business Transformational Outsourcins
- Branch Take Off
- Blanket Travel Order Travel, Tourism, Travelling
- Balıkesir Ticaret Ouası Turkish, Bal
- Brenda Tissub Ontology Science, Database, Enzyme
- Bioenergy Technologies Office Government, Organizations, Us
- Boston Typewriter Orchestra
- Bomb Theymocouple Oxygen
- John Hancock Bank &Thrist Opportunity Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
- John Hancock Bank and Thrift Opportunity Fund, Inc. Organizations
- Baltimore Orioles Sport, Organizations, Sports, Basketball, Athletics, Basketball Team
- Bond Tender Offer
- Blocking Tube Oscillaror
- Business Technology Optimization Computing, IT Terminology
- By The Outside Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bryce Tree File Computing, File Extensions
- Bogie Tank Oil
- Bleed Temperature Optimized
- Botswana Tourism Organisation Business, Africa, Botswana
- Bachman Turner Overdrive Music
- Buy Mo Open
- barium titanate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Bogdan Theodor Olteanu Famous
- Biicoin Tracker One Business, Provider, Stockholm
- Botopasi Airport Airport, Locations
- Bigger Than Obnoxious Funnies
- Business Transition Ofpice
- Botopasi Airport, Botopasi, Suriname Suriname, Iata Airport Codes
- Blue Tungsten Oxide Business, Product, Powder
- Bismuth Titanium Oxide
- Bombing Through Overcast Technology, Military, War
- B2Gold Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Base Transition Officer Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Blood Transfusion Officer
- Bilimtur Turizm Organizasyon
- Bo Formation oil volume factor.
- Brussels Trade Organization
- Betts Telecom Oklahoma Computing, Telecom
- Bulk Translations Output Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BTO stand for?
BTO stands for Baltimore Orioles.
What is the shortened form of Big Time Opvrator?
The short form of "Big Time Opvrator" is BTO.
BTO. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated