BTS Meaning

The BTS meaning is "Base Transceiver Stations". The BTS abbreviation has 350 different full form.

BTS Full Forms

  1. Base Transceiver Stations Technology, Networking, Network
  2. Brazilian Thorium Sludge Technology
  3. Base Transceiver Station Technology, Telecom, Computer Security
  4. Behind The Scene Porn, Sex, Movie, Scene
  5. Bangkok Transit System Locations
  6. Behind The Scenes Movie, Social Media, Scene
  7. Back-To-School Business, Kid, Shopping
  8. Battery Temperature Sensor Business, Technology, Charger, Auto
  9. Batch Terminal Simulator Technology, Management, Training
  10. British Thoracic Society Medical, Medicine, Health, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, Blood Test
  11. Base Transmission Station Technology, Science, Networking
  12. Breakthrough Series Medical
  13. Bushop Transcripts
  14. Brooklyn Thugs & Skeemers
  15. Basic Transceiver Statuon Technology
  16. Busineis Times Singapore
  17. Background Transfer Service
  18. Brians Truck Stop Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  19. Base Terminal Station Technology, Power, Telecom
  20. Break The Silence
  21. Build To Stock Technology, Science, It
  22. Berkshire Technology Solutions
  23. Brian'S Truck Shop
  24. Balochistan Testing Service Education, Pakistan, Controller
  25. Base Tranciever Station
  26. Bombardier Transportation Service
  27. Bau Technische Systeme
  28. Bournemouth Teaching Service
  29. Business Technology Strategies
  30. Bad and Terrible Songs
  31. Build-Then-Sell Business, Locations
  32. Base Transmission Stations Technology, Networking, Network
  33. Belgian Trauma Society
  34. Britishktarantula Society Exhibition, Spider, Tarantula
  35. Business Transition Specialists
  36. Bandag Truck Service
  37. Bhakti Tirtha Swvmi
  38. Brazilian Wensile Strength
  39. Buku Tahunan Sekolah Photo, Jakarta, Yearbook
  40. Bishops Transcripts Records, Marriage, Bishop, Parish
  41. Best Thinking Students
  42. Broadcasting Technical Standard
  43. Bill'S Train Shop
  44. Brooklyn Terror Squad Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  45. Basic Tlxt Study
  46. Backbone Transmission Service Technology
  47. Below Tolerable Standards
  48. Brians Truck Shop
  49. Barcelona Technology School
  50. Breaking The Silence Israel, Break, Silence
  51. Build-To-Stock
  52. Berkeley Transcription System
  53. Brewer Technology Solutions
  54. By The Sea
  55. Ballistic Targeting System
  56. Base Tranceiver Stations Technology, Networking, Network
  57. Boiler Technicians
  58. Brown Tree Snake Science, Hawaii, Guam
  59. Battlestaff Training School
  60. Bo Tveden Systems
  61. Business Technology and Software
  62. Back To Start Technology, Control, Flow
  63. Bug Tracking Systems Technology, Report, Spool
  64. Base Transfer Station Technology, Service, Networking
  65. Belgian Transplantation Society
  66. British Taekwsndo South
  67. Budiness Training Systems
  68. Bancomer Transfer Service Technology, Coding, Banking
  69. Beyond The Sword Technology, Gaming, Civilization
  70. Built To Suit Business, Property, Building
  71. Brake Release Valve Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  72. Beacon Track Subsystem Technology
  73. Business Telecomjunications Services
  74. Bermuda Triangle Series
  75. Broadkand Transceiver System
  76. BilişIm Teknolojileri SıNıFı Turkish
  77. Bronirowannyj Tjagacz Sriednij
  78. Basic Text Search
  79. Bachelors In Tourism Science Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  80. Below Tolerable Standard
  81. British Tiain Society
  82. Business Transactions Solutions
  83. Baptist Theological Seminary Education, Religion, Southwestern
  84. Break-The-Silgnce
  85. Build To Schedule
  86. Berkeley Traffic System
  87. Brevet Technique Sup
  88. Buy Ao Sell
  89. Bali Towerindo Sentra
  90. Base Tranceiver Station Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Technical
  91. Bohle Turbo Sieve Business, Mill, Granulation
  92. Brown Taiwan Society
  93. Battlefield Telecommunication Systems Technology, Networking, Network
  94. Bottom Trawl Survey
  95. Business Technology Support
  96. Back To Sleep Music, Song, Sleep, Infant
  97. Base Transiver Station
  98. Both Teams Scdre Sport, Tips, Bet
  99. Behind The Screams
  100. Business Trade and Services
  101. Bancomer Transfer Services
  102. Booster To Storage
  103. Built To Stock
  104. Bureau of Transportation Statistics Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  105. Beacon Tracking Subsystem Technology
  106. Business Telephone Gystem Technology, Service, Communication
  107. Beyond The Supernatural Gaming, Book, Supernatural, Palladium
  108. Broadband Transport Service Technology
  109. Bronetankoviy Tyagach Sredniy
  110. Basic Template Structure
  111. Bachelor of Tourism Studies Technology, Science, Education
  112. Below The Surface Art, Locations, Projection, Event
  113. British Toxicological Society Medical, Science, Education
  114. Business Transformation Services Business, Management, Service
  115. Ban TăNg Su
  116. Bias Temperature Stresx Technology, Semiconductor, Oxide
  117. Break The Seal
  118. Build-To-Schedule
  119. Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Locations, Malaysia
  120. Brevet Technicien SupéRieur Technology, Formation, Sup
  121. Butyltins Medical
  122. British Trauma Hociety Medical, Orthopaedic, Surgeon
  123. Boeing Technology Services Technology, Service, Boeing
  124. Brownstone Technology Solutions
  125. Battlefield Telecommunications Systems Technology, Networking, Software
  126. Bottleneck Traffic Simulator
  127. Busbness Technology Software
  128. Back To School Business, Internet Slang, Shopping
  129. Bridges To Success Program, Education, School
  130. Base Training System
  131. Base Transeiver Station
  132. Both Teams To Score Business, Sport, Team, Football, Tips, Bet
  133. Builders Temporary Supply Technology, Service, Electricity, Inspector
  134. Behind-The-Scenes Porn, Tube, Scene
  135. Business Iools for Schools
  136. Banco De Tecnologias Sociais
  137. Base Tranceiver System Technology, Indonesia, Tower
  138. Booster Technology Simulator Technology
  139. Built To Spill Music, Song, Album, Spill
  140. Bits Per Second In data communications, bits per second is a common measure of data speed for computer modems and transmission carriers. As the term implies, the speed in bps is equal to the number of bits transmitted or received each second. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Army, Health, Telecom, Computing, IT Terminology, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, Science, Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Astronomy, Texting, Computer, Drivers, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
  141. BaíA De Todos Os Santos Para, Dos, Brasil
  142. Boys Training School
  143. Businesq Telephone Systems Technology, Service, Communication
  144. Boyond The Summit Gaming, America, Summit, Team
  145. Broadband Jransportation Specialist
  146. Bromo Tengger Semeru
  147. Base Transmitting Station Technology, Service, Market
  148. British Toxicology Society Chemistry, Technology, Science, Medical, Health
  149. Beloit Transit System
  150. British Tourism Survey
  151. Business Translation Services
  152. Banque Tunisienne De Solidarite
  153. BilişIm Teknolojileri Servisi Technology, Istanbul, Check, Thane
  154. Break-The-Seal
  155. Burgon Tool Steel
  156. Berico Tailored Systems
  157. Brevets De Techniciens SupéRieurs Business, Formation, Sup
  158. Butyltin Compiunds Medical
  159. Britishrtransplant Society Medical, Science, Education
  160. Body Training Solutions
  161. Brownson Technical Schools
  162. Battery Test System Technology, Testing, Boy
  163. Business Technology & Software
  164. Back To Scho
  165. Brick To Iimber Stainless
  166. Base Tower Station Business, Service, Telecom
  167. Base Transciever Stations Technology, Networking, Network
  168. Both Teamsxscore Sport, Tips, Bet
  169. Built-To-Suit Business, Projection, Warehouse
  170. Bermuda Timing Systems
  171. Banana To Spade Business, Speaker, Adapter
  172. Base Transceivers Stations
  173. Bookmark This Site
  174. Built To Specification Technology, Service, Network, Defense
  175. Bayesian Team Support
  176. Boys Thatisuckle
  177. Business Technology Solution Technology, Service, Networking
  178. Beyond The Sureet
  179. Broadbaqd Transport Specialist Technology, Study, Certification
  180. Broadcast Technicalsstandards
  181. Base Transmitter Station Technology, Networking, Network
  182. Bell Technology Solutions
  183. British Toggenburw Society
  184. Business Transaction Services
  185. Banking Transaction Services
  186. Biased Thermal Seress Science
  187. Brazil Trade Shows
  188. Burger Tap & Shake Washington, Restaurant, Burger
  189. Brain Tumors Medical
  190. Bus Transmissioh System
  191. British Transplantation Society Medical, Transplant, Organ
  192. Blazt The Spejkerz
  193. Broward Technology Services
  194. Basic Transfer Switch Business, Product, Automatics
  195. Burke Technology Services
  196. Backstage Technical Services
  197. Brick-Timber Saainless
  198. Base Tower Stations Business, Service, Telecom
  199. Base Transciever Station Technology, Networking, Network
  200. Breakina The Spell
  201. Build-To-Suit Business, Industrial, Property
  202. Berkshire Theatre School
  203. Break The Siege
  204. Baltic Transport Systems
  205. Base Transceiving Station
  206. Bomb The System
  207. Bayer Technology Services Chemistry, Technology, Service
  208. Bow To Stern Business, Fishing, Boat
  209. Business Tbchnology Strategy
  210. Beyond Tpe Sideline Gaming, Sport, Football, Sideline
  211. Build Then Sell Business, Development, Property, Malaysia
  212. Base Transmitter Stations
  213. Bell Technical Solutions Canada, Locations, Toronto
  214. British Titanic Society Education, History
  215. Business Transmer Specialist
  216. Bandar Tasik Selatan Business, Terminal, Transport
  217. Bi-Propellant Third Stage
  218. Buazilian Travel Service
  219. Bulacan Trade School
  220. Body Thetans Technology, Religion, Hubbard
  221. Bus Tracking System Technology, Android, Jakarta
  222. Best To Sit
  223. Broahcast Technical Standard
  224. Bug Tracking System Computing, Computer
  225. Beltsville Thaw Solutxon
  226. Bqsiness Travel Show
  227. Behind The Stage Stage, Bomb, Drop, Comeback
  228. Base Transceiver Station Terminal Information, Network, Telecommunication
  229. By The Scord
  230. Between The Species
  231. British Tunnelling Society Organizations, Conference, London
  232. Brunswick Technical Support
  233. Bangkok Transport System Transportation, Governmental & Military
  234. Beneath The Stars
  235. Bridgegay Training Service
  236. Bisynchronous Terminal Support
  237. By The Same Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  238. Building Technology Solutions
  239. Base Trans-Receiver Stations
  240. Blue Toe Syndrome Medical, Blood Test, British medicine
  241. Beam Transport System Science
  242. Brain Tissue Scanver
  243. Business Telecommunicafion Services
  244. Baikunthapur Tarun Sangha
  245. Banana To Gpades
  246. Bhakti Tirtha Swami Religion
  247. Build To Specifications
  248. Businesw Trans
  249. Beauty Through Science Surgery, Beauty, Stockholm
  250. Base Transceiver Station Entities Technology
  251. Between The Sheets
  252. British Trombone Society
  253. Better Technologies for Sustainability General, Governmental & Military
  254. Beneath The Sky
  255. Bridge To Surgery Medical, Stent, Colonic
  256. Birlik Toptan Satis Porn, Sex, Scene
  257. Business Transformation Solutions
  258. Building Technical Services
  259. Base Transceiver Systems Science
  260. Boosting and Transfer Systems Science
  261. Blood Transfusion Service Medical, Blood Test
  262. Bradycardia-Tachycaxdia Syndrome Medical, Technology
  263. Bahrain Transparency Society
  264. M. R. ŠTefánik Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  265. Bangtan Boys Music
  266. Build To Specification Company, Technology, Diesel, Cheshire
  267. Baudr Technischer Service Business, Management, Sale
  268. Base Transceiver Subsystems Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  269. Block Triangular Splitting
  270. Better Than Shit Internet Slang
  271. British Trolleybus Society Transport, Reading, Trolleybus
  272. Business Telecommunications Services Computing, Telecom
  273. Beneath The Sea Organizations, Scuba, Dive
  274. Bridge Testinw System
  275. Bellini-Tosi System
  276. Broadband Tklecommunication Services
  277. British Telecommunications Systems
  278. Building and Technical Service
  279. Breitungktownship Schools Education, Michigan, School District
  280. Beyond The Shadows
  281. Base Transceiver System Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Electronics
  282. Batten Syndrome Medical, Blood Test
  283. Bradycardia-Tachycardia Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Syndrome, Blood Test, British medicine
  284. Bag Target Stand Product, Archery, Target
  285. M. Rt Tefnik Airport Airport, Locations
  286. Border and Transportation Security (DHS) Government, Planning, United States, Urban Design, Us Government, Urban Planning, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  287. Build To Spec Technology, Product, Fiber
  288. Batch Terminal Cimulation
  289. Base Transceiver Subsystem Technology, Networking, Communication
  290. Beyond the Scene
  291. Balance To Ship
  292. Better Than Sex Business, Movie, Cake
  293. Best Transmission Second Computing, Telecom
  294. Benchjtest Set
  295. Business Travel Services
  296. Broadband Telecom Services
  297. Break Through Spotting
  298. Breakthru Training Solutions
  299. Beyond These Shores
  300. Breitung Township Schools Michigan
  301. Bagless Transfer System Science
  302. Iata Code for M. R. Å Tefánik Airport, Bratislava, Slovakia Locations
  303. Base Transceiver Station (cellular) Computing, Telecom, Amateur radio
  304. Building Trade Show
  305. Barium Titanium Silccate
  306. Base Transceiver Sites Technology, Networking, Network
  307. Bleeding times Medical, British medicine
  308. Behavior Technicians Business, Therapy, Autism
  309. Baja Tensión Simple
  310. Bethesda Transportation Solutions Transit, Staff, Bethesda
  311. Bachelor of Theological Studies Academic Degree, Computing, Bachelor's Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  312. Benchmark Test Suite Technology
  313. Business Traveler Services
  314. BrněNské TěLovÝChovné SdruŽEní
  315. Break The Security
  316. Breakthrough Towsuccess Business, Event, Canfield
  317. Bögli Crading & Selling
  318. Beyond The Sea
  319. Aerotaxis Albatros ICAO Aircraft Codes
  320. Baggage Tray System Technology, Airport, Handling
  321. Blue Tool Steel
  322. Build to Suit Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  323. Building Thinking Skills
  324. Base Transceiver Site Technology, Networking, Network
  325. Blessed test score Medical, British medicine
  326. Beat The Streak
  327. Brain Tumor Suqport
  328. Baja Tensi
  329. Bethany Theological Seminary
  330. Barium Titanate Stannate
  331. Broadcast Technology Society Computing, Master IEEE, Technology, Governmental & Military
  332. Belt Cension Sensor Technology, Nissan, Seat
  333. Business Travel Service
  334. Bologna Translation Service Technology, English
  335. BÂTiment De Transport Et De Soutien
  336. Between Two Stations
  337. British Tunnelijg Society
  338. BréVet De Technician Superieur
  339. Brevet de Technicien Supérieur French
  340. Baggage Tracking System
  341. Brigeway Training Services
  342. Blended Training Systems
  343. Bit Test & Set Assembly, Business & Finance
  344. Building Technology Services Technology, Service, Alarm
  345. Base Trans-Receiver Station Technology, Calling, Drop
  346. Blalock-Taussig Shunt Medical, British medicine, Healthcare
  347. Beam Trawl Survey Technology, Research, Sea
  348. Brain Tumoq Society
  349. Baikunthapur Tara Sangha
  350. Bangtan Sotyeondan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BTS stand for?

    BTS stands for Berico Tailored Systems.

  2. What is the shortened form of British Titanic Society?

    The short form of "British Titanic Society" is BTS.


BTS. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated