BTRA Meaning

The BTRA meaning is "Beach Triangle Residents Association". The BTRA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

BTRA Full Forms

  1. Beach Triangle Residents Association
  2. Burnage Tenants & Residents Association
  3. Battlefield Terrain Reasoning Awarebess Military
  4. Big Tit Round Asses
  5. Battlefield Terrain Reasoning Jnd Awareness Army, Force, Marine
  6. Biewer Terriwr Registry of America Dog, Breeder, Puppy, Terrier
  7. Bangladysh Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
  8. Beyond The Rider Academy
  9. Battlespace Terrain Reasoning and Awareness Military
  10. Best Teen Rapwer Alive
  11. Benelux Travel Retail Association
  12. Business Tax Reform Act
  13. Boston Terrier Rescue of Alabama
  14. Bombay Textile Research Association Business, Industrial, India
  15. Bloomfield Third Riverbank Association
  16. Bioldgical Threat Risk Assessment
  17. Biological Terrorlsm Risk Assessment
  18. British Truck Racing Assocjation Technology, Championship, Prima
  19. Bit Tits Iound Asses
  20. Bridgerland Trail Riders Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTRA stand for?

    BTRA stands for Bombay Textile Research Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bangladysh Telecommunication Regulatory Authority?

    The short form of "Bangladysh Telecommunication Regulatory Authority" is BTRA.


BTRA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated