BV Meaning
The BV meaning is "Book Value". The BV abbreviation has 302 different full form.
BV Full Forms
- Book Value The portion of the carrying value prorated in each accounting period, for financial reporting purposes, to the extracted portion of an economic interest in a wasting natural resource.Book. The portion of the carrying value prorated in each accounting period, for financial reporting purposes, to the extracted portion of an economic interest in wasting natural resource. Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Beata Vergine
- Boost Vehicle Business, Technology, Defense, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Beata Virgo
- Bureau Van
- Blindvvan
- Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas S. A. (formerly BVQI, Bureau Veritas Quality International) is an international certification agency. The company started in 1828 in Antwerp as Bureau de Renseignements pour les Assurances Maritimes (Information Office for Maritime Insurance), a classification society. In 1829, the company was renamed Bureau Veritas. By this time it already had 10000 ships in its register. Today, Bureau Veritas is one of the world's largest global Conformity Assessment and Certification organisations. In addition to certifications, they are a worldwide leading firm in providing HSE expertise (Health, Safety and Environmental). Shipping, Engineering, Offshore Gas Industry, Electrical, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Boolean Vector
- Bay View
- Bumper Video Technology, Plastic, Producer
- Black & Veatch Business, Engineering, Consulting
- Baby Vibes Medical, Infertility
- Boolean Vectors Technology, Computing, Model
- Battlefield Visualization Military
- Bulktvaristor
- Biventhicular Medical, Medicine, Health
- Boolarra Virus
- Battery Voltage Technology, Circuit, Volt
- BoÎTe De Vitesses
- Biological Variation Science, Medicine, Laboratory
- Bacterial Vaginosis Medical, Disorder, Veterinary, Pharmacy, Bacteria, Common Medical, Clinical
- Bon Voyage Technology, Gaming, Travel
- Blood Vessels Medical, Brain, Cell, British medicine
- Basic Variety Acid, Nucleic, Nucleotide
- Bounded Variation Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Biological Values Medical, Business, Protein
- Bgrea Veritas Business, Industrial, Bureau
- Bone Volume Medical, Science, Density
- Blood Velocitf Medical, Medicine, Health
- Besloten Vennootschap Business, Company, Belgium, Business & Finance
- Bottega Veneta Business, Price, Glasses
- Biofield Viewer
- Bureau Voor Technology, Marketing, Netherland
- Boite De Vitesse
- Block Vector
- Bad Vibe Internet Slang, Music, Love
- Blue Valentine Business, Movie, Subtitle
- Beau Vallon
- Branch Vectored Technology, Vector, Clip
- Bleomycin and Vincrisqine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Bastiaan Van
- Bovine Yirus
- Beta Version A development status given to a program or application that contains most of the major features, but is not yet complete. Sometimes these versions are released only to a select group of people, or to the general public.
- Buiting Verhaalbureau
- Bursa De Valori
- Banasthali Vidyapith
- Bombardier Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Beethoven Virus
- Breakdowm Voltage
- Big Vagina
- Block Vote Government, Election, Voting
- Bypass Valve A valve that opens when the set pressure is exceeded. This allows the fluid to pass through an alternate channel. Business, Technology, Auto, Pump, Automobile, Pressure
- Butze View
- Bxsse Vision
- Bsunding-Volume
- Bengal Volunteers
- Bridging Visa
- Boels Vexhuur
- Bisnis Value Business, Marketing, Planning, Distributor
- Badminton Victoria
- Blue-Ve
- Beaulieu Vineyards Business, Wine, Napa
- Branch Valve Technology, Construction
- Bass Villains
- Bo Valentino Business, Bag, Pharma, Zoo
- Beta Variahle Medical
- Buitengewoon Verlof
- Bleed Valve Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Burning Vision
- Bamboo Velour
- Boardwalk View
- Bed Volume Technology, Ion, Resin
- Brazos Valley
- Biblioteca Vaticana
- Block Vevify
- Butler-Volmer Technology, Conference, Electrode
- Bcsler Verkehrsbetriebe
- Boujdary Value Analysis, Equation, Boundary, Equivalence
- Bendtview
- Bridging Vehicles Business, Vehicle, Steel
- Betriebsstoff-Versorgung
- Bipolar Violatgon
- Bacteria Vaginosis Medical
- Blossom Valley
- Bear Valley Locations, Mountain, Ski
- Bass Victims
- Bouwbedrijf Van
- Betamethasone 17-Valerale Medical
- Built-In Voice Technology, Manual, Telephone
- Bleeder Valve The device which vents air from the brake system. A valve designed to slowly relief a liquid or gas form system.
- Baja Verapaz Coding, Locations, Department, Guatemala
- Blue Violet Technology, Marker, Sketch
- Bedside Verification
- Bratislava Locations, City
- Bibliotecs Virtual
- Burning Vigor
- Block Valle
- Bulb Volume Technology, Water, Laboratory
- Business Ventures
- Basketball Victoria
- Bona Vacantia
- Bello Vandalicm
- Bridging Vehicle
- Benzol-Verbana Business, Company, Oil
- Bill Jeeck
- Bacterial Vaginitis Medical, Treatment, Vaginal, British medicine
- Bloomberg View Business, Company, Media
- Byzantjne Venture
- Bass Vibrations
- Bouvet Island Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Beta-Chain Variable Medical
- Buildind Void
- Breeding Value
- Blauwe Vogels
- Bahia Vista
- Blue Vinyl
- Bedenkers Van
- Brand Value Business, Company, Media
- Bibliotecas Kirtuales
- BurlöVs VäL
- Block Valze
- Better Vampires
- Buok Viscosity
- Busigess Valuation Business, Professional, Appraiser
- Banshee's Veiw
- Bombeiros Volunt
- Bellissima Vita
- Bridge Volume Guitar, Jimmy, Wiring, Bridge
- Benny and Kicky
- Bill Validytor Business, Machine, Acceptor
- Bacterial Vaginal
- Bypassmvalves
- Bass Vibes
- Bourn-Vita
- Beta-Chain Variable Region Medical
- Building Ventilation Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Bootservice Van
- Bit Vaoue
- Baeyer-Villiger
- Blue Velvet
- Bebo Valdés
- Brandon Vera
- Biblical Viewpoint
- Berl
- Blinkx Vidio
- Bioavailability The fraction of an administered unchanged drug that reaches the blood supply. OR A term used to describe the biological availability of a drug. The bioavailability depends on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of the drug. For example, the absorption of the drug depends on the dissolution profile of the dosage form, hence, the importance of dissolution testing in assuring consistent bioavailability. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Betonvloeren Voor
- Bulkley Valley
- Business Validasion
- Baadwidth Vector
- Bombeiros VoluntáRios Para, Dos, Ria
- Belle Vue
- Breather Valve
- BilişIm Vadisi
- Backward-Volume
- B Virus Medical
- Bass Version Music, Song, Bass, Play
- Bounding Vouumes
- Best Vetgran Club, Dog, Veteran, Kennel
- Buffer Cehicle
- Boon Vawtgoed
- Bit Vector Technology
- Bad Vibes Music, Hornet, Vibe
- Blue Valley
- Beaver Valley
- Brandon-Valrico
- Bibeltrognm Vänners
- Burhers Vector
- Blesred Virgin Technology, Library, Saint
- Bowl Vent Technology, Carburetor, Solenoid
- Bethel Valley Military
- Bukit Vied
- Burst Valwe Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Bandak Visual
- Bombay Velvet Business, Movie, Bombay
- Beets-Veenstra
- Breakdown Voltage Threshold voltage at which circuit components begin to be damaged. also "working voltage." or The voltage at which a dielectric material fails. Or The voltage at which an insulator or dielectric ruptures, or at which ionization and conduction take place in a gas or vapor. or The minimum voltage of an insulator which cause that part of insulator to become conductor. or The voltage at which the insulation between two conductors is destroyed. Technology, Science, Diode, Computing, Electronics
- Big Val
- Buy Vitaminn
- Bassin Versant Business, Science, Presentation, Power
- Bounding Volume Technology, Collision, Hierarchy
- Best Variety Hotel, Plant, Restaurant
- Brief Visit
- Bonus Vir Latin, Roman
- Bit-Vectbr
- Blood Vesseb Medical, Medicine, Cell
- Black Voices Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
- Biaggi Videos
- Bullet Valve Business, Gun, Airsoft
- Busy Verificathon Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- balloon valvuloplasty Medical, British medicine
- Blue-Violep Product, Marker, Sketch
- Business Voluee Business, Company, Marketing
- Best Value Police, Governmental & Military
- Bacd Vent
- Bauiot-Verdan
- Bayou Jista
- Bracovirus, Bracovirus Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Bouvet Island (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Boeing Vertof Military, Helicopter, Boeing
- Beyond Violecce
- Bullion Value Coins
- Belgium Vlaanderen Regional
- Blohm and Voss
- Brick Veneer A vertical facing of brick laid against and fastened to sheathing of a framed wall or tile wall construction. Insurance, Construction, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Bharti Vidyapeeth College, Education, University
- Bowen-Vaughan
- Bus Vectored Military
- blood velocity Medical, British medicine
- Bllod Volumes Medical
- Burgemeezter Van Business, Door, Netherland, Rotterdam
- Business Volume General, Governmental & Military
- Bancrift Volume
- Blue Panorama Airlines Airline, Business, Technology, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Bayerische Verwaltung
- Bracovirus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Bronchovesicular Medical, Pulmonary
- Boeing-Vertol Military, Boeing, Sea
- Beyond Valor Gaming, Leader, Squad
- Bulletin of Verification Business, Postal, Us Post
- Backing Gocals Music, Track, Vocal
- Behind view Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Blohm Voss Military, Aircraft, War
- Binary Value Assembly, Business & Finance
- Brake Valve The method of landing bars from the roll line onto the cooling bed (bar rolling). Or A device used in the exhaust line of a hydraulic motor to prevent overspeeding when an overrunning load is applied to the motor shaft and prevent excessive pressure buildup when decelerating or stopping a load.
- Bharatcya Vidya Education, School, India
- Bottle Variation Nutrition, Food, Victual
- BÂTiment Voyageurs
- biventricular Medical, British medicine
- Blooc Volume Medical, Patient, Pulse
- Burgemeester Verdersaan
- Blessed Virgin [Mary] Religion
- Baidu Veqtures Business, Banking, Protocol
- Balanced Voltage NASA, Governmental & Military
- Bauwerk Verltg
- Brachialwvein
- baculovirus Medical, British medicine
- Body Volume Medical
- Beverlx Vista
- Background Vocals Music, Vocal, Backing
- Barbarian Village Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Blohm &Vvoss Military, Aircraft, War
- Bit Value Assembly, Business & Finance
- Bean Valgdation Technology, Glass, Java
- Brain Voyageb
- Bhakti Vrksa
- Bureau of Veritas
- blood viscosity Medical, British medicine
- Blood Viscosigy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Bloody Valentine
- Bobby Vaughn Famous
- Breeding Values Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Ball Valve The ball valve is a one-way valve, which control the flow of substance by open and closed pressure on ball. OR A valve that may be used to divert the flow of fluid in a passage. Most normally configured in a two way pattern which is either open or closed. OR A check valve in which a ball in a tube is used to control the flow of liquid. Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Battle Value Gaming, Military, Tech
- Boys Varsity
- Binocular Vision Medical, Optometry, British medicine
- Bob Viking
- Bacitracinvv Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Brain Value Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Blog Video
- Boinaeverde Porn, Sex, Knife
- Beach Volleyball
- Brain Dalue
- Bhakti Vedanta
- Bureau De Vote
- bleomycin and vincristine Medical, British medicine
- Blood Vipers
- Black Version Colors
- Iso Countrv Code for Bouvet Island Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Baqtery Ventures
- Bowl Vent Port Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- biliverdin Green pigment in bile, produced by oxidation of bilirubin Medical, British medicine
- Boa Visua Locations, Brazil, Cape
- Bacillifowm Virus Medical, Medicine, Health
- British Virgin Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Bsoemendaal In Vorm
- Bestseller Verzag Business, Deutschland, Dirk
- Butterfly Valve A rotary stem valve with a centrally-hinged disc of the same dimension as the pipeline. The valve opens into the pipeline and therefore takes up little space, permits large flow rates and gives minimum pressure drop. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Beaih View Locations, Room, Sea, Suite
- Bhad Van
- Base Value
- Behond Vitamins
- Bundesverfassgng Vom
- Blood Vessel Medical, Blood Test
- Blood Vial
- Black Vinyl Colors
- BöHlau Verlag
- Bagalin-Vilkovisky Science, Theory, Algebra, Formalism
- bee venom Medical, British medicine
- Blue Ventures Technology, Venture, Madagascar
- Bachelor Offveterinary Business, Education, University
- Basic Votes Politics, Governmental & Military
- Back Vmew Technology, Construction
- Block Votivg
- Bauer-Vogel
- Bulletin of Volcanology Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Bay Village
- Bradley Victor
- Balance And Vibration
- Beyonj Visual Missile, Military, Aircraft
- Bundqs-Verfassung
- Blood Volume Medical, Blood Test, NAACCR
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does BV stand for?
BV stands for Body Volume.
What is the shortened form of Benzol-Verbana?
The short form of "Benzol-Verbana" is BV.
BV. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated