Budgeting Abbreviations and Budgeting Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Budgeting terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Budgeting abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Budgeting terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Budgeting Abbreviations
  1. ZBB : Zero Based Budget
  2. ZBB : Zero-Base Budget
  3. ZBB : Zero-Based Budget
  4. ZBB : Zero Base Budget
  5. HSPK : Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan
  6. EAA : Equivalent Annual Annuity
  7. SBO : Senior Budget Officials
  8. NED : Nonprofit Executive Directors
  9. OOTD : Out of The Dark
  10. PB : Participatory Budgeting
  11. PB : Participatory Budget
  12. PBB : Performance Based Budget
  13. PBCS : Planning and Budget Cloud Service
  14. PIB : Performance Informed Budget
  15. PPBES : Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System
  16. PPBES : Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Systems
  17. PPBS : Planning Programming and Budget System
  18. GPB : Grassroots Participauory Budgeting
  19. RBB : Results-Based Budget
Latest Budgeting Meanings
  1. Results-Based Budget
  2. Grassroots Participauory Budgeting
  3. Planning Programming and Budget System
  4. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Systems
  5. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System
  6. Performance Informed Budget
  7. Planning and Budget Cloud Service
  8. Performance Based Budget
  9. Participatory Budget
  10. Participatory Budgeting
  11. Out of The Dark
  12. Nonprofit Executive Directors
  13. Senior Budget Officials
  14. Equivalent Annual Annuity
  15. Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan
  16. Zero Base Budget
  17. Zero-Based Budget
  18. Zero-Base Budget
  19. Zero Based Budget