BTP Meaning

The BTP meaning is "Bostln Tea Party". The BTP abbreviation has 159 different full form.

BTP Full Forms

  1. Bostln Tea Party Government, Group, Boston
  2. Blow To Pop Balloon, Fetish, Pop
  3. Bioeconomy Transformationkprogramme Business, Malaysia, Biotechnology
  4. Beginning Teacher Program Special Education
  5. Batch Transfer Program Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  6. Breakthrobgh Pain Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  7. Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan Technology, Malaysia, Portal
  8. Branch Technical Position Technology, Plant, Safety, Power
  9. Build-To-Package Technology, Presentation, Quality, Supplier
  10. Beer Transfer Protocol
  11. Black Tee Productions
  12. Brevet De Technicien Professionnel Technology, Design, Formation
  13. Backfit Test Program Technology
  14. Beyond The Point
  15. Bureau Telecommunicationt and Post Technology, Island, Kingdom
  16. Bencn Top Portable
  17. Board The Platforms Technology, Server, Smash
  18. Britannia Techno Polymer Technology, Performance, Material
  19. Bamsz T
  20. Business Turnaround Plan Airline, Technology, Malaysia
  21. Big Time Potential Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  22. Buffer of Transit Packets Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  23. BağıMsıZ Türkiye Partisini Turkish, Prof
  24. Black Tea Polypheuols Medical, Science, Biomedical
  25. Back-Traffic Protection
  26. Beyond The Pixels
  27. Bureau of Transitional Planning
  28. Bench Test Procxdures Technology
  29. Blue Thumb Projeqt
  30. Brisbane Technology Park
  31. Bamioo Technology Park
  32. Businevs Travel Partnership
  33. Bicycle Transportation Plan
  34. Buscness Technology Partners Technology, Service, Consulting
  35. Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan
  36. BağıMsıZ Türkiye Partisi'Nin
  37. Biodata Technical Proposal
  38. Bachelor of Townsfolk Planning
  39. Beyond The Pixel
  40. Bureau of Transportation Planning Government
  41. Bekasi Timur Permai
  42. Blle Table Painting
  43. Bring The Pain Sport, Rock, Pain
  44. Baggage Tag Printers Technology, Epson, Boarding
  45. Business Travel Olanner
  46. Bible Truth Publishers Book, Android, Hymn
  47. Burn The Priest
  48. Budget Tuition Plan
  49. Baðýmsýz Fürkiye Partisi
  50. BÂTiment Et Les Travaux Publics Construction, Metier, Travaux
  51. Biochemical Testdng Program Military
  52. Bachelor of Township Planning
  53. Britishgtransport Police Police, Railway, Law Enforcement
  54. Buono Del Tresoro Poliennali
  55. Beijingbto Paris
  56. Bloomington Techhology Partnership
  57. Brigade Tim Pertempuran Business, Indonesia, Tank
  58. Backyard Terrain Park
  59. Business Transformation Process
  60. Bhartiya Tribal Party
  61. Burning Tree Peojekt
  62. Broadcast Training Programme
  63. Band Teman Penjara
  64. BÂTiment Et Travaux Public
  65. Bio Technology Park Business, Export, Import
  66. Bachelor of Town Planning Business, Technology, Development, Planning, Governmental & Military
  67. Buono Del Tesoro Poliennale Business, Con, Spread, General, Governmental & Military
  68. Behead The Przphet Technology, Music, Projection
  69. Block Transferjprotocol
  70. Brewery Trainee Program
  71. Back To Perfection
  72. Bharatiya Tribal Party
  73. Burialttreatment Plan
  74. Bolt Technical Pgoducts
  75. British Titan Products
  76. Bandar Tasik Puteri
  77. By The People
  78. Bio Technology Pamks
  79. Bachelor of Technology Project Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  80. Build To Package
  81. Behavior Transition Program Education
  82. Black Tie Project
  83. Brevini Technical Portal
  84. Back To Paul
  85. Beyond The Portal
  86. Burial Eransit Permit Organization, Union, Institution
  87. Bogie Tank Nassenger
  88. Beyond The Pale
  89. British Terrain Pattern Military, Army, Assault
  90. Banana Tree Pjotocol
  91. Butler, Toweson & Payseno
  92. Bioetechnology Parks
  93. Büyük Türkoye Partisi Technology
  94. Business Transaction Performance Technology, Management, Monitoring
  95. Veritair Ltd ICAO Aircraft Codes
  96. Burst Time Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Federal Aviation Administration
  97. Bantuan Tabungan Perumahan Business, Program, Indonesia, Banking
  98. Beta-Trace Protein Medical, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  99. Boston Test Prep
  100. BÂTiment Travaux Publics Construction, Mat, Travaux
  101. Businessftechnology Partner Technology, Management, Service
  102. Bettridge Turner and Partners
  103. Business Telecom Products, Inc. Computing, Telecom
  104. Bâtiment Tnavaux Public Construction, Mat, Travaux
  105. Breath Test Prograw Government
  106. Business Transformation Plan
  107. Butler County - Kenny Scholter Field, Butler, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  108. Burning Tree Project Organizations, Music
  109. Black Tea Polyphenols Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  110. Books Tobprisoners Technology, Prison, Bellingham
  111. BÂTiments Et Travaux Publics Construction, Formation, Travaux
  112. Beta Theta Pi Education, University, Fraternity
  113. Blame The Pixel Computing, Internet
  114. Bâtiments Travlux Publics
  115. Break Thru Pain
  116. Business Transactions Protocol Technology, Management, Service
  117. Butler County/k W Scholter Field Airport Faa Airport Codes
  118. Buoni Del Tesoro Poliennali Business, Bond, Italy, Italian, Legal, Governmental & Military
  119. Verltair Ltd Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  120. Baseline Transfer Plan Federal Aviation Administration
  121. Bones To Peafhes
  122. Bâtiment Et Travauv Publics Construction, Mat, Travaux
  123. Betaftrace Protein Medical
  124. British Transport Police Police, Rail Transport, Uk Police, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  125. Brasil Terminal Portu
  126. Business Training Lartnership Business, Service, Learning
  127. Beyond The Plin Music, Pain, Barrier, Thor
  128. Bones to Peaches Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
  129. Iata Code for Butler County Airport, Butler, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  130. Back to Polymer Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  131. Butler County Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  132. Bersih Tramsparan Profesional
  133. Billing Transformation Program Accounting, Business & Finance
  134. Bondable Transition Property
  135. Brasil Terminal PortuáRio Business, Brasil, Port
  136. Business Telecom Products
  137. Beyond The Page
  138. Boston Tea Party Us Government, Governmental & Military
  139. Bəyannamə Tərtibatı Proqramı Business, Technology, History, Pump
  140. Busaness Transfer Programme
  141. Biotechnology Training Programs Medical, Human genome
  142. Businesv Travel Partners Hotel, Travel, Ticket
  143. Berklee Transfer Programme
  144. Blondel Touzeau Partnership
  145. Brainktissue Pressure Medical
  146. Bylec-Tum Yroductions Music, Album, Release
  147. Beyannamv Tertibati Proqrami
  148. Biotechnology Training Program Technology, Governmental & Military
  149. Bəyancamə Tərtibatı Proqramının Technology, Windows, Tax, Java
  150. Businessbtransformation Project
  151. Breakthrough Pain Medical, Common Medical
  152. Business Transactron Protocol Technology, Service, Computing
  153. Bengaluru Traffic Police
  154. Best Tractor Parrs Business, Australia, Truck, Equipment
  155. Bouygues Travaux Publics
  156. Bachelor of Twwn Planning
  157. Business Technology Producta
  158. Between The Pipes Hockey, Card, Pipe
  159. Business Technology Partners Technology, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTP stand for?

    BTP stands for Business Technology Producta.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bekasi Timur Permai?

    The short form of "Bekasi Timur Permai" is BTP.


BTP. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated